Friday, August 18, 2017

"Hanging Together Like Apples On A Tree"

                           Hanging in there to the last. Apple faith. 8-18-2017 Perryton, TX

Sometimes when we have almost forgotten, and given up, an unexpected call comes to remind us that we didn’t really believe like we said. We asked for a miracle, but when it didn’t happen in the time frame that we thought it should, we just decided it wasn’t God’s will. How ashamed we feel, but it is such a wonderful feeling to know that God never forgets us even in our disbelief. The request I made to God will be nothing short of a miracle, but to this same person a miracle has already happened because we finally got serious about the matter, and simply asked in faith believing. Within a few weeks this miracle was delivered. I had to be hurt so badly that I began to plead with God. His heart was touched by my grief, and He answered the prayer. Then a second time I was hurt so badly till I more seriously asked God for another miracle. Again after some time, I felt it was not God’s will, and I just accepted that. I still felt badly every day for the hurt I knew this loved one was enduring. Then I got a call this morning that encouraged me to hang in, God was still moving in this situation. I felt so positive, but I know the miracle  has not happened yet. I shared this bit of encouragement with the person it relates to. They had not given up, and I hurt even more that this loved one was still believing for a miracle.

After the call I walked out in my back yard. My attention was drawn to four ripe apples almost growing together. They looked perfect, but I wondered how they could have grown so big, and ripened, and still be knitted so closely together. Immediately my mind was drawn to the scripture, “Where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.” Matthew 18:20. There are two or three, and more of us gathered together in Jesus name, and I know He is in our midst. The apples will hang together till God is ready to release them. The two or three of us are hanging together and will continue to hang until God releases us. The apples I have posted represents the three or four of us that are ripe, but not ready to be released yet. I needed this illustration this morning. What a joy to be refreshed by the Holy Spirit when seemingly all hope was gone. I still want to give God the choice whether to fully answer this prayer or not, but I believe He will, and wanted me to know that He is still complicating it. All the parties involved in this matter feel the same as I. We want it to be the will of God to give us this miracle. But we sincerely ask Him to let it be a reality. Thank God for His wonderful love.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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