Sunday, January 14, 2018

"Just Stop Spinning"

My mind is spinning like a wheel of fortune this morning. Stop on something, Please! 1-14-2018 Perryton, TX
For several hours this morning I have been waiting for the wheel of fortune to stop on something. Whether it be art, lecturing, preaching, writing blogs, deep-cleaning house or yard, or what ever, just stop on something. I have never had so may ideas to hit me before in just three hours. They all are projects that I will follow up on. I think the wheel just stopped on, “get up and do something.” Here I am writing my mind-set. That’s an attitude I haven’t defined yet. I’m still in my pajamas, and it’s nearly time for lunch. Could that be defined as a dreaming attitude? I love it whatever it is. I have had breakfast, drank a pot of coffee, watched some old news, and obeyed the spot the wheel stopped on. I’m doing something. My schedule for this next week is written down, if I can just keep it spot-on.

The flu has been very bad all over the states. I have stayed in most of the time, because I don’t like being sick. Most of that time I have played the “Wheel-of-Fortune.” Mentally of course, but that can be fun also. I think it’s challenged my talents. You can’t play, wheel-of-fortune, if you’re out running around having fun, and doing nothing productive. Although I do plenty of that when the flu bug is not buzzing. My free long distance calls are a blessing also. Not to mention my computer, and social media. I believe we have everything we need to stay, healthy, happy, and productive. I do feel like it’s important to get involved in helping our President Trump to, “Make America Great Again.” In some way everyone could do that if they wanted to. If we can get part of the evil, corruption out of our land, we are not only helping our President, but we’re helping God. Most of all we’re helping ourselves. Let us not lose our country. Let us share it, but only with those who love it also, and obey our laws. We need no changes from the original constitution.

I am being faithful to my diet since the holidays have caused me to fill out. I don’t like looking blown up, and it is not healthy. It’s not fun dieting, but it sure does help the attitude after it’s over. Remember what I told you. God answers prayer, and even gives hefty bonuses. Your’s is coming, just be patient, and believe. I am a living example of that. I love my Heavenly Father so much, and I know He loves me. If you’re in doubt of your status with God, “Taste and see that the Lord is good.” Psalms 34:8. He disciplines us, but He will never abuse us. He is strict, but loves us even more than our earthly fathers loved us, since they were human also. Don’t feel denied, God is no respecter of persons. Call upon Him today.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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