Thursday, August 31, 2017

Jean's Comment's: "A Song In Our Heart At Night"

Jean's Comment's: "A Song In Our Heart At Night":                  Sitting high this morning. Probably 150 feet high. 8-31-2017 Perryton, TX A beautiful blue sky is a wonderful backgro...

"A Song In Our Heart At Night"

                 Sitting high this morning. Probably 150 feet high. 8-31-2017 Perryton, TX

A beautiful blue sky is a wonderful background for this pretty bird this morning. The pole it is sitting on is about 150 feet high. The bird looked so bold, and proud sitting high in the sky till I had to take it’s picture. When the world is spinning on wheels of evil, the birds of the air keep on singing that peaceful song. “Glory to God in the highest, peace on earth, and good will to men.”

With all the flooding in the southeastern part of the United States, I have to thing about the great flood of Noah’s time. God promised never to destroy the world again by water, but He didn’t promise never to allow floods again. We, His children are not to question Him about His Almighty power when terrible things happen. We can only question ourselves. This horrible catastrophe is just another of His Powerful hand at work. I would hope that more people would finally wake up to that fact. No matter where we live, nor what we do, if our Heavenly Father sees the need to speak to us in some disastrous way, He will let it happen. He loves us that much. He just wants us to listen to His Word, and obey His every command. All evil belongs to Satan, and God has already proven He will not tolerate Satan when He cast him out of heaven.

I do regret to say that some of our spiritual leaders of today have left the discipline part of teaching out of their message. The bible plainly teaches against sin, and sin is anything displeasing to God. Could not most any child today who has gone to church or school, or even to the ballgames. or any other organization that honors God; could they not discern good from evil?  Yet some of our ministers are telling people that God sees no evil. He is all about love, and would never punish anyone for their sin. Not only the followers of these ministers are going to be punished, but even more so are the teachers of this doctrine. It could be teachers in church, school, homes, or other types of training places offered to those seeking a better life. God’s word tells us that there are many false prophets, and false teachings. It explains that we need to try the spirits to see which is of God. 1 John chapter 4. My own teaching is read the bible for yourself, and pray for the Holy Spirit to teach you. He will always do that for you if you will be sincere and trust in the Word of God. Do not always depend on the teaching of man. Man is flesh, and is made to falter. That is also a quote from the bible. While we do need true spiritual leaders, and prophets, be warned of such fake ones, for which turn ye away from. The humble, and true in spirit shall not be turned away from the mercy of God.

God Bless,
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Jean's Comment's: "The Morning Glories Helped"

Jean's Comment's: "The Morning Glories Helped": Morning Glories are smiling big this morning, just before they go to sleep. 8-30-2017 Perryton, TX. The morning started off with a few f...

"The Morning Glories Helped"

Morning Glories are smiling big this morning, just before they go to sleep. 8-30-2017 Perryton, TX.

The morning started off with a few frustrations, but thank God for His patience with me. I soon was over my anger without ever letting anyone know about it. I didn’t have to use vulgar words to get my point across. Although I thought I might have to show some aggravation before the problem was solved. I knew I was right, but have been wrong so many times I had to hold my temper down.

I seldom ever pay a bill with my debit card. I sometimes pay bills on line, or use a draft method. I pay a lot of bills by check. I use my debit card for small amounts such as groceries etc. This morning I went to use my card for a $600.00 payment for auto repair. The card was declined. The clerk helping me went to get assistance thinking he was doing something wrong after I told him there was definitely money there to cover the amount. After about ten minutes of trying to get the card to pay my bill but kept being declined, I called the bank. Again I was not answered by the person I needed to talk to after holding for quite some time. I almost lost my cool because this also had been a problem several times before. Recordings always want you to leave your number, then sometimes I never get called back.  I called the bank a second time and let the receptionist know I needed assistance now. She understood my frustration, and I did get immediate help. The loan officer that I know personally made a special attempt to assist me. He failed to recognize the problem and made sure a clerk in customer service answered me quickly. After I explained to her my difficulty in using my debit card ,within seconds the problem was solved. She told me I just had a $300.00 limit on my card per day, but she would raise it immediately. I did not know that after many years of banking there. When the clerk at the motor company inserted the card again it went right through. At least thirty minutes were spent on solving what should have been a minute requirement.

I came home and went out in my back yard to talk to my flowers. The morning glories had not gone to sleep yet, and they seemed to smile at me. I took their picture and thanked them. When I turned on my computer I noticed some recent family members whom I had just become friends with on face book were using foul language that gave me a shock of my life. It was just casual conversation with them. They had not posted anything to me yet, but I read some of their post, and said to myself, “oh my what can I do?”  That’s going to be another problem that I don’t know how to solve peaceably.

I was made to realize even more just how sinful, and un Godly, our country has gotten. Job, the bible character who never gave up on God, but endured every kind of suffering that the devil could possible place on him, while being patient with God, is a model for me to follow now. I must have more of Job’s faith, and patience if I ever live much longer. I think I can compete with Job, at least I’m going to try.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp 

Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Jean's Comment's: "The Peaceful Appearance Of The Birds"

Jean's Comment's: "The Peaceful Appearance Of The Birds":    The baby birds have found the bread crumbs on my window sill. 8-29-2017 Perryton, TX These two baby birds must be brother and s...

"The Peaceful Appearance Of The Birds"

   The baby birds have found the bread crumbs on my window sill. 8-29-2017 Perryton, TX
These two baby birds must be brother and sister. They always land on my window sill at the same time to eat the crumbs, but I can't get them close together to get them pic in one shot. 8-29-2017 Perryton, TX

Lunch time for the birds today. I had not fed them yet when I went to the sink and saw two baby birds waiting for their bread crumbs. I went out and left them some nice tiny, dried crumbs. They are just learning to fly. The grown-up birds never eat the baby’s crumbs. They feast on the apples that fall of the trees. Every morning I pick up apples that have been half eaten by the birds. The butterflies are still sucking honey from the flowers. The dang squirrels are hiding pecans all over my yard. I have got little pecan trees growing by the dozens in both my front and back yard. What a wonderful world of birds, and animals, insects, and reptiles.

Also, what a not so wonderful world of stress and sorrow. As if the human, fighting human, literally, wasn’t bad enough, now God has unleashed His fury upon the earth, and is flooding a massive part of our great America. It is the worse flood this country has ever dealt with. I wonder how much more suffering our Heavenly Father will have to put on us before we stop all the evil and disobedience. Yes, you guessed it. I am a believer of God’s word, and it warns us of all the suffering men had to go through in ancient times, when they disobeyed God. He has promised the same punishment to this modern day time. My heart cries out to God every day for the unbelievers of His word. They don’t read their bibles, therefore they don’t know the truth about the power of God. Blind, ignorant, believing ever wind of doctrine except the true doctrine of God. That is the army the Christians are at war with. A war that will never be won until Jesus finally comes to rescue us. I believe that a horrible earthquake will soon be America’s next great tribulation. Reports of sink holes are becoming news headlines pretty often any more. Some lives have been lost to a few of these even though they weren’t considered threatening in any big terms. But again I say each time one of these sink holes happens it is a warning from God. Another warning of great destruction is the large number of fires that has within the past year, shocked many people who had never before been even close to a dangerous fire. In my own isolated safety zone, in north Western Texas, we lost several people from the fires that surrounded our homeland this past winter. Thousands of head of livestock, several thousand acres of grass, and several homes were completely destroyed. I myself, knew the feeling of being threatened since any direction I could have tried to escape to was leading into the huge area of fire.

