Wednesday, January 10, 2018

"Spring Brings Happiness And Anxiety"

                             Showing buds on neighbor's fruit tree. 1-10-2018 Perryton, TX

I believe this is the third week of winter, and the trees are already starting to bud. I took a picture of my neighbor’s little tree so everyone can see themselves the buds on the limbs. This is so unusual. Chances are when the buds open up, and blossoms come on, a hard freeze will come and kill all the fruit again. If the weather stays like this it won’t be but a few days till blossoms will appear. I wish we could be lucky enough to have bad weather over with, and spring time come early. The birds act like spring is here. They were flying around like kites in a high wind. Singing their merry little songs.

While we wait for spring to fully develop, and leave us with no more fear of freezing weather, we cannot say that about our freedom. Nothing can assure us of safety, and freedom whatever the season. I truly believe that every day brings us new, disgraceful sights that we never thought possible. How could it be serious for women to decide to wear all black dresses to the Golden Gloves Event to make men more aware of sexual misconduct? I believe every woman I saw on television was showing more of their nakedness, in black garments, than I’ve seen on any sexy event. Don’t try to tell me that women are that stupid. They are that evil, and I can’t believe my eyes. If one of these women should ever get elected for our president, God help us. The hell fire will already be started. Just how close are we to that possibility? You will find this prophesy in the book of Revelations chapter 6, 15-17. The wrath of God is sure and certain. So help me God, let me never become as one of those women. I will argue with anyone that woman is the reason for sin on this earth. Even if I was Eve, I would still say that. Truth is truth, and one best not try to deny their guilt. What’s even worse is that they try to destroy every man with their deceitfulness. God made woman for man, from a man’s rib. Not man for woman, which is what women seem to think today. Since God made woman for man it is natural that men desire women. Many women of this day desire man for his power or money. They use their female body to get what they want. A chance to sue or pay up. Let me be clear. Some women are not trying to rob a man of his money, but are fooled (not by the man) but by themselves, into thinking a man will love them if they give their body to him. This is hardly ever the case. If I were a man I don’t think I would want a woman that other men had used. Where did the Godly teachings of our ancestors go? Has most everyone turned into an atheist?

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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