Saturday, August 26, 2017

"Only A Fool Would Believe Satan"

                              An illusion of my inside light fixture. 8-26-2017 Perryton, TX

While sitting in my living room chair with drapes still open to the outside darkness, I noticed a bright, hanging lamp fixture hanging in space just beyond the porch. I could see nothing but the bright light hanging in total darkness. I got up from my chair and opened the door. There was nothing there. It was then that I realized I had seen an optical illusion. The reflection was coming all the way from my dinning room light fixture at least fifteen feet away. I had to think upon this perception for awhile. One might ask, how can anyone see light in the darkness of night when there is no light there? I have to say I saw the light, and I took a picture of it. But I first had to open the door to prove to myself that there was no light outside.

Now here is my point. It seems like the world is being filled more and more every day with illusions. America is vastly becoming a nation of optical illusions. We can open our door a million times a day and never see the reason for all the eccentric practices of, “ what used to be,” Godly people. Where is the reflection coming from? I saw the lamp over my dark, front yard, and was able to recognize what was causing it, but I cannot recognize the reason for all the tattoo disfiguring, and strange ideas so many Americans are indulging in today. I wish I could say that these terrible practices, and actions of Satanic beliefs were just an illusion, but to my great disappoint, they are real. I can’t stop people from doing these acts of demon possession, but I can tell them they will pay a terrible price in the future. Giving into one temptation just causes a bigger one to appear.
Finally you have lost all sense of control, and you become a laughing stock for Satan. There is just one thing you should remember. Once you become that slave to Satan, you will never be freed from him. I am acquainted with some who have found that out the hard way. Their life is miserable, even when they have realized their mistake and tried to change. There are just some bonds that cannot be broken, even by the best of doctors. A sad, but absolute torturous live, dwells within these changed Satan followers. Some end up, giving up, and taking their own life. But my plea to all who are still in bondage, realize your situation, and be disillusioned now. Christ is the answer, and He will meet you at the cross. We all have to bear our own cross, but Jesus is there to pick us up when we fall.

I had a busy day yesterday and missed my blogspot comment, but I am back this morning with a relaxed awareness of what I need to do. Stay tuned.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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