Saturday, January 27, 2018

"Looking And Feeling Better"

                               I touched up my floral arrangement. 1-27-2018 Perryton, TX

I have given some attention to my neglected floral arrangement that I posted a few days ago. It still doesn’t please me, but when you have stubborn children in the family, you have to deal with them the best you can. We accept what we have, and try to hide the flaws. They all are part of an arrangement that I proudly accepted at first sight. They will continue to light up my life. I own this floral arrangement, and I will continue to love, and touch it up till I leave this world. I can never enter this arrangement in a contest, but I’m not here to please others anyway. I am the one to judge my taste of beauty, and desire. I will never discard what I have cherished for so long. I will continue to give attention, and help with moving a few flowers around from time to time, but other than that they are here to stay.

I’m glad this is Saturday. I get to eat Pizza with the widowed group this evening. It’s been awhile since I’ve had Pizza, and I am looking forward to it. I always enjoy visiting with friends at the widowed club. In fact I’ve been walking on clouds of peace, and joy for several days now. I’m up in the air, and sailing smoothly. It is not a dream. It is a “real time,” of answered prayers. How great our God is. When He answers prayer for us, He sends them all at once. I almost forget sometimes some of the things I had asked God for. He reminds me, and I am overjoyed. I can’t stop thanking him. The future holds many blessings for me without a doubt. I just need to be patient, and enjoy the ones I have already been given.

As for my country, I have the same sincere feeling that it is going to shine like the famous Eastern Star. We are being directed by a leader/leaders who are the chosen ones of God. The lost respect for decency so many have decided to follow, is now being handled furiously by Godly leaders. It’s sad that they had to be handcuffed, and locked up to make understand that they are under the authority of a living God. I expect to see much more of this harsh treatment coming to some who denied the reality of God. That self- righteous belief, and power, is now being proven to them that it was fake. There is no need for them to keep fighting, their identity has already been handed to God, as if He didn’t already know, but waited on His angels to act. I don’t believe there will ever be peace on this earth, but God’s people will be given special care, and protection, from that everlasting evil spirit. We are seeing it happen this very minute. The Christians must be strong, and let our God do His job. If some of our dearest loved ones are among the condemned, we must trust that we can endure. We can, and we will.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp                                     

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