Thursday, August 24, 2017

"Not A Squirrely Story"

                       My little squirrel trying to escape the camera. 8-24-2017 Perryton, TX

I had to go out and say hello to the animals this morning. I think my anger from all the evil corruption going on in our great world is showing up on my face. Even the little squirrel in the golden tree tried to run from me. I do write good fairy stories sometimes. It helps me to release tension. I am not blaming God, but I sometimes wonder if He is hearing us when we scream out “HELP” for our President. I know we cannot always see everything that God is doing, but I can see the enemy power piling on our President more every day. I can also see the Godly power in our President fighting back with greater success every day. God must be hearing us. The fight is on, and the victory has already been won. Just how many more enemies that President Trump will have to slay remains to be seen, but his fury is making great strides to complete his mission. One example sentence used in the definition of fury is this. “The Gods unleashed their fury on the offending mortals.” I believe with all my heart this is what’s happening now. I also believe the enemy Is starting to run backwards. I saw it with two of the most damaging mortals this week. It will be interesting to see if they decide to regroup and try to assault our President again. Fear can often make a person hypocritical. The deceiver  can gain back some support, then start the attack again. But let me warn, if one loses the first time, they most likely will lose again. I thank God for a president who won’t just wound the enemy, but will make them in operational for life. 

Hillary Clinton wrote a book titled “It Takes A Village.” The most ridicules book I ever read. She was saying that a family cannot raise their children alone, that it takes a village of families. I can see now what she was driving at. Take individualist out of people and make them depend on any and all kinds of nonsense beliefs. She continued this philosophy for several more years even though she did not get elected as president. She was given the job as Secretary of State by Obama. While there she branched out her family idea to a world wide idea of “it takes one world.” She forfeited many lives, and gave away much of America’s wealth, and security while trying to make this idea happen. Of course her boss, Barack Obama, was giving her instructions on how to do it. Together they put our country in such bonds till it will take more than a village to resurrect. The remnant left of America’s great Nation will have to band together behind our President Trump with all his supporters, and fight with all our might, and all that God can give us, to reclaim our country back. That is happening today. Never doubt it.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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