Saturday, January 13, 2018

"This Picture Won't Be Forgotten"

I am embarrassed to post this picture, but I have a word to say to the women who demonstrated in the, vulgar costume, 'women's march" because Hilary Clinton was not elected president. 1-13-2018 Perryton, TX

I wondered when I saw these women marching in the “women’s march” during the Presidential election if this might have been the case. Were they trying to show men they were a woman since it’s hard to tell the difference anymore which of the three, so-called, genders they are. I doubt that, but who really knows what they were trying to prove? Surly a real woman would not act in this vulgar, disgusting manner. I only posted this picture to show the reality of how ungodly many human beings have drifted from the sacred plan of their creator. I hate to show my ignorance, but when I first saw the women in that march with their heads stuck through this harness I thought they were trying to say we are good work horses. “We’re not feminist, we are hard workers that can plow the fields like a horse. Don’t forget us.“ After all I was raised on a farm when many farmers still used horses to work their ground. I watched my father harness up a team many times. He would put a collar, much like the one the women were wearing, around the horses neck. A blanket was first thrown around the horses neck so the collar would not rub it raw. Then the collar was fastened over the small blanket. The picture these women are shown in, could easily have been horse collars painted pink with a pink blanket around their neck. I have to believe that’s where they got the idea. Out of a book, and not by their own imagination. Then the other thought came to me. Were they letting it be known that there are still women around who have not changed their gender or chose to act like a man? Whatever their reason, I am convinced they are so far removed from God, that there’s possibly no hope for forgiveness for them. I have uncovered some of my reverence for God, and am now helping Him to warn the people of no respect for Him, what’s coming for them. Who can keep silent in times like this? I hope no one can.

There is no doubt in my mind but what God has placed President Trump in the Oval Office to clean up the swamp. He is taking mud slinging right and left, yes literally, from both the right, and the left. He is never to be outsmarted by those evil, thoughtless, demonstrators. Our country will be made powerful again, and a lot of the garbage will be hauled to the dump. Reverence, and respect will dominate our public places again. I, for one, am going to work hard to help our President achieve his promises. He is well on his way already to achieve them all. Before I die I want to see it 100 percent. I don’t claim to be a perfect person, nor does President Trump, but we do claim the power of God, and that’s what we are suppose to do.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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