Monday, August 21, 2017

"A New Sign Of Life"

Watching a new born rose enter the earth's atmosphere. More beautiful than the eclipse of the sun. 8-21-2017 Perryton, TX
An incubator for my aborted roses. I can watch them mature and comfort my heart. 8-21-2017 Perryton, TX

Who would have thought that a tiny glimpse of a rose bud trying to gain freedom from an enclosed body of a green hatchery could be so lovely. These two rose buds that I am posting made my heart leap for joy this morning. The rose bushes have not been able to deliver their usual, beautiful roses this summer. Something about the season caused them not to conceive, or either they miscarried. I did see some bits of dead-looking fragments on the bushes off and on all summer.  I was totally surprised when I saw these two tiny buds birthing this morning. I aborted them, but believe they will live. I placed them in an incubator of water with hope they will survive. I’m sure they would not have survived if I had left them on the bush.

The love I have for the roses is much greater than the love I have for earthly, unprofitable, things like watching the eclipse of the sun. In heaven I believe there will be beautiful roses surrounding all the Saints. I doubt that the sun will be shining or rotating around heaven. Heaven is light, and needs no sun. Heaven is the perfect, unflawed, Paradise of  peace, joy, and happiness. Oh, that people could get excited about heaven just half as much as the eclipse of the sun. I don’t mean to discourage people from enjoying life, and getting excited at times, but what happens after the short period of multitudes of enthused viewers go home? We all need that everlasting excitement. The kind that only God can give us. The kind that we can enjoy when no one else is around.

I am in Texas, and I just saw on television where the eclipse is over Illinois now. Texas time. 12:45 pm. I don’t know for sure if the darkness I am seeing now has anything to do with the eclipse or not, but I don’t like it. I want the light to always be upon me, except when I sleep. The world is changing every day it’s obvious to see. People have helped this world to become ugly, and displeasing to it’s creator. The Saintly people who still fight the wiles of evil are promised victory if they don’t give up. In my opinion the one who is gaining momentum every day in spite of more and more stones being thrown at him, is our President, Donald Trump. He is showing strength of a Saintly giant . Now that is something to get excited about. He is draining the swamp for sure. I hope he bulldozes all the evil dragons, and fiery-tongue throwers who have been free to use their power so long. They are those terrible images the bible speaks of in Revelations. All of whom have no place in God’s kingdom. “Let the beauty of Jesus be seen in me.” Hymnal by Albert Orsbom. Let us all make that our request every day.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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