Tuesday, January 23, 2018

"I Caught Them Eavesdropping"

                                   There they are, eavesdropping. 1-23-2018 Perryton, TX

I recently wrote on my blog that a little bird had landed on a limb outside  my computer window. I asked if maybe he was bringing me a message. I am sure most people have heard all their lives the old saying, “be careful what you say in secret because a little bird might hear you and carry the message to the one you were talking about.” Little did they know that this warning is found in the holy bible. Ecclesiastes 10-20.  Cruse not the king, no not  in thy thought; and curse not the rich in thy bedchamber: for a bird of the air shall carry the voice, and that which hath wings shall tell the matter. Can anyone laugh at that bible statement?

I walked outside today and saw all these birds setting on my fence. It looked like they were waiting to carry a message from me to someone I didn’t want to hear it. The birds were lined up on the fence, and for what reason? It’s unusual for me to see birds side-by-side on my fence not far from my bedroom window. I do not share many secrets with anyone. I do put stuff on my blog that sometimes might be read, or sent to someone who might get upset with me. I can tell the birds to just read my blog if they are waiting for a message. I will admit I do speak pretty in appreciatively sometimes, which makes me feel a little uncomfortably, but I must speak my conscience. I do not believe in being two-faced. I do believe when saying things that I don’t agree with, say them respectively.  Everyone has a right to their own opinion. However, I cannot speak respectively about the female protesters who ware an image of a vagina around their heads. I have to call this what I think it is. Women who have no respect at all for their creator, children, other women, or anything that spells decency. I have no guilt at all calling this kind of disgrace out. The birds can take this message any time they want. That is not saying I am a Miss goody-goody. I know I am imperfect, but I certainly hope not to that extent. I believe women lost their true image when they left their kitchens, and children to go out and try to take the men’s job. It should have never happened. I did work out when my children got older, but I never put my job before my family. The best thing any of us can do now is take things one day at a time. Pray, and trust God with all the rest of world’s problems. If we do that we can live in peace, joy, and happiness. We can even have things that we don’t deserve. I call that a bonus. We are not free to go out of our bounds, but who wants to do that anyway? I am satisfied with my life as I know it.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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