Tuesday, August 1, 2017

"Let Us Cheer Each Other On"

The Monarch butterfly is on the bright orange flower in the center of the pic. 8-1-2017 Perryton, TX

The Monarch butterflies were swarming this afternoon, but they flew before I could take a picture. I did get one shown on the bright orange flower near the center of the picture. It’s nice and cool outside, and the flowers are all filled with honey. We have had a total of 3 inches of rain in the past few days. The grass is very green, and growing fast. I have a short time left to enjoy my flowers before they all start to die. I will miss them a lot.

No matter how much some may tell you that they have a life mostly free of problems, don’t believe it. The day we all were born our problems started.  The difference is our problems fell on the hands of our parents. We had to be fed, diapers changed, burped for stomach ache, kept warm, temperature checked often, and the list goes on. After a years or two some of our problems have to be dealt with by us. Feed ourselves, learn to walk, potty train, learn to talk, and the list goes on and on. As we grow older we are expected to take more responsibility upon ourselves. After the growing up process is over, we are then mostly on our own. We have to work out our own problems, and yes, everyone has them till death do we part. The only people free of problems are dead ones. So just remember when someone calls you to tell you about their problems, please listen. They may just need an ear to hear them, but it is a must that they talk to someone. Many suicides would not have happened if someone would have cared enough to lend an ear to the troubled one. The other side of this story is depressed people sometimes are too ashamed to let people know they need an ear to listen to them, or they are too ashamed to let people think they have been a failure. In either case there was a problem that needed to be shared. I can’t think of a word that would let me describe a person who didn’t take heed to a plea for help when suicide was knocking at their door. No word in the dictionary is suitable to describe a person of that nature, especially when the desperate soul made clear they were suicidal. Let me add also, especially when the plea fell upon the ears of a so called Christian, and a close relative at that. We all have our times of depression, but we all have the responsibility of trying to save a life when it crosses our path. I personally feel guilty for not recognizing a case of suicidal symptoms, even though I never was near the sick one for several weeks before it happened. I could see the burden of trying to carry a heavy load of responsibility on one of my sellers of a kitchen appliance. Had I of know the seriousness of this young man’s  distress, I would not have complained about my appliance not lasting but two years, one year after the warranty went out. Although the young man did all he could to help me, it was not enough to calm my anger of paying a big price for an appliance that just lasted two years. I didn’t express anger to the seller, but to the company of the appliance. My mistake was by using another company to buy a new appliance. A short time later I learned this young man had taken his life. I was deeply saddened. I had sensed that this first seller was having problems keeping his business going, after his wife left him, and he had no one to keep the store open when he was out on call. He had become owner of this place after his manager, and owner of the business died and willed him the store. It was a big place, and there was a need to build up the business, after the new owner took over. It all boiled down to a good, hard working young man trying to fill the shoes of about three or four employees. He did not have money to operate the business, so it ended up in tragedy. And I ended up thinking about this young fellow a lot. He graduated from high school with my daughter. It’s easy to say, “if I had of known,’ but it’s easy to offer a helping hand when you see a need.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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