How long, and how horrific will the deadly, and the injurious attacks have to last before people start turning to God for mercy with a true promise of never going back on that promise? Let us all dream of this miracle.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp.

Monday, August 28, 2017

Jean's Comment's: "These Roses Made My Day"

Jean's Comment's: "These Roses Made My Day": Now that summer is almost over I was able to cut a small bouquet of roses. 8-28-2017 Perryton, TX I am proud to say I did get at least o...

"These Roses Made My Day"

Now that summer is almost over I was able to cut a small bouquet of roses. 8-28-2017 Perryton, TX

I am proud to say I did get at least one small bouquet of roses this year. This is the first summer that I have not had beautiful roses blooming in both front and back yards. I am assuming the weather was just too hot. Now since the cooler weather has come the roses have started to bloom a little. However it is almost time for them to start dying off for fall weather. The roses I cut today were very small, but they have a lovely fragrance. I will enjoy them for a few days. The quarter of an inch of rain last night helped a lot.

After a long absence from my painting, I started back this morning. I had to wait for the mood to strike me. Sometimes it happens that way. After many attempts to fix a simple problem on a portrait, one finally has to leave it alone until the mood comes bask. I am encouraged about my progress this morning. I think I can finish this portrait within a few weeks. It has really been a drag on me. I just could not be pleased with the effect that was appearing on the face of this famous person. I did not quit and take it for what it was asking me to do. I did quit for several months, but I knew I would take it up again. I will be more willing to accept what comes out this time, whether it completely pleases me or not. I can only argue with myself for so long. I think that’s the attitude of most artists. When doing landscape or still life, it doesn’t have to be just one certain way, but with portraits it’s got to recognizable by all. Not only that, but it has to have life speaking to you. I do my best to make both of these features stand out.

My heart is definitely centered in painting. It gets to be quite expensive, but the therapy it gives me is so worth it. Painting and writing are my most enjoyable pleasures. I wasn’t born with a lot of talent, but the little that did develop in me is the joy of my life. In my golden years I feel productive instead of rocking my life away. I love to communicate with people, but after retirement it is not easy to go do the things I used to do. I am so glad the computer was invented before I retired. I am now communicating with some in several foreign countries. I have to be leary of some who ask me for friendship. As everyone knows our world is filled with evil. I cannot accept all request, but to those who are true friends, I hope you understand, and keep reading my posts. Someday I may be able to learn more about communicating without worry of destructive people. That would be the most enjoyable thing that could ever happen to me. Always remember me in your prayers although we have never met.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Sunday, August 27, 2017

Jean's Comment's: "Heavenly Signs And Wonders"

Jean's Comment's: "Heavenly Signs And Wonders": Out front in this pic is that old dragon spitting fire from his mouth. 8-27-2017 Perryton,TX To the right of the dragon cloud is the fac...

"Heavenly Signs And Wonders"

Out front in this pic is that old dragon spitting fire from his mouth. 8-27-2017 Perryton,TX
To the right of the dragon cloud is the face of Jesus. His face is the dark figure reaching up to the lighter area. 8-27-2017 Perryton, TX.

I studied the clouds for quite sometime this evening. There were some very dark clouds with figure-like creatures being displayed. I saw a huge dragon hanging out of the dark cloud that had fire spewing from his mouth. Revelations 12:15. Then on the opposite side of the same cloud I saw the head of Jesus looking up toward heaven. James and John saw this same sign while they lived on earth. Revelations chapter 13 explains all the signs. Please follow me through these next few verses. \

Starting with verse 5. And there was given unto him, (the dragon,) a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies; and power was given unto him to continue forty and two months. V.6. And he opened his mouth in blasphemy against God, to blaspheme his name, and his tabernacle, and them that dwell in heaven. V.7. And it was given unto him to make war with the saints, and to overcome them: And power was given him over all kindred’s, and tongues and nations. V.8. And all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him, whose names are not written in the book of life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world. V.9. If any man have an ear, let him hear.

How can anyone who has any knowledge of what’s going on in the world today, deny that these scriptures are not being fulfilled this moment? It sounds to me like it can’t be stopped, but I can say to you, make sure your name is written in the Lamb’s book of life. The Lamb that was slain for all sin, Jesus Christ. Yes, the bible is true, and every word shall come to pass.

War is being made daily with the saints, especially our President. Just when did it start? At the election of President Trump? If so will it continue on for forty and two months? That is three and one-half years. Can the saints survive that much longer? There are two sides to war, and I’m concerned that many sides may be involved in this war. The evil, the innocent evil, (deceived,). And the delayed believers of Christ. All of these will be fighting in a war with the saints of God. God Himself, says He will spew the lukewarm out of His mouth. Revelations 3:16. If you are neither hot nor cold, I will spew you out of my mouth. These scriptures along with the evil fighting going on in the world today should make everyone of us search out our hearts. If you say oh, we’ve been in bad wars before please remember never has America been in a war with it’s own people who hate each other, all because of self desire to control the world. (decedents of
Satan). According to the scriptures I have written it probably won’t get any better. It’s all in God’s time, and only He will call the shots.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp  

Jean's Comment's: "It's Time To Unload"

Jean's Comment's: "It's Time To Unload": Sunday lunch for the pretty butterfly. Double click to see it enhanced. 8-27-2017 Perryton, TX I suddenly became outraged this Sunday mo...

"It's Time To Unload"

Sunday lunch for the pretty butterfly. Double click to see it enhanced. 8-27-2017 Perryton, TX

I suddenly became outraged this Sunday morning when it was revealed to me, without a doubt, the intensity of impeaching our President, Donald Trump. I walked outside to get a hold of myself. An immediate sight of a butterfly dinning on a flower, gave me instant peace. I too must dine, drink, and be merry, because tomorrow may never come.

I came to my computer quickly to start unloading on some demon spirits who have taken possession of some of our GOP members. A few of these Congress men, and women are making it clear they are against our president while a few others are still trying to hide it. Sorry, dudes, you’ve been recognized. It is very bad, to say the least. Some of us never realized just how evil this country had become, until now. When we can’t even trust our own party anymore because of hypocrisy, and even some who are not Congressional members, but claim to be Trump supporters, it is worse than bad. We are being  bribed ( maybe) by some who have been big supporters of the anti-American movement of the Obama and Clinton dragons. How can we know they are true patriots? Everything is a risk anymore. One can change their mind from day to day. And America is now the nation that has mastered deceit. Unlike the suicidal bombers who give their lives to destroy others, evil Americans are protecting their butts while destroying others. God may have to enlarge the bottomless pit that He prepared for such people. There is one big shortage in preachers who will stand up in the midst of evil, and call out the failure of church members to turn from their wicked ways, and humble themselves and pray. Too many of the pastors today have given their members a pass for about anything they want to do, regardless of what God’s Son asked the people to do. Big crowds, and big money are the most sought out factors for success by ministers today. Those so-called successful preachers learned the art of success by tickling peoples ears.  2 Timothy 4:3. There is just one drawback to this philosophy. It didn’t come from God. All deceived will suffer along with the deceiver.

Like I said before we can, and must eat, drink, and be merry while we fight against the wiles of this earth. We must all enter the battle against evil, but the Word teaches us that the battle is not ours, but God’s. If any among you need more faith, let him ask of God. He is in control of the entire world, and He sees the tiny speck of dust we are. He made us in His own image, and I am proud to be fashioned after His pattern. Let us model for our Lord to be proud of us. Please don’t take a back seat any longer if you are a true Patriot. There is a job for everyone. God Bless our President, and the best Vice-President American ever had. Donald J. Trump, and Mike Pence.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Saturday, August 26, 2017

Jean's Comment's: "Only A Fool Would Believe Satan"

Jean's Comment's: "Only A Fool Would Believe Satan":                               An illusion of my inside light fixture. 8-26-2017 Perryton, TX While sitting in my living room chair with...

