Sunday, January 21, 2018

"Ladies Of Disgrace"

          Myrtle Jean Sharp is resting today. Be back on tomorrow. 1-21-2018 Perryton, TX

Since this is Sunday, and I have had a busy past week, I needed to rest today. Hopefully I will be back in style tomorrow. I spent too much time this morning visiting, and laughing with a friend to get a blog written today. Sometimes that’s what we need to do, laugh and be merry. I am blessed with lots of friends. There just seemed to be an extra lot of humor on face book this morning, and I could not get serious, even with our government being shut down. I think I might have exploded if the extra humor hadn’t taken me over. I did put out some pretty explosive remarks about the pink caped females, or whatever they may be, marching against our President. I sent those true, demeaning, remarks straight to their headquarters. Those words were not nice at all, but I doubt it made any impression on those vulgar, good-for-nothing, pink-caped females. They have lost their conscience many years ago. The bible calls it, “searing one’s conscience.” It happens after a long period of turning a deaf ear to God. We can now just look around and see some of what hell is going to be like. It’s closer to us than I like to believe. Surly God won’t let His people see the flames.

You ask how can I say these things after just saying I laughed all morning. Well the laugh is over. It’s now time to roll up the sleeves again. The worst part of this war hasn’t even started yet. There is no time to take a long recess. The flood gates have been opened, and we need to be working over time. I am ready to go tomorrow, and give it all I’ve got. God is expecting it of all of us.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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