Monday, January 15, 2018

"Two Eigthteenth Hundreds Pistols passed On"

Two pistols from the 1800 hundreds. Belonged to my husband. His death anniversary is the 19 of this month. 1-19-2013. Not for sale. Gone to grandson. 1-15-2018 Perryton, TX.

I have now given the last gift of value that my husband left, to my grandson. It’s taking a long time for me to remove his memories from our home, but it is something that has to be done. This lucky grandson loved everything his grandfather loved. I am so happy about that. Charles V. Sharp has been departed from this earth five years. He passed away on my loving brother’s birthday. Six months later my brother passed away. I can’t explain how hard this past five years has been for me, but my Lord has been with me every step of the way. Charles, and I, were blessed with four children, six grandchildren, and three great-great grandchildren, although he didn’t ever get to meet the great-great. Charles passion was guns, and hunting. He was a gun expert, knowing almost everything there was to know about them, from the oldest to the newest. His greatest interest was in antique guns.  If he’s made it to heaven I’m sure he has asked God if He has any antique guns. Who knows just what heaven will be like. My husband started asking me right before he died what heaven was going to be like. I could only tell him that I don’t believe anyone knows that. Although, he and I went to church all of our married life, I still believe that. We can only trust that it is going to be without sin, and with that said it would have to be a wonderful place.

My husband never let many Mother’s Day’s pass without presenting me with a lovely corsage. In a few days I will be posting a picture of me taken on Mother’s Day seventeen years ago. I am wearing a beautiful corsage he bought me. What I miss the most about him is hearing him say, almost every day, “you are beautiful, and you will never know how much I love you.” Life is not easy anymore when I never hear those words. I still hear them mentally, but not the same. Looking back now I wonder how we ever made it together for sixty three years. We went through many tough battles, but we both knew God had said it would be that way. We clung onto faith, and most of all we remembered our wedding vows. “Till death do us part.” I can’t explain how life can be so painful, but I suppose Jesus couldn’t explain that either. When Jesus was preparing  to walk to His cross on the mount of Olives, He withdrew from his disciples a peace and kneeled down and prayed, saying, “Father, if thou be willing, remove this cup from me; nevertheless not my will, but thine be done.” And there appeared an angel unto him from heaven strengthening Him. And being in agony he prayed more earnestly; and His sweat was as it were great drops of blood falling down to the ground, Luke 22 39. Kjv. At one point while Jesus was hanging on the cross He cried, “My Father why hath thou forsaken me?” Then he gave up the ghost and died. Can any of us say our life has been that bad? I cannot. I am thankful for every trial I went through.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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