Sunday, August 27, 2017

"It's Time To Unload"

Sunday lunch for the pretty butterfly. Double click to see it enhanced. 8-27-2017 Perryton, TX

I suddenly became outraged this Sunday morning when it was revealed to me, without a doubt, the intensity of impeaching our President, Donald Trump. I walked outside to get a hold of myself. An immediate sight of a butterfly dinning on a flower, gave me instant peace. I too must dine, drink, and be merry, because tomorrow may never come.

I came to my computer quickly to start unloading on some demon spirits who have taken possession of some of our GOP members. A few of these Congress men, and women are making it clear they are against our president while a few others are still trying to hide it. Sorry, dudes, you’ve been recognized. It is very bad, to say the least. Some of us never realized just how evil this country had become, until now. When we can’t even trust our own party anymore because of hypocrisy, and even some who are not Congressional members, but claim to be Trump supporters, it is worse than bad. We are being  bribed ( maybe) by some who have been big supporters of the anti-American movement of the Obama and Clinton dragons. How can we know they are true patriots? Everything is a risk anymore. One can change their mind from day to day. And America is now the nation that has mastered deceit. Unlike the suicidal bombers who give their lives to destroy others, evil Americans are protecting their butts while destroying others. God may have to enlarge the bottomless pit that He prepared for such people. There is one big shortage in preachers who will stand up in the midst of evil, and call out the failure of church members to turn from their wicked ways, and humble themselves and pray. Too many of the pastors today have given their members a pass for about anything they want to do, regardless of what God’s Son asked the people to do. Big crowds, and big money are the most sought out factors for success by ministers today. Those so-called successful preachers learned the art of success by tickling peoples ears.  2 Timothy 4:3. There is just one drawback to this philosophy. It didn’t come from God. All deceived will suffer along with the deceiver.

Like I said before we can, and must eat, drink, and be merry while we fight against the wiles of this earth. We must all enter the battle against evil, but the Word teaches us that the battle is not ours, but God’s. If any among you need more faith, let him ask of God. He is in control of the entire world, and He sees the tiny speck of dust we are. He made us in His own image, and I am proud to be fashioned after His pattern. Let us model for our Lord to be proud of us. Please don’t take a back seat any longer if you are a true Patriot. There is a job for everyone. God Bless our President, and the best Vice-President American ever had. Donald J. Trump, and Mike Pence.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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