Thursday, August 17, 2017

"A Victory Dance For America"

Time to share again the focal point of my dinning room. President Donald J. and wife, Melania Trump. Painted by me from the Inauguration ball. 8-17-2017 Perryton, TX

I am busy at my computer seven days a week reaching out to people everywhere sharing the good news about our President, Donald J. Trump. He is the giant in our time who can, and will kill the giant called Evil. Every day brings us closer to the time of the final approach. I can’t wait to see this Evil giant go down mocking God. But we must remember the giant was just  a figurative of evil. The head was chopped off, but the body still lived, yes headless. That’s because evil is a spirit without any recognizable body parts. America is fighting that evil spirit with every ounce of spiritual strength she can get. America has a head, and that would be President Donald Trump. The headless body he is facing is made up of millions of invisible parts. Piece by piece he is removing them from their functional ability. America will be victorious over this atrocious, evil, headless, giant, but not until many lives have been lost.

I shared a portrait of President Donald J. Trump, and wife Melania on my blog this morning. I painted the “Myrtle Jean Sharp,” masterpiece shortly after the inauguration. I hung it in my dinning room where it can be noticed every time someone walks into my house. Also I can share the magnificent feeling of Royal company. Needless to say I fully enjoy wealthy surroundings. I can at least imitate, and imagine, such. I am a person of individuality, and originality. I want nothing more than that. I am who I am, and I am proud of that. No regrets on what I didn’t do after I personally met the King of all Heaven and Earth, Jesus Christ. I do make mistakes, but not any too big to always be forgiven by my Lord.

I am alive today, but can’t say I will be tomorrow. That’s why I want to do all I can today to help make America great again. I love people from all over the world, but God gave life to me in America,  and that is where I will always call home. “God bless my home, and my country.” Bless all people who believe in you, and honor your name. Today I will eat, drink, and be merry for tomorrow may never come. I’m always looking for fun things to do after I’ve finished my assignment for my country and our President. Rest will come at the end of the day. Joy, peace, and happiness is my goal for every day I live. A few tears always supplies these three blessing for me. Jesus wept many time. He was tired, and weary. He was human, but He carried His own cross all the way to Mount Calvary and died the painful death of a human being nailed to the cross. Can I ask for anything better than that? Jesus said to us before He left us, “Take up thy cross and follow Me.”  I am trying hard to do that.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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