Wednesday, August 30, 2017

"The Morning Glories Helped"

Morning Glories are smiling big this morning, just before they go to sleep. 8-30-2017 Perryton, TX.

The morning started off with a few frustrations, but thank God for His patience with me. I soon was over my anger without ever letting anyone know about it. I didn’t have to use vulgar words to get my point across. Although I thought I might have to show some aggravation before the problem was solved. I knew I was right, but have been wrong so many times I had to hold my temper down.

I seldom ever pay a bill with my debit card. I sometimes pay bills on line, or use a draft method. I pay a lot of bills by check. I use my debit card for small amounts such as groceries etc. This morning I went to use my card for a $600.00 payment for auto repair. The card was declined. The clerk helping me went to get assistance thinking he was doing something wrong after I told him there was definitely money there to cover the amount. After about ten minutes of trying to get the card to pay my bill but kept being declined, I called the bank. Again I was not answered by the person I needed to talk to after holding for quite some time. I almost lost my cool because this also had been a problem several times before. Recordings always want you to leave your number, then sometimes I never get called back.  I called the bank a second time and let the receptionist know I needed assistance now. She understood my frustration, and I did get immediate help. The loan officer that I know personally made a special attempt to assist me. He failed to recognize the problem and made sure a clerk in customer service answered me quickly. After I explained to her my difficulty in using my debit card ,within seconds the problem was solved. She told me I just had a $300.00 limit on my card per day, but she would raise it immediately. I did not know that after many years of banking there. When the clerk at the motor company inserted the card again it went right through. At least thirty minutes were spent on solving what should have been a minute requirement.

I came home and went out in my back yard to talk to my flowers. The morning glories had not gone to sleep yet, and they seemed to smile at me. I took their picture and thanked them. When I turned on my computer I noticed some recent family members whom I had just become friends with on face book were using foul language that gave me a shock of my life. It was just casual conversation with them. They had not posted anything to me yet, but I read some of their post, and said to myself, “oh my what can I do?”  That’s going to be another problem that I don’t know how to solve peaceably.

I was made to realize even more just how sinful, and un Godly, our country has gotten. Job, the bible character who never gave up on God, but endured every kind of suffering that the devil could possible place on him, while being patient with God, is a model for me to follow now. I must have more of Job’s faith, and patience if I ever live much longer. I think I can compete with Job, at least I’m going to try.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp 

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