Wednesday, January 10, 2018

"Beauty Before The Beast"

    The sun is directly in the center of pic between two buildings. 1-10-2018 Perryton, TX

I beat the sun up by thirty minutes this morning. It was throwing off light all across the eastern sky. A lovely sight to be seen. Another day of happiness and praise is in store for me. I decided not to skip breakfast and had ham, eggs, and a biscuit, with a juicy orange. I chose breakfast instead of going to the Center where I would have eaten a big lunch of high calorie food. Sometimes we have to give up a few things in order to stay fit. also to keep our own house work done.

It’s been awhile since I’ve given any opinions about the latest happenings on the news. Where do I start, there’s been so much? First of all I think there is too much time being wasted on charging several people with crimes that are evident breaches to our national security. How long, and how much more, has to happen before any charges will be made? Has America lost all control of her justice system? I say yes to this question, and I have doubts that it will ever be restored. The commander-in-chief of this nation is being ignored like a dead bird. Every morning he gets up fighting to hold the peace not only in other countries, but our own country of America. Nothing less than a civil war is happening right now in America. Our President is winning many important issues, but when he wins one two more rise up against him. How much longer will it be before the American citizens decide to take up arms in defense of our country? I understand we have a President who is backed by God, and a lot of other Godly members, but how long can human bodies take the fire from multiple enemies, both far and near,  without firing back. This is definitely a war against good, and evil. The evil far out numbers the good, but they do not have the Almighty God on their side. I’m one of those who can’t do much but pray, but I certainly do a lot of that. Our President, and Vise President are two of the most Godly, intelligent people on earth. If I ever had to take up arms to protect them I think I could. I’m 84, but my husband taught me how to use a firearm. That is saying a lot for a person who can’t even kill a bird. I hope everyone realizes we are not only fighting for America, we are fighting for God. He does expect us to prove ourselves if that time ever comes. For any who have read the bible very much, you will see what I’m talking about. The New Testament was written for peace on earth, but the Old Testament is still part of the bible for a reason. It is to be studied, and taken as a reality in past, and future times. Prophesy has to be filled. It’s time for deadbeat people to turn to God, and plead for mercy.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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