Thursday, August 31, 2017

"A Song In Our Heart At Night"

                 Sitting high this morning. Probably 150 feet high. 8-31-2017 Perryton, TX

A beautiful blue sky is a wonderful background for this pretty bird this morning. The pole it is sitting on is about 150 feet high. The bird looked so bold, and proud sitting high in the sky till I had to take it’s picture. When the world is spinning on wheels of evil, the birds of the air keep on singing that peaceful song. “Glory to God in the highest, peace on earth, and good will to men.”

With all the flooding in the southeastern part of the United States, I have to thing about the great flood of Noah’s time. God promised never to destroy the world again by water, but He didn’t promise never to allow floods again. We, His children are not to question Him about His Almighty power when terrible things happen. We can only question ourselves. This horrible catastrophe is just another of His Powerful hand at work. I would hope that more people would finally wake up to that fact. No matter where we live, nor what we do, if our Heavenly Father sees the need to speak to us in some disastrous way, He will let it happen. He loves us that much. He just wants us to listen to His Word, and obey His every command. All evil belongs to Satan, and God has already proven He will not tolerate Satan when He cast him out of heaven.

I do regret to say that some of our spiritual leaders of today have left the discipline part of teaching out of their message. The bible plainly teaches against sin, and sin is anything displeasing to God. Could not most any child today who has gone to church or school, or even to the ballgames. or any other organization that honors God; could they not discern good from evil?  Yet some of our ministers are telling people that God sees no evil. He is all about love, and would never punish anyone for their sin. Not only the followers of these ministers are going to be punished, but even more so are the teachers of this doctrine. It could be teachers in church, school, homes, or other types of training places offered to those seeking a better life. God’s word tells us that there are many false prophets, and false teachings. It explains that we need to try the spirits to see which is of God. 1 John chapter 4. My own teaching is read the bible for yourself, and pray for the Holy Spirit to teach you. He will always do that for you if you will be sincere and trust in the Word of God. Do not always depend on the teaching of man. Man is flesh, and is made to falter. That is also a quote from the bible. While we do need true spiritual leaders, and prophets, be warned of such fake ones, for which turn ye away from. The humble, and true in spirit shall not be turned away from the mercy of God.

God Bless,
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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