Saturday, August 12, 2017

"Nothing Is Good Anymore"

                I'm now a dish customer after sixty years of cable.  8-12-2017 Perryton, TX

After two years of lousy service with a cable company who bought out my original company, I am having dish installed. I have been without television service many times, and for several days at a time during the past two years. I will be the first to say America is suffering greatly from the invasion of anti-Americans, who have instilled hate and evil for too many years in the hearts of loving, respectful citizens.  Hopefully our new President will get things back the way we used to be. He is doing a good job so far. Many people still don’t realize what a wrecked country America has become. She is barely holding her own, and there is still blood being shed every day by brave, and heroic people who rather die than give up our freedom. Insanity has flooded the minds of millions beyond any hope of help. Fear and hopelessness, have taken control of most of the law abiding citizens, leaving them handicapped to live the free, and trustful live they had known for so long. It is my opinion that only God above can help this troubled nation. Of course He must have earthly support, and I fully believe He will get it. I am aware that millions of Trump supporters are raging mad about the evil crowding in toward the destruction of our President. They have declared the worse bloody war that has ever been fought will begin when that happens. I do not want that to happen to America. That is why I never miss a day without praying for our President and vise-President, and all others who are not deceivers of them. I have come to the conclusion that only God will ever know just who they are. That’s how dammed our country has become. My hope, and highest faith is that God can, and will, unclog the main stream and let the blessing flow again.

The installer of my dish television service today asked me not to put his picture on the internet. I realized at that moment just how fearful so many good people have become. The guy was so polite, and a great installer, with precise  knowledge of the dish technology. How thankful we need to be for the true, honest, hard working, people who just want to live the American dream. But are now finding themselves entangled with draining the swamp. Many took their chances to become a part of a great country, and came here illegally. Then they later find themselves targets of deportation. I can see both sides of this situation, but I must follow the law of our country, and agree with our President to clean up the swamp. It will work out for the good to all who are Godly at heart. A very big, dangerous, and daring approach is inevitable. Let us tighten our seat belts, and brace for the ride. Most of all let us keep our eyes fastened on God.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp  

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