"Only A Fool Would Believe Satan"

                              An illusion of my inside light fixture. 8-26-2017 Perryton, TX

While sitting in my living room chair with drapes still open to the outside darkness, I noticed a bright, hanging lamp fixture hanging in space just beyond the porch. I could see nothing but the bright light hanging in total darkness. I got up from my chair and opened the door. There was nothing there. It was then that I realized I had seen an optical illusion. The reflection was coming all the way from my dinning room light fixture at least fifteen feet away. I had to think upon this perception for awhile. One might ask, how can anyone see light in the darkness of night when there is no light there? I have to say I saw the light, and I took a picture of it. But I first had to open the door to prove to myself that there was no light outside.

Now here is my point. It seems like the world is being filled more and more every day with illusions. America is vastly becoming a nation of optical illusions. We can open our door a million times a day and never see the reason for all the eccentric practices of, “ what used to be,” Godly people. Where is the reflection coming from? I saw the lamp over my dark, front yard, and was able to recognize what was causing it, but I cannot recognize the reason for all the tattoo disfiguring, and strange ideas so many Americans are indulging in today. I wish I could say that these terrible practices, and actions of Satanic beliefs were just an illusion, but to my great disappoint, they are real. I can’t stop people from doing these acts of demon possession, but I can tell them they will pay a terrible price in the future. Giving into one temptation just causes a bigger one to appear.
Finally you have lost all sense of control, and you become a laughing stock for Satan. There is just one thing you should remember. Once you become that slave to Satan, you will never be freed from him. I am acquainted with some who have found that out the hard way. Their life is miserable, even when they have realized their mistake and tried to change. There are just some bonds that cannot be broken, even by the best of doctors. A sad, but absolute torturous live, dwells within these changed Satan followers. Some end up, giving up, and taking their own life. But my plea to all who are still in bondage, realize your situation, and be disillusioned now. Christ is the answer, and He will meet you at the cross. We all have to bear our own cross, but Jesus is there to pick us up when we fall.

I had a busy day yesterday and missed my blogspot comment, but I am back this morning with a relaxed awareness of what I need to do. Stay tuned.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Thursday, August 24, 2017

Jean's Comment's: "Not A Squirrely Story"

Jean's Comment's: "Not A Squirrely Story":                        My little squirrel trying to escape the camera. 8-24-2017 Perryton, TX I had to go out and say hello to the anima...

"Not A Squirrely Story"

                       My little squirrel trying to escape the camera. 8-24-2017 Perryton, TX

I had to go out and say hello to the animals this morning. I think my anger from all the evil corruption going on in our great world is showing up on my face. Even the little squirrel in the golden tree tried to run from me. I do write good fairy stories sometimes. It helps me to release tension. I am not blaming God, but I sometimes wonder if He is hearing us when we scream out “HELP” for our President. I know we cannot always see everything that God is doing, but I can see the enemy power piling on our President more every day. I can also see the Godly power in our President fighting back with greater success every day. God must be hearing us. The fight is on, and the victory has already been won. Just how many more enemies that President Trump will have to slay remains to be seen, but his fury is making great strides to complete his mission. One example sentence used in the definition of fury is this. “The Gods unleashed their fury on the offending mortals.” I believe with all my heart this is what’s happening now. I also believe the enemy Is starting to run backwards. I saw it with two of the most damaging mortals this week. It will be interesting to see if they decide to regroup and try to assault our President again. Fear can often make a person hypocritical. The deceiver  can gain back some support, then start the attack again. But let me warn, if one loses the first time, they most likely will lose again. I thank God for a president who won’t just wound the enemy, but will make them in operational for life. 

Hillary Clinton wrote a book titled “It Takes A Village.” The most ridicules book I ever read. She was saying that a family cannot raise their children alone, that it takes a village of families. I can see now what she was driving at. Take individualist out of people and make them depend on any and all kinds of nonsense beliefs. She continued this philosophy for several more years even though she did not get elected as president. She was given the job as Secretary of State by Obama. While there she branched out her family idea to a world wide idea of “it takes one world.” She forfeited many lives, and gave away much of America’s wealth, and security while trying to make this idea happen. Of course her boss, Barack Obama, was giving her instructions on how to do it. Together they put our country in such bonds till it will take more than a village to resurrect. The remnant left of America’s great Nation will have to band together behind our President Trump with all his supporters, and fight with all our might, and all that God can give us, to reclaim our country back. That is happening today. Never doubt it.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Jean's Comment's: :"Never Give Up On Your Roses"

Jean's Comment's: :"Never Give Up On Your Roses": 48 hours after surgical delivery, the premature Rose has fully opened up to pure beauty. It gives off a delightful fragerance. 8-23-2017 P...

:"Never Give Up On Your Roses"

48 hours after surgical delivery, the premature Rose has fully opened up to pure beauty. It gives off a delightful fragerance. 8-23-2017 Perryton TX
Same Rose 48 hours earlier, moments after being cut from the cord. 8-23-2017 Perryton, TX

Forty-eight hours later my preemie Rose has opened up to show pure beauty. It gives off a delightful fragrance. The other little preemie, (pictured below,) is still alive, but is not gaining strength. I don’t expect it to ever open it’s eyes. I do love this little form of a newborn. It is beautiful because it is the beginning of what might have been perfect if more attention had been given it. Just like the human life both Roses will soon die, and be forgotten. One will definitely out last the other, but both had a beginning. Oh! That we all would do our best to be beautiful for the short time we have to live.

I have experienced even with lots of tender, loving care, and special nourishment, some Roses just don’t express the beauty that God intended them to be. They make for an unsightly attraction among the other thriving, prosperous Roses. No one would pick them for a place in a lovely bouquet. The gardener never wants to admit their share of gilt for the flaws in some of the lovely flower gardens. Who else could possible be at fault? The season for my roses is almost over for this year, but the bushes will be back producing again next year. I hope I have learned from the absence of my gorgeous roses this year, what I can do next time to improve the birth, and extendability, of their life span. One thing for sure, I will try harder. My roses replace the beauty of my four children who grew to maturity, and ascended to other places to raise their own. Anything good that I can learn from past experiences I will pass on to others who are struggling to be more attractive, and prosperous. Our work must never end so long as we live. I also have a spiritual rose garden with beautiful roses that God is the Master of. He directs me to how I can help Him to care for these lovely, struggling, but determined, roses to keep growing, and showing off their beauty more every day. I love my spiritual garden. Someday I will see it all with my spiritual eyes, that never fail. Until then I will shout for joy every time I see a sign of a new rose opening up to show off more beauty. I will be praying more intensely for the angel of love to pamper, and protect this special rose that originated from my own garden. I will also be praying for those who have not shown signs of more beauty, nor even hope there of. They can be given new life, if faith holds out. At one time they were beautiful, but because of uncaring tenders, they were left to die on the vine, or bush. Hope was hidden deep within, and never left those dying roses, so with still a bit of existing life, they will, in the name of Jesus, be revived and made
beautiful again.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp


Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Jean's Comment's: "The Surviving Twins"

Jean's Comment's: "The Surviving Twins":          Aborted twin rose buds 24 hours later. See first pic below. 8-22-2017 Perryton, TX These preemies were places in an incubator w...

