Friday, January 19, 2018

"Wearing My Art On My Back"

                    Wearing my art on my back. Artists Myrtle Jean Sharp. !-19-2018 Perryton TX

I almost backed out of going to the Center today and wearing my art outfit because the news was so exciting. I promised yesterday on my blog that I would wear this outfit to the Senior Citizens’ lunch, so I had to keep my word. A friend took my picture both front and back so I could post it on my blog. I did get several nice complements, and it’s evident the people had my back. It was worth waiting till later to catch up on the news. The food was very good, and as usual the fellowship was great. On top of all of that the weather today is beautiful. I am set for an interesting week-end with good news, everywhere except the television, coming to me right and left.

The concern about the bad news is that Our Government is about to shut down. If that happens we may be attacked by North Korea any minute, because that would leave our military defenseless since there would be no money available to pay for extra defense spending. Surly the Democrats are speaking volumes here to disclose themselves as  totally against America as we’ve always known it. Just how big has this rebellious nation grown to? Too big to recapture? That is quite possible unless the people turn their thoughts totally upon God. As for myself, I believe it’s going to happen. God has not forsaken us yet. Far too many Christians are holding up our President’s hands toward heaven. The ungodly people cannot understand the Power of our God. Neither can the Godly, but we do know that it’s enough to win this battle over good or evil. Therefore I can live in peace without fear or doubt. I will eat, drink, laugh, and be happy while being merry. I can hardly wait to meet with friends again, and share our joy. That will be tomorrow night at the Widow, and Widower’s dinner.

This game of “good against evil,” is the most challenging game of anything I’ve ever watched. I have to say the players are all in good shape, and the weaker ones are still plenty robust. That is saying that I believe this game will go without a winner for a very long time. The problem is that some of the Republican party can’t decide which team they really want to be on. They are jerks, and should be benched. Their brains are not working with their actions. There has to be a flaw in their nerve system that hinders their reflex. Some call it traitors, I call it physical sickness. Send them all to a doctor to be tested for cognitive like our President voluntarily did. His score was perfect, yet the less-aptness Democrats, with the help of a few Republicans, are refusing to accept. That’s why I say this war is going to last a long time. I believe God will finally come to play, and knock all the evil players out right on the field. I can’t miss that excitement.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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