Friday, August 11, 2017

"Not Just Blowing In The Wind"

            The strong wind almost took this planter out last night. 8-11-2017 Perryton, TX

We were suppose to get strong wind and hail last night. We did get strong wind but no hail. A I/4 inch of rain also helped to cool things off. The butterflies were swarming this morning like crazy. One of the planters I have mounted on the fence was almost demolished, Another bushel of apples fell to the ground. I still am not in any hurry to see fall get here. I will really have a mess to clean up then. All dead plants will have to be raked up and hauled to the dumpster, and I have a lot to rake. I will have to cut back the plants that will grow back next spring. I also have a lot of them. But over all I have had a wonderful time enjoying them this past spring and summer. Time is going by too fast, and changes are happening too drastically,  and too often. I feel like one year for me now has made me feel five years older. Trash all this new technology, and return to the plain and simple way of life. It’s not going to happen, so I might as well learn to like it. Wisdom comes with age, but age comes before grueling technology. They both are a pain in the rear. But I can still do all things through Christ who strengthens  me, as the apostle Paul said. I raise my voice in protest, but not sure it goes any good. I’m so thankful to come out feeling a winner every time I am challenged to listen to hours of red tape, and answer many nonsense questions, which I don’t know what most of them mean when, I am seeking new service for something. My children always accuse me of talking too long before giving anyone else a chance to talk. Well you can see by my long sentences where they are coming from. I do not follow the rules  of  etiquette writing. I may not always have that privilege, but for now I do.

My greatest blessing on earth is having children, family, and friends, who I can always depend on when I need help. At times when I have needed help instantly, and it was not possible to contact with my main source of help, God has always provided me with a near by source of help. Our Heavenly Father is always watching over us. He doesn’t fail to punish us if we have gotten out of line, but He still loves us, and gets us through our difficulties.  We must always thank Him, and use our best effort to live a better life every day. God knows when we are doing our best, so don’t be a fool and try to fool Him. God knows the difference between mistakes, and trying to get something past Him. The famous quote of one of our United States First Ladies, Nancy Reagan, is the most simple three word quote I ever heard. When asked by some teenager what to say when someone offered them drugs. Nancy’s answer, “Just say no.” Those three words have been quoted thousands of times, but still many of both young, and old, have not heard them. These three words does not just apply to drugs. Anything we are tempted to do, and we know it is wrong, we should “just say no.”

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp  

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