"The Surviving Twins"

         Aborted twin rose buds 24 hours later. See first pic below. 8-22-2017 Perryton, TX
These preemies were places in an incubator with a ventilator 24 hours ago. They are doing well. 8-22-2017 Perryton, TX

I just wanted to up date everyone on my twin, premature, rose babies. I aborted them yesterday, and posted their picture on my blog. They could not have lived it I had left them on the bush. All previous rose buds this year have died shortly after being conceived. The mother nature of these roses did not have good health this year. Yesterday I decided to abort the only two buds that was on the entire garden of rose bushes. I posted their pictures, and wrote a blog about hopes for their survival. Twenty four hours later I am posting another picture of their increased maturity. One of the twins has not progressed as well as the other, but it is still hanging in. Does this illustration make any sense at all? I am somewhat an experimentalist. My son, Chuck, scored in the upper 10 percent on his college entrance exam in the art of science. He is now 66, still experimenting, still has no title of an inventor of anything. But oh! He has had a roller coaster of thrilling, ups, and downs, that keeps him contented while still trying to reach that plateau of success.

I liken my science interest to that of a new life in a new world. I feel like it is going to take more than a trivial matter to become a part of a new heaven, and a new earth after these we now know, are passed away. The great inventors of modern technology didn’t get there by sitting back and saying it will come to us. There has been a chain of scientist dating back to the beginning of time, who have linked with the one behind them to connect to the never ending chain of learning. I am a link in the chain of God’s innumerable links. My job is to search the scriptures daily, and be open-minded to the inner spirit that speaks to our very being. I never expect, nor do I want to become a notable person of any source. But I must keep my eyes on the goal if I ever expect to make a score.  If we make no points then we never played a good game. As a teenager in high school I played as forward on the basketball team. I learned from that sport that it takes several players, and much hard playing to win a game. I apply the same scenario to the winning of a heavenly home on high. Some people like to make it sound effortless on our part, declaring that Jesus paid the full price and we owe nothing. That is a misconception of God’s word. I believe if we expect to enter into the new heaven, we must join links with God’s innumerable chain, and let our minds be filled with ways to help others to join also. Of course this comes after we have accepted Christ as our savior. The chain will never be broken if everyone keeps their strength through God.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Monday, August 21, 2017

Jean's Comment's: "A New Sign Of Life"

Jean's Comment's: "A New Sign Of Life": Watching a new born rose enter the earth's atmosphere. More beautiful than the eclipse of the sun. 8-21-2017 Perryton, TX An incuba...

"A New Sign Of Life"

Watching a new born rose enter the earth's atmosphere. More beautiful than the eclipse of the sun. 8-21-2017 Perryton, TX
An incubator for my aborted roses. I can watch them mature and comfort my heart. 8-21-2017 Perryton, TX

Who would have thought that a tiny glimpse of a rose bud trying to gain freedom from an enclosed body of a green hatchery could be so lovely. These two rose buds that I am posting made my heart leap for joy this morning. The rose bushes have not been able to deliver their usual, beautiful roses this summer. Something about the season caused them not to conceive, or either they miscarried. I did see some bits of dead-looking fragments on the bushes off and on all summer.  I was totally surprised when I saw these two tiny buds birthing this morning. I aborted them, but believe they will live. I placed them in an incubator of water with hope they will survive. I’m sure they would not have survived if I had left them on the bush.

The love I have for the roses is much greater than the love I have for earthly, unprofitable, things like watching the eclipse of the sun. In heaven I believe there will be beautiful roses surrounding all the Saints. I doubt that the sun will be shining or rotating around heaven. Heaven is light, and needs no sun. Heaven is the perfect, unflawed, Paradise of  peace, joy, and happiness. Oh, that people could get excited about heaven just half as much as the eclipse of the sun. I don’t mean to discourage people from enjoying life, and getting excited at times, but what happens after the short period of multitudes of enthused viewers go home? We all need that everlasting excitement. The kind that only God can give us. The kind that we can enjoy when no one else is around.

I am in Texas, and I just saw on television where the eclipse is over Illinois now. Texas time. 12:45 pm. I don’t know for sure if the darkness I am seeing now has anything to do with the eclipse or not, but I don’t like it. I want the light to always be upon me, except when I sleep. The world is changing every day it’s obvious to see. People have helped this world to become ugly, and displeasing to it’s creator. The Saintly people who still fight the wiles of evil are promised victory if they don’t give up. In my opinion the one who is gaining momentum every day in spite of more and more stones being thrown at him, is our President, Donald Trump. He is showing strength of a Saintly giant . Now that is something to get excited about. He is draining the swamp for sure. I hope he bulldozes all the evil dragons, and fiery-tongue throwers who have been free to use their power so long. They are those terrible images the bible speaks of in Revelations. All of whom have no place in God’s kingdom. “Let the beauty of Jesus be seen in me.” Hymnal by Albert Orsbom. Let us all make that our request every day.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Sunday, August 20, 2017

Jean's Comment's: "Hallelujah It's Still Alive"

Jean's Comment's: "Hallelujah It's Still Alive":                 Roses, and Crepe Myrtle bush. Tiny, but surviving. 8-20-2017 Perryton, TX This has been a bad year for roses and bloomin...

"Hallelujah It's Still Alive"

                Roses, and Crepe Myrtle bush. Tiny, but surviving. 8-20-2017 Perryton, TX

This has been a bad year for roses and blooming bushes. Usually my yard is solid roses for most of the summer. The little Crepe Myrtle bush has been set out for four years. I though it had completely died this year, but just recently it resurrected, and is now boasting of a few lovely pink blossoms. The rose bush I posted has more roses on it now than all spring and summer. Fall is just around the corner. It’s been a crazy year for bushes and flowers. In the spring we did have a terrible bad hail storm, and that may be the cause of the bushes not doing better this year. The fruit had escaped from the blossoms when the hail storm hit, and was just big enough for the hail to knock most off the trees. What didn’t fall off was beaten up so badly till the fruit never recovered enough to be fit to eat. The dark spots that the hail left on them just sank deeper into the growing fruit, and caused mold to spread. I am looking forward to another year.

My own life has had it’s share of hail storms also. The difference being my recovering growth, and beauty has not happened yet after nearly five years. The storms keep coming year after year. But unlike the rose bushes, I get a big happy dose of glory sprayed on me day by day. When I began to dry up, and become non productive, my keeper gives me another big spray of glory. I am positive that this next year will bring astounding growth and beauty to my life. So much till it will make up for all the unfavorable years I eased through. The farmer never gives up on his next year’s crop. He keeps planting year after year. Sometimes the banker has to help him prove his faith, but that too is a sign of trust. When the good years come, the farmer pays off all his debts, and buys a new car for his wife. For himself he buys new farm equipment, and possible a new motorcycle. I am not a farmer, but I have plans of what I’m going to do when I am handed that year of great prosperity, and a big restful recliner.

Life is what we make of it. We can receive blessings if we deserve them, but not if we run over someone who is already being blessed. We cannot chose who we want to receive God’s blessings if we ourselves are not being blessed. I hope to make myself clear here, because moods of respect and disrespect will never set well with God.  He asks us to be kind to everyone, and do unto them as we would have them do unto us. How totally the opposite some people are doing. So often the attitude is “it’s my way or no way.” That attitude will get you by, but not for long. The end is pure pain and sorrow.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp     

Saturday, August 19, 2017

Jean's Comment's: "My Spirit Was Dancing With Them"

Jean's Comment's: "My Spirit Was Dancing With Them":                                Dancer at Perryton's 98 celebration. 8-19-2017 Perryton, TX                           All of the danc...

