Wednesday, August 16, 2017

"Built In Binoculars Focused On Reality"

Binoculars are needed for some of the unfocused educated fools of today. 8-16-2017 Perryton, TX.

America is in a period of wartime like never before. Liberalism has been let to grow till now it has smothered out most of the roots in milk and honey land. A full force of “hard labor workers” are at their greatest efforts to chop out the tall thick, damaging weeds. Most weeds need very little moister to grow and spread quickly. Therefore the ugly, disgusting, worthless weeds are rooted deeply, and are stubbornly refusing to give up their roots. The best the laborers can do is cut them of to the ground. They will grow back in time.

A weeded  piece of land is damaging to the human life. It is a breeding place for all kinds of poisonous insects, and snakes. It shuts of view to roads and highways. It blocks the flow of peace and pleasure as we have enjoyed for so long. If the weeds are left to spread farther, they will finally take over all clean ground. It takes much equipment, and many laborers to keep the beautiful land of the free and the brave, cleaned out. How sad that so much of America has grown up with poisonous weeds and killing intent.

Many of our colleges today have the greatest weeded classrooms imaginable. The students needed, but was failed to be given binoculars so they could see farther out from the weeded classroom they sit in. They became infected with the worse kind of mental poisons. Snakes are their best friends, although they still are not aware of that. Their roots are still shallow, but unless the weed laborers can work more intensively, and more workers are willing to join the force, the roots will grow deeper and deeper. I urge all able bodied workers to pick up their tool, whatever it may be, and get to work. I believe this is a time for reconciling. To those who have not been totally brainwashed, consider your upbringing, and turn back to God. God has no pleasure in those who are letting the weeds grown in His Beautiful Garden. If you can still see a little, but need binoculars, buy the best pair you can find, and keep them focused on things above. Don’t keep playing with fire, because soon or latter you will be burned up. Read your bible and know the truth. “For God is not mocked, whatsoever a man soweth that shall he also reap.”  It’s that simple. Christ did not go to college, yet He gave His life to save the world. David, the little Sheppard boy did not go to college, yet he killed the Giant, and saved Israel. If you don’t believe the bible then you are in such weeded waste till nothing can help you. Take your spiritual temperature today. Is it normal, or do you need a shot of Jesus? The Great Physician will see you today. You will recognize Him when He offers His hand for a shake.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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