Wednesday, August 23, 2017

:"Never Give Up On Your Roses"

48 hours after surgical delivery, the premature Rose has fully opened up to pure beauty. It gives off a delightful fragerance. 8-23-2017 Perryton TX
Same Rose 48 hours earlier, moments after being cut from the cord. 8-23-2017 Perryton, TX

Forty-eight hours later my preemie Rose has opened up to show pure beauty. It gives off a delightful fragrance. The other little preemie, (pictured below,) is still alive, but is not gaining strength. I don’t expect it to ever open it’s eyes. I do love this little form of a newborn. It is beautiful because it is the beginning of what might have been perfect if more attention had been given it. Just like the human life both Roses will soon die, and be forgotten. One will definitely out last the other, but both had a beginning. Oh! That we all would do our best to be beautiful for the short time we have to live.

I have experienced even with lots of tender, loving care, and special nourishment, some Roses just don’t express the beauty that God intended them to be. They make for an unsightly attraction among the other thriving, prosperous Roses. No one would pick them for a place in a lovely bouquet. The gardener never wants to admit their share of gilt for the flaws in some of the lovely flower gardens. Who else could possible be at fault? The season for my roses is almost over for this year, but the bushes will be back producing again next year. I hope I have learned from the absence of my gorgeous roses this year, what I can do next time to improve the birth, and extendability, of their life span. One thing for sure, I will try harder. My roses replace the beauty of my four children who grew to maturity, and ascended to other places to raise their own. Anything good that I can learn from past experiences I will pass on to others who are struggling to be more attractive, and prosperous. Our work must never end so long as we live. I also have a spiritual rose garden with beautiful roses that God is the Master of. He directs me to how I can help Him to care for these lovely, struggling, but determined, roses to keep growing, and showing off their beauty more every day. I love my spiritual garden. Someday I will see it all with my spiritual eyes, that never fail. Until then I will shout for joy every time I see a sign of a new rose opening up to show off more beauty. I will be praying more intensely for the angel of love to pamper, and protect this special rose that originated from my own garden. I will also be praying for those who have not shown signs of more beauty, nor even hope there of. They can be given new life, if faith holds out. At one time they were beautiful, but because of uncaring tenders, they were left to die on the vine, or bush. Hope was hidden deep within, and never left those dying roses, so with still a bit of existing life, they will, in the name of Jesus, be revived and made
beautiful again.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp


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