Sunday, August 13, 2017

"The Weary And Restless"

Pastor, Dan, and Diann Anderson. First Christian Church. 1-1-2010 -8-13-2017 Perryton, TX
                                   First Christian Church Perryton, TX 8-13-2017 Perryton TX

It’s hard to believe our Pastor has been with us for over eight years. The picture I posted of them was taken at a Pastor’s Appreciation Sunday in 2010. They both look about the same today. Still young, but powerful messengers of God.

Somehow politics has become an important part of this pastor’s messages. I have a feeling that the same applies to most of the churches through out the world today. How do we preach and teach God’s word without talking about politics? The largest Baptist church in the Dallas district, 13,000 members is pastured by Dr. Robert Jeffress. Dr. Jeffress is a Master of Theology from Dallas Texas Theological Seminary, and a Doctor of Ministry  from Southwestern Baptist Theology Seminary in Fort Worth, Texas. Dr. Jeffress is the spiritual advisor of President Donald Trump. He speaks out every day on the evil powers that have, and are still taking our country by storm. Dr. Jeffress has declared to the world a few days ago that President Trump has been given full control to take out North Korean leader, Kim Jung-Un, according to the book of Romans. What phase of time according to the bible are we in now? Is it near to the coming of Christ, or the great tribulation? It is definitely a time of great change in every aspect of daily life. The world is being filled with fear and anxiety. That is the way the word of God tells us it will be before the end of time. Luke 23:30. They cried for the mountains to fall on them and to bury them. Revelations 6:16. They called to the mountains and the rocks to fall on them. but they would not. They will long to die, but death will not come.

People have always tried to make something else out of these scriptures other than what they say, but time is about to prove that the bible means just what it says, and it says what it means. The righteous will suffer along with the evil, because no righteous person wants to see even an evil person suffer. Some will be our friends, and close relatives. Sorry, but all who have not believed the bible will suffer the pain of lingering sorrow. Because of their disbelief they have made themselves an enemy of God.

What is the message of the preachers today? Can they avoid politics without failing to warn people of deceitful, and evil leaders, who are fighting non-stop to win power to control the world? I urge everyone who have not been already, to fall upon their knees tonight and plead with God for forgiveness. I believe there is still time, but I also believe time is running out fast. We all have been a fool in our lifetime, but that don’t mean we have to stay fools. Join the band of Christ believers, and bear your cross and follow Him.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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