Thursday, August 3, 2017

"A Changing Tree Grows In My Front Yard"

I was going to cut this sucker down, but then I decised I like the colorful leaves. Will leave it for awhile longer. 8-3-2017 Perryton, TX

It’s amazing how sometimes beauty just jumps out at you. I had this happen to me several times yesterday. I was on face book, and I happened to see several people that I have known for years, but had never noticed the beauty on them like I did yesterday. I could see a resemblance, but not the same person I had know years ago. What in the world could make this difference? I always thought younger was beautiful. In the case of yesterday, older was beautiful. A little sucker came out of the ground from my red bud tree this spring. I had planned all summer to cut it down, but just hadn’t got around to it. Yesterday I decided was the time. I looked to see what I needed to cut it down, and suddenly I saw such a beautiful little branch of leaves of all different colors. Instead of going for my choppers, I went for my camera. I will let this little sucker grow some more, then decide whether I want to cut it down. Does God give us spiritual eyes sometimes that see things like He sees them? I believe He does. The trouble is sometimes we won’t allow God to let us see things differently. We think we are smart enough to decide what’s beautiful and what’s not. My prayer today is this. “God here is my eyes. Let me see things through Your eyes, even if I like what I’m seeing now.” When we see things different, we act different. Maybe that’s what’s been wrong with some of us for so long. I know I have a lot of work to do before I can let God answer this prayer, but he and I together can do it.

I am sure that the beauty of this sucker will die out before long, but until it does, let me enjoy. It is good to enjoy the beauty of something as long as possible. Like the little sucker people who I now see beauty in may, just may, change quickly and become ugly. After all, we all are somewhat of a sucker. I have seen beauty in people and tried to maintain that beauty by being patient, loving, and understanding. But in some instances the sucker these people came from was not a good tree in the beginning. They will never be pleasant to be with, or look at,  unless God takes away our humanly eyesight, and gives us His. I am a person whom has said numerous times that I am giving up on a certain person, but after a lengthily time the Lord loans me His eyesight to look through again. What happened? I don’t see what I was seeing some time ago. Them whammo! The beauty is gone again. I also believe after many times of God loaning us His eyes, He lets the sucker die out, and what used to be of some beauty is no longer there. We don’t ever forget the time when the plant gave us pleasure, and encouragement, but it finally died from lack of space to grow.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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