Tuesday, January 16, 2018

"Life Is Still Fun"

                             Myrtle Jean Sharp, Mother's Day 2010. 1-16-2018 Perrryton, TX

As I mentioned on my blog yesterday I would be putting a picture of me  taken on Mother’s Day several years ago, to be exact almost 8 years ago, wearing one of the lovely corsages my husband always bought me on Mother’s day. This picture was taken  in 2010. The past five years I have missed those corsages as my children always send me either a bouquet, or another kind of gift. I have put the past in the past, and am doing very well moving on. Of course I still have my days of crying, but they are getting farther and farther apart. How could I cry when I have so much to be thankful for? Good health, financially comfortable, and a great family of loving members. When the stars are out they sparkle at me every time I walk outside. When it rains I smell the clean, fresh air, and know God is showering me with His love. When I start to have a bad nightmare at night, it is God now who quickly wakes me up instead of my husband. Sometimes these nightmares are really bad, and I wake up shaking, but God always touches me quickly, and lets me know it was not real. The next morning I feel so brave, and secure. I live alone in a big house, but I have neighbors who God sees to it that keep me safe. I can’t imagine ever living somewhere else. I will be celebrating my 85th birthday on the 30th of this month, January. I feel as young as the picture I posted shows me.

The weather here is warming up some, and I plan to get out tomorrow for the first time in nearly two weeks. I need my friends to chat with for awhile. I’m so happy to have all of them. They are really a joy to be around. Fun, encouragement, faith builders, and much more, is what they are. Oh! How I love my friends. While at the grocery store today I ran onto one of those dear ladies. It lifted me up just to see her smiling face. She has been a widow many more years than I. I have never seen her in all those years without a smile. She has to live a skimpy life, since she and her husband didn’t accumulate much retirement while working, but she would never let anyone know that she is not rich. That’s why I love her.

I am in the process of making a large pot of beef stew while I write this blog. A lot of it will go in the freezer for lunches later on. Chuck, and I both like beef stew, and it’s so handy to take out a serving and microwave it quickly when we are cramped for time. It is also a good diet food since it is chucked full of several different vegetables, and the beef has no carbs. I have now shed all the extra pounds I had gained over the holidays. I must now keep them off, and  I can eat better now and do that.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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