Friday, January 5, 2018

"A Mystery In The Sky"

    What is the mystery object in the sky to the left of the housetop? 1-5-2018 Perryton, TX

This afternoon the wind was barely turning the little green pinwheel. The temperature was warm enough to be out in short sleeves. I took a picture of the pinwheel as it slowly turned wishing I would have had a moving camera. When I downloaded the picture to my computer I noticed something in the sky that I didn’t see when I took the picture of the pinwheel. It is to the left and looks like a plane with smoke coming from behind. I can see a red object, and I am baffled at what this is. If anyone can figure out what it is please let me know. Even politics don’t make me as troubled as this sky object does. It is too low to be a big jet, and not high enough to be one. I’m dying to know what the thing is. I hope everyone will enlarge this object so it can be better examined. Don’t bother to let me know if I am really that dumb. The pinwheel was suppose to be the subject of my story today. It just got robbed. Was this an accident or intentional by some other source?

The Senior Citizen luncheon was interesting today as well as offering a good meal. I believe this new year is going to bring our members closer together than ever. It just seems like the air is fresher, and the people more frisky. I didn’t see a mystery object in the building, but that’s not to say there wasn’t one. Some very funny remarks just seemed to be released without any effort, or purpose. I may have to get hearing aids yet so I won’t miss anything. Oh, how I love those seniors.

I know this blog is a switch from yesterday when I was terribly upset about one of the President’s first advisors turning the game on him. I thought to myself, and maybe let some of you know also, that this guy needs to be jailed. There is not a word to describe the evil, power-hungry man he is. I’m thinking, “OMG, am I dreaming this.” This man had to have had bad intentions from the start. He was a hypocrite, or I might say a wolf in sheep’s clothing. Like the red object with smoke from the exhaust escaping, just a little above the ground in my backyard, I am puzzled at what this evil man really is up too. I won’t let it pass without keeping my aim on him daily. He can be taken down by the power of our God. This is not a fiction show. It is very much real, and everyone needs to realize it. For everyone reading this please don’t take your focus off, “Make America Great Again.” We can help do it, and we are going to do it. “President Trump, you have our backs. If you become too weak to hold up your arms toward heaven we will hold the up for you.” Exodus 17-12.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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