"My Spirit Was Dancing With Them"

                               Dancer at Perryton's 98 celebration. 8-19-2017 Perryton, TX
                          All of the dancers who performed today. 8-19-2017 Perryton, TX

What a wonderful day at the Perryton 98 celebration. A delicious meal of Bar-B-Q beef, beans, and Cole slaw was served at the Expo. I enjoyed visiting with many old time friends, Then the Museum of The Plains was having a full day of fun activities including a stage of ballet dancers. The young dancers did a great job performing, and sharing their talent. There must have been fifteen of them. Before the dancing show started, a magical performer entertained  the children for nearly an hour. Some of the small children took part in this act, and even the adults was fascinated  with this magical stunt performance. There was bungee jumping, and many other kinds of entertainment for kids. Home made ice cream was available, and it is always so good. Lots of different food stands were open to satisfy most any taste one might have. The large crowd was visibly having a great time. I didn’t stay for long, because I had another meeting to attend at 4:30, but so far it has been a blessed day.

My joy is still lingering from yesterday. I posted about the exciting phone call I got that was, no doubt, the beginning to an answer to one of my prayers that has been on hold for awhile. Before I went to bed last night I had been hit broadsided with a two-by four. That caused me to lose my excitement, and I had a hard time unloading it to God. To my amazement I woke up this morning bubbling over with joy. A friend called me and talked for an hour. She remarked about my hilarious, upbeat attitude, and said she had laughed so much she had tears in her eyes. I was so thankful that not only did God make me happy, but He helped me to make others happy. My faith returned to me even more than I had yesterday. My friend, do not, absolutely do not, give into evil attacks thinking they are positives reasons for thinking you were wrong. We must stay strong in the Lord, and give Him praise every day even when we have been beaten up by someone we love dearly. Much worse than beaten by someone whom we don’t love nearly as much. If there wasn’t an enemy to fight us, then we could never feel victory. I won the battle yesterday, and I know I will keep on winning if I continue to trust God. His Word tells us that the battle is not ours, but His. Why can’t we believe that?

So off I go now to enjoy another couple of hours eating, and sharing with friends at the widower, and widow’s meeting. I will still be casting off bellows of hee hee, and haw-haw, phrases of worthless tunes. I have some good computation who will add to my ludicrous amusement. We’re going to have fun tonight. I will repent before I go to sleep. “God loves a cheerful giver.”

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Friday, August 18, 2017

Jean's Comment's: "Hanging Together Like Apples On A Tree"

Jean's Comment's: "Hanging Together Like Apples On A Tree":                            Hanging in there to the last. Apple faith. 8-18-2017 Perryton, TX Sometimes when we have almost forgotten, an...

"Hanging Together Like Apples On A Tree"

                           Hanging in there to the last. Apple faith. 8-18-2017 Perryton, TX

Sometimes when we have almost forgotten, and given up, an unexpected call comes to remind us that we didn’t really believe like we said. We asked for a miracle, but when it didn’t happen in the time frame that we thought it should, we just decided it wasn’t God’s will. How ashamed we feel, but it is such a wonderful feeling to know that God never forgets us even in our disbelief. The request I made to God will be nothing short of a miracle, but to this same person a miracle has already happened because we finally got serious about the matter, and simply asked in faith believing. Within a few weeks this miracle was delivered. I had to be hurt so badly that I began to plead with God. His heart was touched by my grief, and He answered the prayer. Then a second time I was hurt so badly till I more seriously asked God for another miracle. Again after some time, I felt it was not God’s will, and I just accepted that. I still felt badly every day for the hurt I knew this loved one was enduring. Then I got a call this morning that encouraged me to hang in, God was still moving in this situation. I felt so positive, but I know the miracle  has not happened yet. I shared this bit of encouragement with the person it relates to. They had not given up, and I hurt even more that this loved one was still believing for a miracle.

After the call I walked out in my back yard. My attention was drawn to four ripe apples almost growing together. They looked perfect, but I wondered how they could have grown so big, and ripened, and still be knitted so closely together. Immediately my mind was drawn to the scripture, “Where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.” Matthew 18:20. There are two or three, and more of us gathered together in Jesus name, and I know He is in our midst. The apples will hang together till God is ready to release them. The two or three of us are hanging together and will continue to hang until God releases us. The apples I have posted represents the three or four of us that are ripe, but not ready to be released yet. I needed this illustration this morning. What a joy to be refreshed by the Holy Spirit when seemingly all hope was gone. I still want to give God the choice whether to fully answer this prayer or not, but I believe He will, and wanted me to know that He is still complicating it. All the parties involved in this matter feel the same as I. We want it to be the will of God to give us this miracle. But we sincerely ask Him to let it be a reality. Thank God for His wonderful love.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Thursday, August 17, 2017

Jean's Comment's: "A Victory Dance For America"

Jean's Comment's: "A Victory Dance For America": Time to share again the focal point of my dinning room. President Donald J. and wife, Melania Trump. Painted by me from the Inauguration b...

"A Victory Dance For America"

Time to share again the focal point of my dinning room. President Donald J. and wife, Melania Trump. Painted by me from the Inauguration ball. 8-17-2017 Perryton, TX

I am busy at my computer seven days a week reaching out to people everywhere sharing the good news about our President, Donald J. Trump. He is the giant in our time who can, and will kill the giant called Evil. Every day brings us closer to the time of the final approach. I can’t wait to see this Evil giant go down mocking God. But we must remember the giant was just  a figurative of evil. The head was chopped off, but the body still lived, yes headless. That’s because evil is a spirit without any recognizable body parts. America is fighting that evil spirit with every ounce of spiritual strength she can get. America has a head, and that would be President Donald Trump. The headless body he is facing is made up of millions of invisible parts. Piece by piece he is removing them from their functional ability. America will be victorious over this atrocious, evil, headless, giant, but not until many lives have been lost.

I shared a portrait of President Donald J. Trump, and wife Melania on my blog this morning. I painted the “Myrtle Jean Sharp,” masterpiece shortly after the inauguration. I hung it in my dinning room where it can be noticed every time someone walks into my house. Also I can share the magnificent feeling of Royal company. Needless to say I fully enjoy wealthy surroundings. I can at least imitate, and imagine, such. I am a person of individuality, and originality. I want nothing more than that. I am who I am, and I am proud of that. No regrets on what I didn’t do after I personally met the King of all Heaven and Earth, Jesus Christ. I do make mistakes, but not any too big to always be forgiven by my Lord.

I am alive today, but can’t say I will be tomorrow. That’s why I want to do all I can today to help make America great again. I love people from all over the world, but God gave life to me in America,  and that is where I will always call home. “God bless my home, and my country.” Bless all people who believe in you, and honor your name. Today I will eat, drink, and be merry for tomorrow may never come. I’m always looking for fun things to do after I’ve finished my assignment for my country and our President. Rest will come at the end of the day. Joy, peace, and happiness is my goal for every day I live. A few tears always supplies these three blessing for me. Jesus wept many time. He was tired, and weary. He was human, but He carried His own cross all the way to Mount Calvary and died the painful death of a human being nailed to the cross. Can I ask for anything better than that? Jesus said to us before He left us, “Take up thy cross and follow Me.”  I am trying hard to do that.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Jean's Comment's: "Built In Binoculars Focused On Reality"

Jean's Comment's: "Built In Binoculars Focused On Reality": Binoculars are needed for some of the unfocused educated fools of today. 8-16-2017 Perryton, TX. America is in a period of wartime like...

"Built In Binoculars Focused On Reality"

Binoculars are needed for some of the unfocused educated fools of today. 8-16-2017 Perryton, TX.

