Monday, January 29, 2018

"Two Love Birds Dancing On Limbs"

                Dance on little birds. You got the world watching you. 1-29-2018 Perryton, TX

Is there such a thing as love between a male and a female without sex? I’m not talking about married couples who have grown old together. I’m asking about couples who just like the companionship of each other. Is that kind of love possible? I mean the kind of love these two birds seem to have that I have posted. This is definitely not mating season for birds, yet I watched these two birds rub their beaks together for several minutes. I was entertained by their closeness. They didn’t just sit still, and look at each other. They touched their heads, and danced a little like they were thoroughly enjoying being together. The bird’s eyes, as tiny as they are, can see the sparkly in each other’s. Some day I hope to learn how to operate my movie camera. After several minutes of watching these feathery beauties, I became too chilled to stay outside and see what happened. Nature has a way of raising one’s curiosity in many ways. I do believe God made male, and female, for each other to love, share, and help with the daily chores of life. Just when did this all change? The world is filled with stinking, rotten, rejecters of God’s plan for life without modification. Even the birds have stuck with the origin of that created plan for life. I’m not a bird watcher necessarily, but I do know they were created just like humankind to reproduce, and obey their natural instincts. What a wonderful place this world would be if more people were as true to their nature as the birds. God bless the man, and woman, who likes to be loved, and be respected like the birds. Nursing homes would not be so filled if this had been the case. Who wants to think that God enjoys seeing elderly people live lonely while dying in that lonely place? It just was not meant to be.

I love the song written by Sonny James, “He’s Everywhere.” Verse goes like this. I see Him in a baby’s smile, I see him in the bird’s that fly, (I added that last line.) I see Him in the winds that sigh, He’s everywhere. God is, :everything, everywhere.” Even the atheist know that, although they don’t want to admit it. I once talked to an atheist. I asked him if he believed there was a God. “Of course there’s a God,” he said. “You can just look around and see that.” I didn’t go any farther with the questioning. I knew he was an atheist, and I already had heard enough. This fellow was a homeless man with a mother, and step-father, who were ministers. He had come to Perryton from under his bridge-home in Colorado. He had come to make restitution with his mother. His mother had asked me to assist her when the son called after twenty five years of no-see. My husband and I took her to pick the son up. After five or six attempts of this son trying to make things right with his mother, it never happened. She put him out for the last time, in a cold, blizzard-like, condition. This was at the request of other family members. He was 62. He was hitch hiking back to his bridge-home in Colorado. Someone found him un-conscience lying on the road. He was taken to a nursing home, and died there without anyone to claim his body. However, it is not clear if the so-called atheist was buried in the cemetery where his step father was buried or not. I had become a, “no part” of the fix, by this time. There were conflicting stories floating around in Perryton. I cannot ever forget this sad, unbelievable incident. The mother came down with dementia soon after, and died also in a nursing home. I’m not sure how to connect these two stories, but I will say the two love birds were dancing with each other, and that made me forget some of my bad memories. There is happiness after sadness.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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