Thursday, August 10, 2017

"I Open My Wings To You"

                   On the pink zinnia Mr. Butterfly spreads his wings. 8-10-2017 Perryton, TX

I have tried for some time to get a picture of a butterfly with their wings open,. These are Monarch butterflies, and they are beautiful with wings open. They are sensitive to motion or noise, and fly away at the least tiny bit, but this morning I crept up on one. The picture I took of the butterfly covered most of the flower. Those little creatures have been most exciting for some time now since they found my flowers. There are dozens of them and they flutter their wings sweeping from one flower to the next. They never stay on one flower for long. These fluttering little dudes won’t allow any bee’s or other kind of insect to come on their property. They claim homestead for the season. The cooler weather has made them more calm, and they are keeping their wings open more.

Like the beautifully decorated wings of the Monarch butterfly I sometimes feel as though my sweet time will soon run out. Will I go somewhere to hibernate, and wait for the season of sweet taste to appear again? Or will I survive on bitter, sweet tastes that fills the earth with darkness? I know I have only one life, and I must live it regardless of the bitterness. The bible says, God feeds the sparrows, and I’m sure He also takes care of all the other creatures He created. He will take care of even me when I am suffering from lack of sweetness. I’ve noticed when my blood sugar gets low I stagger a lot. I may also stagger from lack of sugar from enduring these dangerous, rough times we’re living in today, but I will not fall from it. I can stand through many man-made missile threats as long as I keep my faith anchored in God. Fear has been the cause of many deaths, and it can happen to any of us anytime. Fear can make us seek shelter in dangerous places. It can make us take so-called courageous pills to change our normal thoughts. It can make us welcome death for relief. Fear can turn a good person into a raving maniac. I love the verse in the 23 chapter of Psalms. Verse 4. Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadows of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me. I have been standing on this verse of scripture for many, many years. I have walked through the valley of the shadow of death many times. His rod and His staff, they have comforted me. No, I don’t intend to hibernate. I will keep telling people about Jesus and His love. I will also keep telling people about the anger of God when we disobey His command. God is not mocked, “for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.” Can we remember that, and SEEK to be the most perfect person we can possibly be?

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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