America is in a period of wartime like never before. Liberalism has been let to grow till now it has smothered out most of the roots in milk and honey land. A full force of “hard labor workers” are at their greatest efforts to chop out the tall thick, damaging weeds. Most weeds need very little moister to grow and spread quickly. Therefore the ugly, disgusting, worthless weeds are rooted deeply, and are stubbornly refusing to give up their roots. The best the laborers can do is cut them of to the ground. They will grow back in time.

A weeded  piece of land is damaging to the human life. It is a breeding place for all kinds of poisonous insects, and snakes. It shuts of view to roads and highways. It blocks the flow of peace and pleasure as we have enjoyed for so long. If the weeds are left to spread farther, they will finally take over all clean ground. It takes much equipment, and many laborers to keep the beautiful land of the free and the brave, cleaned out. How sad that so much of America has grown up with poisonous weeds and killing intent.

Many of our colleges today have the greatest weeded classrooms imaginable. The students needed, but was failed to be given binoculars so they could see farther out from the weeded classroom they sit in. They became infected with the worse kind of mental poisons. Snakes are their best friends, although they still are not aware of that. Their roots are still shallow, but unless the weed laborers can work more intensively, and more workers are willing to join the force, the roots will grow deeper and deeper. I urge all able bodied workers to pick up their tool, whatever it may be, and get to work. I believe this is a time for reconciling. To those who have not been totally brainwashed, consider your upbringing, and turn back to God. God has no pleasure in those who are letting the weeds grown in His Beautiful Garden. If you can still see a little, but need binoculars, buy the best pair you can find, and keep them focused on things above. Don’t keep playing with fire, because soon or latter you will be burned up. Read your bible and know the truth. “For God is not mocked, whatsoever a man soweth that shall he also reap.”  It’s that simple. Christ did not go to college, yet He gave His life to save the world. David, the little Sheppard boy did not go to college, yet he killed the Giant, and saved Israel. If you don’t believe the bible then you are in such weeded waste till nothing can help you. Take your spiritual temperature today. Is it normal, or do you need a shot of Jesus? The Great Physician will see you today. You will recognize Him when He offers His hand for a shake.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Jean's Comment's: "The Best Spot In The World"

Jean's Comment's: "The Best Spot In The World":             A butterfly is on my bouquet. Largest flower on the right.. 8-15-2017 Perryton, TX I am still enjoying the butterflies feast...

"The Best Spot In The World"

            A butterfly is on my bouquet. Largest flower on the right.. 8-15-2017 Perryton, TX

I am still enjoying the butterflies feasting on my flowers. The cooler weather is helping the flowers to look pretty and lively. The dozens of butterflies make a nice, activity center out of my flower garden. Those, and the birds, who land on the fence enclosing the flowers. Lots of activity, and even a wasp entered the excitement, but he did not stay long enough for me to take his picture. I think he was looking for blood instead of nectar. I didn’t have any to spare. I picked up a few more apples, pulled a few weeds, and called it enough yard work for the day. I have the rest of the day free to do whatever I want. I have nothing planned, but that can change any time.

I did have a long visit with one of my sisters in Oklahoma City this morning. She is always so upbeat, and I felt more energetic after talking to her. Just wish I lived closer to her so we could do things together. This week will be filled with fun things to do after today. It is the 98th year of Perryton’s birthday. A lot of activity is scheduled for every day. I have always enjoyed these yearly celebrations. On Saturday’s a free Bar-B-Q dinner is served inside a nice air conditioned building following a lengthy parade. Many people who are ex Perrytonites  come back to take part in the celebration. It is so nice to see people who you haven’t seen for years. The meal is always good also. In the afternoon an entertainment program is always nice to attend. It is set up in the garden area of the Museum of The Plains. This is a very large area with overhead shelter, and lots of chairs have been arranged for visitors. The dinning area of the building is equipped with kitchen facilities, and many large, round tables are comfortable to relax around if you prefer to stay inside. A big glass door opens up from an all glass wall leading to the garden area. One can see the stage where the entertainers are performing. Home-made ice cream is a big rush to after a Bar-B-Q meal. One must diet for two or three days after attending one of these celebrations. But it is worth it. We are all so proud of the many volunteers who make this event happen every year. Perryton is the best.

I might add, a week like this takes our minds off the troubled world we are living in today. Everyone needs a break once and awhile. We are able to come together as a large family and lift each other up in praise to God. It reminds us of how far we have come on this journey, and we will continue on in faith and, love. We invite all who may read this blog to come join us no matter if you live here or not. I promise you won’t go away hungry physically, nor spiritually.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Monday, August 14, 2017

Jean's Comment's: "The Flower Of Darkness"

Jean's Comment's: "The Flower Of Darkness": Good morning Glories. Most had already closed up before I took the pic. 8-14-2017 Perryton, TX The morning glories were so pretty this ...

"The Flower Of Darkness"

Good morning Glories. Most had already closed up before I took the pic. 8-14-2017 Perryton, TX

The morning glories were so pretty this morning, but by the time I got around to take their picture most of them had already closed up. They don’t like sunshine, and close up when it comes out. I find this to be true with myself. I don’t close up from sunshine, but I do when something is said to me that I didn’t like, but did not want to hit back. Of course it depends on who said it, and how bad it made me feel. I am not a punching bag for anyone that’s for sure. Neither am I quick to throw my weight around when I just want to make a statement. Sometimes it is best to just close up like the morning glories.

I really don’t know how anyone can totally ignore the confusion that is rampant in our country today. Either we are for something or we are against it. That is if the mind has any feeling at all of responsibility. No matter how silent we try to be on social problems that are gaining momentum every day, we will be forced to take a stand before it ends. That is not the way I choose life to be, but it is the way life was meant to be. The days of simplicity, and goodwill are over, I fear. I am thankful, and appreciative for the few who are still showing kindness, and respect to the elderly. I believe these are the ones who will make the right choices when the last days of freedom have come. The bible teaches respect for the elderly. Respect can be used without agreeing with everything an older person believes. But that also applies to the younger members of an idealistic cult-type of believers. Believers of idols, such as music of the unknown reason, except to those of rebellious attitudes against a great nation. Idols of any kind that will allow them to mock God. Tattoos, body piercing, nakedness as much as possible without being detained. Spook-like lights to draw attention to the un American tunes of God Bless. Freakish noise that the makers of, want to call music. They crave deviation from the Old Rugged Cross. Little do they know they are sealing their doom. These crazed strangers of God, are not making money for themselves. They are contributing to the worse, ill fated, creatures of the world.

This could be our sons, or daughters, or a dear loved one. The ones that were taught to believe, and respect the bible, but were drawn away because of evil temptation by someone they trusted. That is no reason for we, the hurting of this type of disobedience, to give into the same spirit that robbed us of our loved ones. The only way we, the hurting ones, can be sure we don’t become victims of the same evil spirit, is to renew our faith every day by calling upon God. He will not leave us hopeless. He is the beginning and the end. Don’t accept anything else.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Sunday, August 13, 2017

Jean's Comment's: "The Weary And Restless"

Jean's Comment's: "The Weary And Restless": Pastor, Dan, and Diann Anderson. First Christian Church. 1-1-2010 -8-13-2017 Perryton, TX                                    First Chris...

"The Weary And Restless"

Pastor, Dan, and Diann Anderson. First Christian Church. 1-1-2010 -8-13-2017 Perryton, TX
                                   First Christian Church Perryton, TX 8-13-2017 Perryton TX

It’s hard to believe our Pastor has been with us for over eight years. The picture I posted of them was taken at a Pastor’s Appreciation Sunday in 2010. They both look about the same today. Still young, but powerful messengers of God.

