Friday, January 26, 2018

"Sky High And Feeling Blessed"

Shooting for a white streak all across the western sky. A little bird managed to get in the pic. 1-26-2018 Perryton, TX
                          A daylight moon shines in the eastern sky. 1-26-2018 Perryton, TX

At 4:30 p.m. today 1-26-2018 in Perryton Texas, the weather is at it’s best. Warm, windless, and fit to sunbath. An absolute unusual day for mid winter in this part of the country. We are thankful. The sky was also unusual. A wide, white streak formed back in the east, and followed the globe all the way to the west. A little bird was restfully sitting on a line when I took the picture. As for the east in addition to the white streak, an almost full, white moon, shone down on the earth as if to say, all is well, take thy peace. I have been made completely relaxed, and blessed today. This all happened after I came home from the Senior Citizen’s lunch today. While there I fully enjoyed my meal, while visiting with friends. Everyone there seemed to be enjoying themselves. Plans were being made for several guest invitations, which will be great if it all goes through as expected. The Sweetheart banquet is coming up shortly, and that is always an exciting event. I just can’t say enough good things about our Senior Center, and all the nice people who make it possible. It seems like every year it gets better. Perryton would be dull without it’s Senior Citizens. I have to think about the famous quote, “ The best tunes are made on old instruments.” I have to agree fully with that. They seem to hold their tune better. They were made before artificial material was discovered. The masters of all good sounds.

This week is coming to an end with some progress made, but not as much as I plan to do next week. I am tired of procrastinating. Now is the time to change. No one likes change, but everyone knows it should happen. They just won’t allow because, to say it bluntly, they are lazy. I know that is my problem. I fear God is going to get tired of me staying in this state of mind, and when He does, I will be scared to death of losing his patience with me. I could not live without his great love, and mercy. I am not ready to die, so I must do more to please Him. It would be embarrassing if He should come to my house and see all the dead leaves piled around my yard. Yet he sees them every day, because He is my constant guest. How can I explain that? There is no way. I would have to admit I am lazy, even if I am 84. I am still able to walk straight, and not feel faint when I run the sweeper for an hour. I can do anything I need to if I would just not procrastinate. It‘s easy to do the things I enjoy, but the things I don‘t enjoy, somehow it‘s like I just don‘t feel like it. With God‘s help I can do better. My President, Donald Trump, makes me ashamed every day when I continue to see him keep going and fighting every step of the way, day and night, weekends, and holidays, all of the time to make America Great Again. He could not possible be sleeping but a few hours each night. He also is not a young man, so what can I say about that? I never miss a night asking God to protect, and strengthen, both he and our vice-president. I am seeing that prayer answered daily. Thank you Lord.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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