Tuesday, August 29, 2017

"The Peaceful Appearance Of The Birds"

   The baby birds have found the bread crumbs on my window sill. 8-29-2017 Perryton, TX
These two baby birds must be brother and sister. They always land on my window sill at the same time to eat the crumbs, but I can't get them close together to get them pic in one shot. 8-29-2017 Perryton, TX

Lunch time for the birds today. I had not fed them yet when I went to the sink and saw two baby birds waiting for their bread crumbs. I went out and left them some nice tiny, dried crumbs. They are just learning to fly. The grown-up birds never eat the baby’s crumbs. They feast on the apples that fall of the trees. Every morning I pick up apples that have been half eaten by the birds. The butterflies are still sucking honey from the flowers. The dang squirrels are hiding pecans all over my yard. I have got little pecan trees growing by the dozens in both my front and back yard. What a wonderful world of birds, and animals, insects, and reptiles.

Also, what a not so wonderful world of stress and sorrow. As if the human, fighting human, literally, wasn’t bad enough, now God has unleashed His fury upon the earth, and is flooding a massive part of our great America. It is the worse flood this country has ever dealt with. I wonder how much more suffering our Heavenly Father will have to put on us before we stop all the evil and disobedience. Yes, you guessed it. I am a believer of God’s word, and it warns us of all the suffering men had to go through in ancient times, when they disobeyed God. He has promised the same punishment to this modern day time. My heart cries out to God every day for the unbelievers of His word. They don’t read their bibles, therefore they don’t know the truth about the power of God. Blind, ignorant, believing ever wind of doctrine except the true doctrine of God. That is the army the Christians are at war with. A war that will never be won until Jesus finally comes to rescue us. I believe that a horrible earthquake will soon be America’s next great tribulation. Reports of sink holes are becoming news headlines pretty often any more. Some lives have been lost to a few of these even though they weren’t considered threatening in any big terms. But again I say each time one of these sink holes happens it is a warning from God. Another warning of great destruction is the large number of fires that has within the past year, shocked many people who had never before been even close to a dangerous fire. In my own isolated safety zone, in north Western Texas, we lost several people from the fires that surrounded our homeland this past winter. Thousands of head of livestock, several thousand acres of grass, and several homes were completely destroyed. I myself, knew the feeling of being threatened since any direction I could have tried to escape to was leading into the huge area of fire.

How long, and how horrific will the deadly, and the injurious attacks have to last before people start turning to God for mercy with a true promise of never going back on that promise? Let us all dream of this miracle.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp.

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