Somehow politics has become an important part of this pastor’s messages. I have a feeling that the same applies to most of the churches through out the world today. How do we preach and teach God’s word without talking about politics? The largest Baptist church in the Dallas district, 13,000 members is pastured by Dr. Robert Jeffress. Dr. Jeffress is a Master of Theology from Dallas Texas Theological Seminary, and a Doctor of Ministry  from Southwestern Baptist Theology Seminary in Fort Worth, Texas. Dr. Jeffress is the spiritual advisor of President Donald Trump. He speaks out every day on the evil powers that have, and are still taking our country by storm. Dr. Jeffress has declared to the world a few days ago that President Trump has been given full control to take out North Korean leader, Kim Jung-Un, according to the book of Romans. What phase of time according to the bible are we in now? Is it near to the coming of Christ, or the great tribulation? It is definitely a time of great change in every aspect of daily life. The world is being filled with fear and anxiety. That is the way the word of God tells us it will be before the end of time. Luke 23:30. They cried for the mountains to fall on them and to bury them. Revelations 6:16. They called to the mountains and the rocks to fall on them. but they would not. They will long to die, but death will not come.

People have always tried to make something else out of these scriptures other than what they say, but time is about to prove that the bible means just what it says, and it says what it means. The righteous will suffer along with the evil, because no righteous person wants to see even an evil person suffer. Some will be our friends, and close relatives. Sorry, but all who have not believed the bible will suffer the pain of lingering sorrow. Because of their disbelief they have made themselves an enemy of God.

What is the message of the preachers today? Can they avoid politics without failing to warn people of deceitful, and evil leaders, who are fighting non-stop to win power to control the world? I urge everyone who have not been already, to fall upon their knees tonight and plead with God for forgiveness. I believe there is still time, but I also believe time is running out fast. We all have been a fool in our lifetime, but that don’t mean we have to stay fools. Join the band of Christ believers, and bear your cross and follow Him.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Saturday, August 12, 2017

Jean's Comment's: "Nothing Is Good Anymore"

Jean's Comment's: "Nothing Is Good Anymore":                 I'm now a dish customer after sixty years of cable.  8-12-2017 Perryton, TX After two years of lousy service with ...

"Nothing Is Good Anymore"

                I'm now a dish customer after sixty years of cable.  8-12-2017 Perryton, TX

After two years of lousy service with a cable company who bought out my original company, I am having dish installed. I have been without television service many times, and for several days at a time during the past two years. I will be the first to say America is suffering greatly from the invasion of anti-Americans, who have instilled hate and evil for too many years in the hearts of loving, respectful citizens.  Hopefully our new President will get things back the way we used to be. He is doing a good job so far. Many people still don’t realize what a wrecked country America has become. She is barely holding her own, and there is still blood being shed every day by brave, and heroic people who rather die than give up our freedom. Insanity has flooded the minds of millions beyond any hope of help. Fear and hopelessness, have taken control of most of the law abiding citizens, leaving them handicapped to live the free, and trustful live they had known for so long. It is my opinion that only God above can help this troubled nation. Of course He must have earthly support, and I fully believe He will get it. I am aware that millions of Trump supporters are raging mad about the evil crowding in toward the destruction of our President. They have declared the worse bloody war that has ever been fought will begin when that happens. I do not want that to happen to America. That is why I never miss a day without praying for our President and vise-President, and all others who are not deceivers of them. I have come to the conclusion that only God will ever know just who they are. That’s how dammed our country has become. My hope, and highest faith is that God can, and will, unclog the main stream and let the blessing flow again.

The installer of my dish television service today asked me not to put his picture on the internet. I realized at that moment just how fearful so many good people have become. The guy was so polite, and a great installer, with precise  knowledge of the dish technology. How thankful we need to be for the true, honest, hard working, people who just want to live the American dream. But are now finding themselves entangled with draining the swamp. Many took their chances to become a part of a great country, and came here illegally. Then they later find themselves targets of deportation. I can see both sides of this situation, but I must follow the law of our country, and agree with our President to clean up the swamp. It will work out for the good to all who are Godly at heart. A very big, dangerous, and daring approach is inevitable. Let us tighten our seat belts, and brace for the ride. Most of all let us keep our eyes fastened on God.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp  

Friday, August 11, 2017

Jean's Comment's: "Not Just Blowing In The Wind"

Jean's Comment's: "Not Just Blowing In The Wind":             The strong wind almost took this planter out last night. 8-11-2017 Perryton, TX We were suppose to get strong wind and hai...

"Not Just Blowing In The Wind"

            The strong wind almost took this planter out last night. 8-11-2017 Perryton, TX

We were suppose to get strong wind and hail last night. We did get strong wind but no hail. A I/4 inch of rain also helped to cool things off. The butterflies were swarming this morning like crazy. One of the planters I have mounted on the fence was almost demolished, Another bushel of apples fell to the ground. I still am not in any hurry to see fall get here. I will really have a mess to clean up then. All dead plants will have to be raked up and hauled to the dumpster, and I have a lot to rake. I will have to cut back the plants that will grow back next spring. I also have a lot of them. But over all I have had a wonderful time enjoying them this past spring and summer. Time is going by too fast, and changes are happening too drastically,  and too often. I feel like one year for me now has made me feel five years older. Trash all this new technology, and return to the plain and simple way of life. It’s not going to happen, so I might as well learn to like it. Wisdom comes with age, but age comes before grueling technology. They both are a pain in the rear. But I can still do all things through Christ who strengthens  me, as the apostle Paul said. I raise my voice in protest, but not sure it goes any good. I’m so thankful to come out feeling a winner every time I am challenged to listen to hours of red tape, and answer many nonsense questions, which I don’t know what most of them mean when, I am seeking new service for something. My children always accuse me of talking too long before giving anyone else a chance to talk. Well you can see by my long sentences where they are coming from. I do not follow the rules  of  etiquette writing. I may not always have that privilege, but for now I do.

My greatest blessing on earth is having children, family, and friends, who I can always depend on when I need help. At times when I have needed help instantly, and it was not possible to contact with my main source of help, God has always provided me with a near by source of help. Our Heavenly Father is always watching over us. He doesn’t fail to punish us if we have gotten out of line, but He still loves us, and gets us through our difficulties.  We must always thank Him, and use our best effort to live a better life every day. God knows when we are doing our best, so don’t be a fool and try to fool Him. God knows the difference between mistakes, and trying to get something past Him. The famous quote of one of our United States First Ladies, Nancy Reagan, is the most simple three word quote I ever heard. When asked by some teenager what to say when someone offered them drugs. Nancy’s answer, “Just say no.” Those three words have been quoted thousands of times, but still many of both young, and old, have not heard them. These three words does not just apply to drugs. Anything we are tempted to do, and we know it is wrong, we should “just say no.”

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp  

Thursday, August 10, 2017

Jean's Comment's: "I Open My Wings To You"

Jean's Comment's: "I Open My Wings To You":                    On the pink zinnia Mr. Butterfly spreads his wings. 8-10-2017 Perryton, TX I have tried for some time to get a pictur...

