Wednesday, August 9, 2017

"No Bad News For Lunch"

             Showing happiness at the Senior Citizen's luncheon today. 8-9-2017 Perryton, TX

I enjoyed a lovely lunch today with lovely friends at the Senior Citizen’s Center. All eight of the chairs at our round table were filled. We had chicken fried steak, mashed potatoes with gravy, corn on the cob, and green beans. Also a lettuce salad. We had strawberry short cake for dessert. I skipped breakfast just for this meal, and I didn’t eat the biscuit. I don’t know if it was just me feeling good, or whether everyone was feeling good, but the entire atmosphere was filled with laughter. I happened to think, for a split second, about the last news I heard on television before I left to go to the center. It was warning people of an all-out war with North Korea was very possible any minute. I did mention that possibility to my friend sitting next to me. She replied I’m worried. It’s very scary, and with that the subject was dropped. We must stay prepared for the worse, but we must have faith, and go on laughing, and enjoying, when there is nothing else we can do.

I think the smile on my face in this post will tell you how much I am trusting God to keep us safe. Everyone in the building today was wearing a smile. Peace comes with trusting, and in our community almost everyone is trusting God through our President, Donald Trump. The demons can’t touch us, because we all have each other covered. What a wonderful feeling to feel secure with a large group of long-time friends. I will always give praise to my King, Jesus Christ. If we become over powered by a demon it is because of our own failure to follow the word of God. No one don’t know right from wrong. It’s just that they don’t want to accept it. When they chose to ignore that knowledge of right, then the demon comes walking in without knocking. It is very hard to get him to leave once he has been allowed to enter your heart. Yes he was allowed, we didn’t lock the door. He keeps telling you how much more happiness you can have if you will just follow him. A huge lie, and a sure path to destruction. I want to once again write one of my favorite, famous quote’s, form an unknown author. “An ounce of prevention is worth more than a pound of cure.” This quote is like a thousand pounds of truth.

Yes, I feel sorry for the pain, and fear, thousands are dealing with, but if they wouldn’t listen to truth in the first place, they will not listen to it in the second place. Time in prison is sure to be part of the punishment. Those imprisoned can at least admit their mistakes, and tell it to others who may be thinking about following in their footsteps. The thing is they still won’t let go of the evil creature who invaded their life. They still like what he is telling them every day. No one can serve two masters. Nothing but misery lives in those who try. Good behavior helps those to be released who are locked up, Good behavior is also proof that one has denied residence in their heart for that evil intruder. Cast him out in the name of Jesus.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp   

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