Monday, August 7, 2017

"Workers Needed"

           How can I let them waste when so many are going hungry? 8-7-2017 Perryton, TX

One last call to can the apples. They make such good pies. But my poor back, says don’t do it. When they are all gone I will regret not have freezing some of those delicious apples. As of now my only plan for keeping any of the apples is the few it will take for me to make an apple pie for church dinner next Sunday. Our pastor’s favorite pie is apple. I must treat him special this Sunday. I am so tired of picking apples off the ground and hauling to the dumpster.

I have to be reminded of this scripture Matthew 9: 37, The harvest is plentiful but the laborers are few, every time I look around and see all the little children that are not being fed the Word of God. Where are the workers? And why aren’t they working? Why are there few laborers? These are questions that most people can’t answer. I believe some of our churches are like we Americans, are seeing now in our highest government setting. Too hypocritical. Trying to cover up their own sins. While the church still claims that Jesus is the head, they do not really want that taught to the children. There are too many who don’t believe in Jesus, and the church wants to keep everybody happy. A better description is this. The church still believes Jesus is the head, but they believe He allows every kind of sin now, that He didn’t use to. There is no sin, most say, that Jesus won’t allow. Then what can we teach our children if we can’t them the things the bible says is sin? While Jesus forgave sin, He also condemned it.

When the scribes and Pharisees brought a woman to Jesus who they had caught in the act of adultery they said to Jesus. Moses law commanded us that such should be stoned, but what sayest thou? Jesus hesitated to answer them. They kept asking Jesus the question. Finally Jesus lifted His head and said, “ He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her.” And they which heard it, being convicted by their own conscience, went out one by one till there were none left. When Jesus lifted up His head He asked, “woman where are thine accusers? Has no man condemned thee? She said, “no man, Lord.” “Neither do I condemn thee, go and sin no more.” John 8.

Jesus did not say the woman was guiltless. He forgave her, and demanded that she sin no more. Jesus still forgives sin in our lives today, but He also still demands us to sin no more. It is the church’s duty to teach the Word of God from the cradle up. Not the liberalism that so many of our churches are teaching today. I always need to make clear that those who want to condemn sin in the harshest way, are those who need to clear out of the house of God one by one. They are the unforgiven ones who are still sinning.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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