Sunday, January 28, 2018

"Just In Time To Save It"

OK sunset, you got me covered. My hands are up, and you're being shot. 1-28-2018 Perryton, TX

Last evening while coming home from the Widowed meeting, this gorgeous sunset captured my eye. I stopped the car, got out and took this picture. Within seconds the sun was gone. I was so glad I got there just in time. When I got home, I just sit down and awed to myself about that beautiful sight I had just seen. Was God telling me something, since I was immediately stopped at the first glimpse of this sunset? It was not much more than a glimpse. It disappeared quickly. I had had a good day yesterday. In fact I had had a good week. I started this week off by going to church this morning, something I hadn’t done in several weeks. Is my life fixing to become overwhelmingly exciting? “Oh God!” I believe you have great things in store for me and my family. Thank you in advance. I’m trying to send a message to everyone who is so inattentive about the beauty of God. It is so easy to pass Him up if you are not expecting Him to show. I look for Him in all things I am involved in. I need the proof, that He is guiding me every step of the way. The song goes like this. “I see Him in a baby’s smile, I see Him in the winds that blow, I see Him in the sun that shines,  He’s everywhere. Stop, and take notice when you see a definite sign of God. It may be His way of asking, “are you listening to Me?”

Can we always find something to complain about? Only if we’re looking for something. If that be the case then we are not in God’s will for our lives. We need to stop what is making us complain, and find a more satisfactory place to enjoy. I either stop attending these places, or mostly wait for directions to move me on. Do not complain  It is not worth it. If it’s something that you depend on for a living, then be content while you look for the signs of God. We need to start looking for that sign, in the sunset, in the moonshine, in a baby’s smile, in the wind that blows, and other God invented things to tell us where we need to go. Stop complaining, and start moving on. Don’t expect an anomalous gift of a million dollars, although that is possible. Just wish for peace, joy, and happiness. A million dollars cannot buy these things. No amount of money can compare to these gifts of God. Who would want to complain if they had these priceless gifts already. My complaints are against the evil dwellers of this earth who try to take all good things from us that God has made possible. We cannot move away from those people. They have to be defeated, and God expects our help to do that. Rebuke them in the name of Jesus, and they have to leave us and find another place of torment. Try it and see.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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