Tuesday, August 22, 2017

"The Surviving Twins"

         Aborted twin rose buds 24 hours later. See first pic below. 8-22-2017 Perryton, TX
These preemies were places in an incubator with a ventilator 24 hours ago. They are doing well. 8-22-2017 Perryton, TX

I just wanted to up date everyone on my twin, premature, rose babies. I aborted them yesterday, and posted their picture on my blog. They could not have lived it I had left them on the bush. All previous rose buds this year have died shortly after being conceived. The mother nature of these roses did not have good health this year. Yesterday I decided to abort the only two buds that was on the entire garden of rose bushes. I posted their pictures, and wrote a blog about hopes for their survival. Twenty four hours later I am posting another picture of their increased maturity. One of the twins has not progressed as well as the other, but it is still hanging in. Does this illustration make any sense at all? I am somewhat an experimentalist. My son, Chuck, scored in the upper 10 percent on his college entrance exam in the art of science. He is now 66, still experimenting, still has no title of an inventor of anything. But oh! He has had a roller coaster of thrilling, ups, and downs, that keeps him contented while still trying to reach that plateau of success.

I liken my science interest to that of a new life in a new world. I feel like it is going to take more than a trivial matter to become a part of a new heaven, and a new earth after these we now know, are passed away. The great inventors of modern technology didn’t get there by sitting back and saying it will come to us. There has been a chain of scientist dating back to the beginning of time, who have linked with the one behind them to connect to the never ending chain of learning. I am a link in the chain of God’s innumerable links. My job is to search the scriptures daily, and be open-minded to the inner spirit that speaks to our very being. I never expect, nor do I want to become a notable person of any source. But I must keep my eyes on the goal if I ever expect to make a score.  If we make no points then we never played a good game. As a teenager in high school I played as forward on the basketball team. I learned from that sport that it takes several players, and much hard playing to win a game. I apply the same scenario to the winning of a heavenly home on high. Some people like to make it sound effortless on our part, declaring that Jesus paid the full price and we owe nothing. That is a misconception of God’s word. I believe if we expect to enter into the new heaven, we must join links with God’s innumerable chain, and let our minds be filled with ways to help others to join also. Of course this comes after we have accepted Christ as our savior. The chain will never be broken if everyone keeps their strength through God.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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