"I Open My Wings To You"

                   On the pink zinnia Mr. Butterfly spreads his wings. 8-10-2017 Perryton, TX

I have tried for some time to get a picture of a butterfly with their wings open,. These are Monarch butterflies, and they are beautiful with wings open. They are sensitive to motion or noise, and fly away at the least tiny bit, but this morning I crept up on one. The picture I took of the butterfly covered most of the flower. Those little creatures have been most exciting for some time now since they found my flowers. There are dozens of them and they flutter their wings sweeping from one flower to the next. They never stay on one flower for long. These fluttering little dudes won’t allow any bee’s or other kind of insect to come on their property. They claim homestead for the season. The cooler weather has made them more calm, and they are keeping their wings open more.

Like the beautifully decorated wings of the Monarch butterfly I sometimes feel as though my sweet time will soon run out. Will I go somewhere to hibernate, and wait for the season of sweet taste to appear again? Or will I survive on bitter, sweet tastes that fills the earth with darkness? I know I have only one life, and I must live it regardless of the bitterness. The bible says, God feeds the sparrows, and I’m sure He also takes care of all the other creatures He created. He will take care of even me when I am suffering from lack of sweetness. I’ve noticed when my blood sugar gets low I stagger a lot. I may also stagger from lack of sugar from enduring these dangerous, rough times we’re living in today, but I will not fall from it. I can stand through many man-made missile threats as long as I keep my faith anchored in God. Fear has been the cause of many deaths, and it can happen to any of us anytime. Fear can make us seek shelter in dangerous places. It can make us take so-called courageous pills to change our normal thoughts. It can make us welcome death for relief. Fear can turn a good person into a raving maniac. I love the verse in the 23 chapter of Psalms. Verse 4. Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadows of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me. I have been standing on this verse of scripture for many, many years. I have walked through the valley of the shadow of death many times. His rod and His staff, they have comforted me. No, I don’t intend to hibernate. I will keep telling people about Jesus and His love. I will also keep telling people about the anger of God when we disobey His command. God is not mocked, “for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.” Can we remember that, and SEEK to be the most perfect person we can possibly be?

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Wednesday, August 9, 2017

Jean's Comment's: "No Bad News For Lunch"

Jean's Comment's: "No Bad News For Lunch":              Showing happiness at the Senior Citizen's luncheon today. 8-9-2017 Perryton, TX I enjoyed a lovely lunch today wi...

"No Bad News For Lunch"

             Showing happiness at the Senior Citizen's luncheon today. 8-9-2017 Perryton, TX

I enjoyed a lovely lunch today with lovely friends at the Senior Citizen’s Center. All eight of the chairs at our round table were filled. We had chicken fried steak, mashed potatoes with gravy, corn on the cob, and green beans. Also a lettuce salad. We had strawberry short cake for dessert. I skipped breakfast just for this meal, and I didn’t eat the biscuit. I don’t know if it was just me feeling good, or whether everyone was feeling good, but the entire atmosphere was filled with laughter. I happened to think, for a split second, about the last news I heard on television before I left to go to the center. It was warning people of an all-out war with North Korea was very possible any minute. I did mention that possibility to my friend sitting next to me. She replied I’m worried. It’s very scary, and with that the subject was dropped. We must stay prepared for the worse, but we must have faith, and go on laughing, and enjoying, when there is nothing else we can do.

I think the smile on my face in this post will tell you how much I am trusting God to keep us safe. Everyone in the building today was wearing a smile. Peace comes with trusting, and in our community almost everyone is trusting God through our President, Donald Trump. The demons can’t touch us, because we all have each other covered. What a wonderful feeling to feel secure with a large group of long-time friends. I will always give praise to my King, Jesus Christ. If we become over powered by a demon it is because of our own failure to follow the word of God. No one don’t know right from wrong. It’s just that they don’t want to accept it. When they chose to ignore that knowledge of right, then the demon comes walking in without knocking. It is very hard to get him to leave once he has been allowed to enter your heart. Yes he was allowed, we didn’t lock the door. He keeps telling you how much more happiness you can have if you will just follow him. A huge lie, and a sure path to destruction. I want to once again write one of my favorite, famous quote’s, form an unknown author. “An ounce of prevention is worth more than a pound of cure.” This quote is like a thousand pounds of truth.

Yes, I feel sorry for the pain, and fear, thousands are dealing with, but if they wouldn’t listen to truth in the first place, they will not listen to it in the second place. Time in prison is sure to be part of the punishment. Those imprisoned can at least admit their mistakes, and tell it to others who may be thinking about following in their footsteps. The thing is they still won’t let go of the evil creature who invaded their life. They still like what he is telling them every day. No one can serve two masters. Nothing but misery lives in those who try. Good behavior helps those to be released who are locked up, Good behavior is also proof that one has denied residence in their heart for that evil intruder. Cast him out in the name of Jesus.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp   

Tuesday, August 8, 2017

Jean's Comment's: "I Want To Be A Bloomin Flower Forever"

Jean's Comment's: "I Want To Be A Bloomin Flower Forever":                          Out to say hello to my animals and flowers. 8-8-2017 Perryton, TX Here in Perryton, Texas we have been having a...

"I Want To Be A Bloomin Flower Forever"

                         Out to say hello to my animals and flowers. 8-8-2017 Perryton, TX

Here in Perryton, Texas we have been having a touch of fall weather. It’s so nice and cool without any wind. I enjoyed some time this morning with my little garden animal, and the pretty flowers still in full bloom. I am going to really miss them after a few more weeks. They have kept me blooming all summer also. I always remember the song, “Give me the flowers while I live trying to cheer me on, Useless the flowers that you give after the soul is gone.” I have been given many flowers in my life time in many different ways. I thank the givers with all my heart. You are always in my prayers.

I am having trouble this morning trying to decide which thought I should deliver this morning after being given three or four yesterday. I do want to deliver the way it was delivered to me. My brain doesn’t contain a dictator devise, so I have to remember everything.  As I continue to write the topic for today will surface. I picked up all the fallen apples off the ground this morning, had a good breakfast of biscuit, bacon, egg, and coffee. I opened the mail, and now I am here to put my message down, and send it on.

It seems like what bothers me the most is seeing, and dealing with all the evil in the world today. I believe God has been showing me that evil started in heaven, how many thousands of years ago?  Unknown. But Lucifer was cast out of heaven because he rebelled against God. Isaiah 14:12. KJV. Lucifer is another name for Satan. I am not a bible scholar, or a student, but I believe the Holy Spirit teaches us as, an individual, what we need to know. The 14th chapter of Isaiah is telling Israel that God is choosing them to be the ruler of the world in due time. Everyone knows how Israel has been persecuted since the beginning of time, yet they have always been God’s chosen people. I see the entire world as an “ISRAEL” fighting against Satan. This mighty, powerful, Lucifer angel was cast out of heaven, and for reasons unknown to man, has tormented, and denied the right for Israel to live. In other words, “my words,” Satan has been fighting God, and His followers ever since he was cast out of heaven. Satan’s followers are many, and I believe, multiplying every day. The fight is getting more fierce all the time. Many people have already died for God’s cause, and are called martyrs. Many more will die before the Almighty God snuffs out Lucifer forever. Isaiah 3, And it shall come to pass in the day that the Lord shall give thee rest from thy sorrow, and from thy fear, and from the hard bondage wherein thou wast made to serve. Ch 5. The Lord hath broken the staff of the wicked, and the sceptre of the rulers. Ch.6 He that smote the people in wrath with a continual stroke, he that ruled the nations,(Lucifer,) in anger, is persecuted, and none hindereth. Ch.16 . They that see thee, (Lucifer,) shall narrowly look upon thee, and consider thee, saying, Is this the man that made the earth to tremble, but did not shake kingdoms? 

Yes I believe everything is happening as God planned. “Let us not be weary in well doing for we shall reap if we faint not.”

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp