Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Jean's Comment's:    Toad frogs are all over my yard. Someone must h...

Jean's Comment's:    Toad frogs are all over my yard. Someone must h...:    Toad frogs are all over my yard. Someone must have opened the gate. 5-31-2016 Perryton, Texas. I sat down in a lawn chair this mornin...
   Toad frogs are all over my yard. Someone must have opened the gate. 5-31-2016 Perryton, Texas.

I sat down in a lawn chair this morning to enjoy the nice morning breeze and almost stepped on a toad frog. Baby toads are thick in my back yard. It’s been too wet to mow for quite some time and the grass is tall. I’m afraid when I mow I will be chopping up toads right and left. I hate for the grass to get so tall and thick, but we have had several weeks of rain, and it just doesn’t dry enough to cut.

I finished turning over the rest of the garden spot this morning. It was wet, but I finally got it all dug up. There are a lot of flower plants ready to be set out. I have greatly enjoyed the time spent in getting the flower garden ready, and planting all the flowers. I will spend a lot of time this summer sitting out and relaxing while I enjoy the beauty of the flowers. Each day I find myself measuring the growth from the day before. Then when the blooms start putting on I get so excited. It is then that I can enjoy the fruits of my labor.

I so often wonder why Christians have to suffer so much persecution even from those whom they love so dearly. But after reading the bible chapter that was my next assignment for last night I was made to understand it better. Hebrews chapter 5 is explaining why one must suffer while living in this life. The Epistle to the Hebrews explains it like this. Christ, the Son of God was sent to this earth to become a high priest after the order of Melchizedek. A high priest must offer both gifts and sacrifices (suffering) for sins. (Remember this is found in the new testament and is speaking of Christ himself.) I would like to print a part of this chapter. It is good enough for all to read and be made more wise as to why Christians must suffer as well as offer good gifts to all.

Hebrews 5:
For every high priest from among men is ordained for men in things pertaining to God, That he may offer both gifts and sacrifices for sins. Who can have compassion on the ignorant, and on them that are out of the way; for that he himself also is compassed with infirmity. (surrounded by weakness.)  And by reason hereof he ought, as for the people, so also for himself, to offer for sins. And no man taketh honor unto himself, but he that is called of God, as was Aaron. So also Christ glorified not himself to be made an high priest; but he that said unto him, Thou art my son, today have I begotten thee. As he saith also in another place, Thou art a priest for ever after the order of  Melchizedek. ( who is Melchizedek? It is believed that Melchizedek was Christ himself. Still remains somewhat a mystery.) Who in the days of his flesh, (Christ) when he had offered up prayers and supplications with strong crying and tears unto him that was able to save him from death, and was heard in that he feared; Though he were a Son, yet learned he obedience by the things which he suffered. And being made perfect, he became the author of eternal salvation unto all them that obey him. Unquote.  Suffer and be made strong if we obey. I can willingly do that.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Monday, May 30, 2016

Jean's Comment's: "A Memorial Day Nightmare"

Jean's Comment's: "A Memorial Day Nightmare":       My little Bumble Bee gardener is takinf care of my flowers. 5-30-2016 Perryton, Texas. This Memorial Day turned out to be a nice o...

"A Memorial Day Nightmare"

      My little Bumble Bee gardener is takinf care of my flowers. 5-30-2016 Perryton, Texas.

This Memorial Day turned out to be a nice one, but I was deprived of going to the cemetery for the services. That old enemy called Satan attacked me in a dream last night, and I was exhausted when I finally woke up at 9 o’clock this morning. The nightmare woke me up at 3 0’clock and it was after 6 when I fell back to sleep. The Memorial service started at 10 o’clock and I knew I could not make it. Today I am still fighting off that nightmare. It’s unbelievable how evil that old demon is, and how much damage he can do to a child of God. My Heavenly Father came to my aid, but I am still upset about such a terrible thing that I went through last night. Never in a million years could this horrible thing happened, but it still made an impact on my mind. I keep searching for reasons that I had this awful dream. It is one that will never be told to anyone. It could have a great mental effect on another life that is a little less than perfect to me. It is just about the worst demon trick that Satan could place on anyone. I am slowly recovering, and I know all memories will be erased. This was not a nightmare of fear, it was a shocking experience. I am left hating Satan more than ever before. He attacked me with a devastating lie. I cannot think of any reason why he would do that. Then I am made to wonder why God would allow him to do that. I just must continue to push it out of my mind until there is no memory at all.

I truly believe this nightmare was given to me for a reason that I needed to overcome something that I found extra hard to do. Even though I was trying hard to forget a matter of great hurt to me, I could not completely lay it aside. I am human, and I think that sometimes I keep telling myself that. Meaning that I have feelings, and I can not easily forget when a horrible disgraceful charge has been handed me. In younger days I did not let most such things bother me, but it is different now. I think it’s different for many reasons other than age. I will always try to please God no matter what the price I must pay. I can bind my tongue when I feel like I should, then I will unleash my tongue when I feel like God is directing me to do so. This takes a mighty strong amount of faith to apply such unpleasant remarks, but if it is required of me, I will do it. Faith will lead me to victory in time. I am who I am, and so is everyone else who they are. There is no perfection in any human being, so forgiveness is absolutely a constant must. God will take care of all vengeance if we do the right thing.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Sunday, May 29, 2016

Jean's Comment's: "Repent And Show Yourselves Repented"

Jean's Comment's: "Repent And Show Yourselves Repented": Dark and threatening clouds have been hanging over Perryton, Texas all day. 5-29-2016 Perryton, Texas. For the most part of the day dark...

"Repent And Show Yourselves Repented"

Dark and threatening clouds have been hanging over Perryton, Texas all day. 5-29-2016 Perryton, Texas.

For the most part of the day dark, and threatening clouds have been hovering over us. We have been under a tornado watch a big part of the day. At 5:30 p.m. we are still under a severe storm warning. So far just a slight rain has happened. I am anxiously awaiting for clear skies, and a report that they will be here for a long time. This bad weather has hung on for several weeks. I have begun to feel like a shut-in. The nice days have been here now and then, but not for very long at a time. Some roads in our area have washed out, and caused some bad accidents. Other places have flooded and have done a lot of damage to owners homes, and recreational areas. I have only minor things to complain about. I truly am thankful. My worst worry is what might happen next. It must be a sign of little faith. I don’t know how many churches cancelled services today, but even those who didn’t I feel had a very small attendance. Even now as I write my computer is acting up. It sounds like someone is hitting it hard enough to make it yelp every little bit. I will have to reset all the clocks before going to bed. My yard has rose peddles all over it. They are too wet, and there’s not enough wind to blow them away.

I don’t know if the weather will permit for the Memorial Day services tomorrow, but I do hope to be able to go. I look forward to this celebration for our veterans, and all our friends and loved ones every year. Many people will be gathered there to join in prayer, and  praise for those who have said good-bye to this old world of sorrow and pain. I can look around and see that I am just one of many who are grieving for lost loved ones. Somehow it seems to make it a little easier. I have loved ones in many cemeteries scattered all around that I cannot visit their graves, but I always think of them all. “What a day that will be when my Jesus I shall see, and all my loved ones there will be, forever in eternity.” This is what makes us all strong enough to keep pressing on. We will be set free by and by. The longer we live the more trials we have to endure, but when our time comes it will have been worth it all. If only we could love each other more, and treat our brothers and sisters like Jesus treats us we all would be less sinful, and more victorious. I long for the day when no one will judge but God. To all those who say they know how God will judge them, I say they are wrong. The word says, “Every man’s ways is right in his own eyes, but the Lord weighs the hearts.”  Proverbs 21:2. Can we all possible agree with this proverb, and leave the judging to God? That does not mean we cannot disagree with those who break the laws of our land, but there also is an earthly judge who will take care of those. We must love our enemies as ourselves, and do not send them to hell in your own words.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Saturday, May 28, 2016

Jean's Comment's: "Hurry And Be Gone Memorial Day Week End"

Jean's Comment's: "Hurry And Be Gone Memorial Day Week End":           I transplanted some Oriental grass in my new flower garden today. 5-28-2016 Perryton, Texas. I worked in the yard a lot today....

"Hurry And Be Gone Memorial Day Week End"

          I transplanted some Oriental grass in my new flower garden today. 5-28-2016 Perryton, Texas.

I worked in the yard a lot today. My body is telling me about it. I transplanted some Oriental grass, and dug a spot to set out some Marigold plants. The worst thing I had to do about getting this garden spot ready was to dig the entire space up with a shovel. It was solid grass with some of it being Bermuda which has deep rooted runners, I still like a little having it all taken out. I do enjoy working with it, and I sure need the exercise. I also have a lot of ideas that I will be working with.

With this being Memorial Day week-end there is not much news on television. Everything is re-runs. I am set for a long period of silently spending time with my deceased loved ones. I have no family living close to me but one son. Since I live so far away from them they seldom ever come to visit me. They have always expected us to do the going. When my husband was alive we didn’t mind driving long distances to spend time with our family, but now that I’m all alone I do not travel much. The friend that was suppose to spend the week-end with me had to cancel her trip because of such stormy weather we’ve been having. I will be looking forward to next week. Our Senior Citizens Center will also be closed Monday to let the workers and members spend time with family.

I did get my Sunday dinner cooked today. I baked a pork roast with carrots, celery, onions, and potatoes. I will bake the apple pie in the morning. Chuck and I will be eating together. If I did not have Chuck with me I don’t know what I would do. He doesn’t live for from me, and he comes over several times a day. He likes gardening as much as I do so we both have something to keep us busy through the summer. Most of his friends live far off so he too spends a lot of time on the telephone.

My next-door neighbors are still gone. They took their camper and went to Red River, New Mexico. I know they are having fun. Our family used to go there a lot. We mostly went in the winter for snow skiing, but we also spent some time in the summer there. There are always a lot of recreation that one can take in. It is a very beautiful place of nature. Now since my family have all grown up and moved away we no longer go to the mountains. We sold our Mountain home that we built at Rockwall, Colorado. We kept all memory rights to it. They pay us off big when we get together and talk about all the wonderful times we had there. The past is gone, but the memories will live forever. I have had a good live, and I thank God for it every day.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Friday, May 27, 2016

Jean's Comment's: "More Bird Talk"

Jean's Comment's: "More Bird Talk": Mr. Robin is very upset with me. I am getting to close to his babies. 5-27-2016 Perryton, Texas When I didn't leave at his first no...

"More Bird Talk"

Mr. Robin is very upset with me. I am getting to close to his babies. 5-27-2016 Perryton, Texas
When I didn't leave at his first notice he ruffled up his feathers and started kicking at the fence post. 5-27-2016 Perryton, Texas.

A few days ago I posted a picture of a Robin’s nest with three little birds in it. They had just hatched out. A few days later I posted a picture of a Robin standing on the ground close to the nest. This Robin had a worm hanging out of it’s mouth. I thought it was the mother bird fixing to feed her babies, but my son, Chuck, told me it is the father bird that provides food and takes it to the mother who doesn’t leave the nest. She then feeds the babies. Today I am even more sure the bird with the worm in it’s mouth was the father. As I sat in a lawn chair this morning immediately a Robin landed on a line right above me and the nest. I didn’t move so the bird flew to the tree where the nest is. I think it was the father bird warning the mother that I was close. A few minutes later I was suddenly attracted to a bird kicking around on a fence post close to where I was setting. I took it’s picture. It is the first one I posted. Then the Robin ruffled his feathers and looked so angry that there was no doubt but this was the father trying to make me leave. The second picture I posted is the angry Robin. It is about time for the little birds to be put out of the nest. I am sure both father and mother are involved in that transaction of the little ones lives. I found this very interesting.

I took time out to mow the front yard because it looked like it might rain soon. It really tires me greatly, and I have to admit I’m not as young as I used to be. I do realize though how blessed I am to do the work I do. I can hardly remember when I didn’t work in the field or help my mom do laundry. L helped my dad do carpenter work also. You would be surprised at how good I am still at sawing, and hammering boards. It’s more of a hobby than work to me. I need to get away from time to time for some play and recreation, but I am of the opinion that everyone needs to do that. A good balance of work and play is good for the soul. I am always happy to join friends to take a short pleasure trip, or go out to eat. I welcome company in my home anytime. I’m not as involved in church activity as I used to be, but that is an issue that is bigger than I. I fear for the radical, and insincerity worship of the modern-day churches. I long for the person who will spring up and make our churches great again. My faith holds onto that hope. I have to blame myself as much as anyone else, because without a fight in anything that is worth having, it’s gone already. I never liked to fight. It was easier for me to leave than engage in a religious war. However, I’m not sure God would have it be that way. I hope I have not failed Him.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp 

Thursday, May 26, 2016

Jean's Comment's: "Nature And The Natural Side Of Life"

Jean's Comment's: "Nature And The Natural Side Of Life": We had about a 5 minute rain from the clouds surrounding the sun. Very unusual weather. 5-26-2016 Perryton, Texas. I dare try to predict...

"Nature And The Natural Side Of Life"

We had about a 5 minute rain from the clouds surrounding the sun. Very unusual weather. 5-26-2016 Perryton, Texas.
I dare try to predict what these clouds have in store for us. Anything but tornadoes I hope. 5-26-2016 Perryton, Texas.

 I worked in the yard a couple of hours today. The sun was shinning bright, and the ground was pretty dry. I watered everything, and set out some mum plants. I walked outside at 5 0’clock p.m. and saw that it had been raining. The sun was still shinning, but was surrounded by funny-looking clouds. I just hope I can do some more yard work tomorrow, as the grass is getting so tall. My neighbors who have the basement I depend on for storm protection left today with their camper, so I will be hunting for another place to find shelter. This scary weather can’t end too soon for me. My friend from Oklahoma City who was coming this week-end for memorial Day called and cancelled her trip. She didn’t trust the weather. I told her I thought that was a good idea, but that I would miss her. I’m sure she will be coming as soon as the storms let up. I don’t expect to be feeling good for at least another couple of weeks. Memorial Day time is always hard for me even without the stormy weather. I have faith to know that I will get over it, and I can assume my, more interesting, work. The fact that I have friends to share my sorrow with is a wonderful blessing. I fail to thank them enough.

The very good news today is that Donald Trump has clinched the 1,237 delegates needed to win the GOP nomination. Everything is looking better for him, and the United States every day. I have no doubt but that Trump will miraculously end tons of evil, and corrupt, business in our country. I have purchased a ringside ticket to watch the greatest show that’s ever been broadcast on this earth. How nice it is not to be one of the characters. I am a member of the audience who will be laughing with all my heart just seeing the faces of those who have finally been brought to justice. I know that the number of God fearing, and God loving, people is much less than the opposite army, but I also know that the leader of the lesser number is greater than all the larger army put together. We can, and will,  take our country back without all the nonsense that has sounded the loudest for years. Donald Trump has been sent to this nation to rescue the perishing remains. I am so thankful that God let me see that when Mr. Trump made his official announcement for a candidate to the GOP presidency. I have never wavered from that first  feeling that Trump was the one. I will stand with him through thick and thin because I trust my, God-given, wisdom. Not my own, but God’s. I will never try to understand it. I will just accept it, and follow with the daily changes that will eventually “Make America Great Again.” God bless Mr. Trump, and his wonderful family.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Jean's Comment's: "Feed The Hungry And Comfort The Sorrowful"

Jean's Comment's: "Feed The Hungry And Comfort The Sorrowful": So sweet to watch the mother Robin finding worms to take up to the nest to feed her babies. 5-25-2016 Perryton, Texas. This is a closer...

"Feed The Hungry And Comfort The Sorrowful"

So sweet to watch the mother Robin finding worms to take up to the nest to feed her babies. 5-25-2016 Perryton, Texas.
This is a closer up of the worm in the Robin's mouth.She is going to feed her babies. 5-25-2016 Perryton, Texas.

For those of you who have been following my blogs the Mother Robin who hatched out three little birds is now picking up worms to feed them. I posted a picture of the little ones in the nest, just hatched out, about four days ago. The mother don’t get very far from them, and this tree where she has the worm in her mouth is just a few feet from the nest where her babies are. I never expected to get a picture of the mother with a worm hanging out her mouth, but it is very plain. I watched her fly back to the nest to feed the babies. A beautiful act of nature. As I walked across the, needed to be cut, grass I jumped, stumbled, and screamed several times because little toad frogs were hopping all around me. I was sure I would crush one under my feet, and I didn’t know but what I might be stepping on a little bird who was out of the nest, but couldn’t fly yet. I will be glad when all the pregnant mothers have their little ones, and they develop enough to take care of themselves. I don’t like my yard being used for a nursery. I stepped in two holes that I believe either baby rabbits were in, or the mother rabbit is fixing to deliver there. Woosh! Get me out of there. She has the hole filled in with grass. I can’t see it, but I know when I have stepped in it. I exited the yard right away.

I must report that the storm we were advised to take notice of last nigh missed us altogether. We didn’t even have any rain. Although I hear we are suppose to have some bad weather this week-end. These threats keep me at home. I am afraid to go anywhere out of town. I will be happier when all signs of bad weather is gone. This week-end is Memorial Day, and I am suppose to be having company from Oklahoma City. A celebration is planned at the cemetery, so I hope it will be nice for that. I am anxious to go out and have my big cry, and get it over with. My heart has been broken so many times till it’s impossible to ever put it back together, but I can bear the pain with the help of my Lord, and friends. We must keep traveling because we are not there yet. The road sign reads, “Heaven straight ahead.” There are no exits. It’s been a long straight road to travel, and I hope it’s not much further. What a great reunion day that will be. I want to thank everyone who has helped me stay on the right road, and everyone who will be helping me when I reach the end. Nothing is more important to me than the love shown me from many. I hope I can be of equal help to others. I had a person who is struggling with life to call me this morning. A guy my son’s age who has had nothing but trouble most of his life. He has done everything in the book to find favor with God, but it seems like all he can expect is just more faith. He keeps forgetting my son’s number, and he calls me to get it. Then he always apologies for bothering me. He always asks how I am doing. He said to me this morning, “Mrs. Sharp if I can ever be of any help to you please let me know.” I made a slight laugh, meaning “thank you, I’m so grateful,” but the young man said, “I know you are laughing, but…. I stopped him quickly saying, “no I’m not laughing dear. I am just letting you know how much I appreciate that. You never know when I might need you, and I will call on you.” Then he said again, Chuck has my number, please call me. I felt like I had almost been horse-whipped by God. I never realized just how terribly bad this guy has suffered from regret, and failure to find favor with God. He has been trying to please God for years. I never knew of anything this fellow has done that is all that bad. I have always thought of him as being a gentleman, and thoughtful of others. He has had a lot of bad things happen to him that I don’t understand, but I truly believe it is Satan’s work of deceit because he found a person of vulnerability. This guy calls my son only to be encouraged by him, and to offer any encouragement he can give Chuck. This gentleman is being punished unfairly, and I plan to make it a high priority on my prayer list, to touch God on his behalf. It broke my heart when he said I know you are laughing at me. I finally realized how forsaken he felt. He feels denied by most everyone including God, yet he still pleads with God daily. This fellow is nice-looking, polite, humble, and a lot more. He is a prisoner of Satan. I ask for your prayers that he might be freed from the guilt the enemy has made him a prisoner of.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Jean's Comment's: "How Can We Escape So Great Of Damnation"

Jean's Comment's: "How Can We Escape So Great Of Damnation": I was able to work in the flower garden a little today. It is still wet, but did a few things. 5-24-2016 Perryton, Texas               ...

"How Can We Escape So Great Of Damnation"

I was able to work in the flower garden a little today. It is still wet, but did a few things. 5-24-2016 Perryton, Texas
                         Set out a few twigs of the tropical grass. 5-24-2016 Perryton, Texas.

My day is ending too soon. I didn’t get as much done as I had hoped, but tomorrow will be another day. I did some house cleaning this morning. That makes me feel better. The weather is cloudy and cool, just right for enjoying the outside. It looks like more rain could happen tonight. I’m trying to find time to take a day off and go to the lake to fish awhile. I haven’t been this year at all. I am anxious to go and try my luck catching a mess of crappie. The dam is overflowing, so I don’t know if the fish will be biting or not. The lake is completely filled with water. I talked with one of the ladies who helps operate the Lobo Restaurant there while I was grocery shopping yesterday. She said lots of people are still coming out. Not a lot of my friends like to fish so if any of you would like to join me let me know.

I just took a short break to watch the weather report. We are again under a tornado alert. I wonder what’s going on with this part of Texas. We have never in the past had much stormy weather here. The clouds seem to be stationary for the past several days. They move so slowly, then some more are following the same path. The wicked ways of the wind can be very frightening. But I know the one who can give peace and calm in the worse kind of storms. He scolded His disciples once for having little faith during a terrible storm. I stand to be scolded also, because storms can be terrifying. I am thankful that my next-door neighbors have a basement and have told me to just walk in without knocking. At this moment the sun is shinning so bright you can’t even look up. But the tornado is still very much alive just a few miles from our city. Not a drop of rain has come down yet. It is 6:00 p.m. and all is well with my soul. “Thank you Lord.”

With all the bad things that’s going on in the world today, I would not be surprised at anything that happens here. America has most assuredly crossed over the line of no more mercy. Only those who have their anchor securely fastened to the arm of God will stand the storm. When God withdraws His mercy from this world, another Great Tribulation will happen. Some believe the first Great Tribulation happened with the fall of the Jews. Millions were tortured and killed. Others believe The Great Tribulation is yet to happen, and it will be much worse than the Jewish tribulation. I believe the latter is  coming sooner than we think. How could God close His eyes on such evil, and wicked people who have tested Him beyond belief? How big is God’s anger when He has had enough? I really don’t want to know.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Monday, May 23, 2016

Jean's Comment's: "Age Is No Excuse To Neglect God"

Jean's Comment's: "Age Is No Excuse To Neglect God":       Moon shinning through my bedroom window at 1:00 this morning. 5-23-2016 Perryton, Texas. We had a rough evening, and night here in...

"Age Is No Excuse To Neglect God"

      Moon shinning through my bedroom window at 1:00 this morning. 5-23-2016 Perryton, Texas.

We had a rough evening, and night here in Perryton, Texas last night. We were under a tornado alert for about three hours. Tornado’s were threatening us from every direction. One was spotted right over Perryton, but the whistle never did go off. I finally went to bed at 11:00 p.m. I awoke at 1:00 a.m. to see this bright moon shinning through my bedroom window. I could not believe this after so many hours of dark clouds, and threatening  tornados. I had to get up and take a picture. I missed seeing the bright red Mars that was suppose to be in full view last night. My last time to look for it was at 11 o’clock just before I went to bed. The sky was still jet black with large clouds. Today the sun is shinning bright, and everything looks well watered. I’m thankful for being protected again by our loving God. Also it’s nice to have our yards watered generously, and keeping our water bills low. I’ll be waiting a few more days now to get back to doing my garden work. The weeds are growing faster than I can keep them chopped out. However, I am gaining on it little by little.

I must start checking off some things on my, “to do list” today. So far I haven’t done one thing that was posted. Wash dishes, go to grocery store, go to bank, do laundry, and get a lot more done on my painting. I just don’t have the self-push, that I used to have. I really like being my own boss even though I don’t get as much done. I claim this, life of freedom, a gift of God, although I know He still makes demands. He gave us all the “Ten Commandants” to live by before, and after, retirement. It is a life long commitment He requires of us. The “Ten Commandants” was given by God to Moses to give His people so they would always be blessed if they lived by them. I think it would help if we all would stick a copy of them on our refrigerator door. Right now I can only think of seven of them. Every one of those commandants are important. It’s bad business for our courts, and schools, to have had to remove them from their walls. America is no longer a nation of Christian belief. It is a Godless nation tempting God every day we exist. As much as I hate to rebuke some of my best friends, family, and loved ones, there is no other way but to remind them of their duty to read, and obey the Word of God, “The Holy Bible.” To follow the latest trend in music, dress, idol worship, and all other condemned acts of God, is to sit one’s self up for a great fall. The evil power of this world has captured many, and they need to realize it, and seek deliverance every day. I am convinced by reading God’s Word, that few will ever escape the trap that was set for them. They who are lovers of evil more than lovers of God will perish with the evil. A wake-up call is in order.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Sunday, May 22, 2016

Jean's Comment's: "Joy Fills My Heart Today"

Jean's Comment's: "Joy Fills My Heart Today": I did get a picture of the baby Robins. The mother flew away so I climbed upon a ladder and got their picture. I think there are three. Do...

"Joy Fills My Heart Today"

I did get a picture of the baby Robins. The mother flew away so I climbed upon a ladder and got their picture. I think there are three. Double click to see them better. 5-22-2016 Perryton, Texas.

I made a hit this morning. The mother Robin flew away from her nest so I got the ladder climbed up and took a picture of her babies. I think there are three of them. I couldn’t see them, but I held the camera over the nest and took the picture. I very hurriedly took the ladder down and tried to act innocent. I am sure that mother was watching me closely. I am excited about getting a picture of her babies before they were hardly dry. I may paint their picture later on. It would make a great “mother nature” painting, since the nest is so large, and so close to the ground, not mentioning that the tree is five feet from my window.

I also slipped upon a small toad frog from behind, and he had no where to go but up the tin sheet that I had under my faucet. Many frogs are hopping around in my back yard, but they always find a place to jump into so I can’t take a picture. What a beautiful day with much natural beauty everywhere. I still have lots of yard work to do mostly finishing the flower garden. I was so happy yesterday to find several sprigs of exotic grass coming up from one plant I have had for several years. This is the first time ever to see little plants that I can dig up and set out. The older plant is so nice to look at. It’s about four feet tall, and spreads out over a wide area. It is now in full head with long silver, very thin blades, waving gently in the wind. I haven’t been able to find another plant like it anywhere. Now I will be able to transplant the new sprigs coming up.

I am reaching for the moon, but I know if I get there I have to keep climbing. It’s sure to happen if I can keep the same spirit I feel today. Our God is all powerful, and can do anything we ask if we will only trust and believe in Him. Some of my family need to be expecting good news, because I am again asking God to bless you. Be prepared to acknowledge that God has given you this blessing, and thank Him for it with all your heart. “Great is the victory that over comes the world.” We all just need to remember it is not by any good thing we did to be worthy of the blessings we receive. It is only because we asked, and believed, that God answered. Let us lift our hands in praise, and ask God what we can do to help others who lack faith to ask God for a blessing. I leave you now with this thought. Nothing in this world is worth having if we didn’t pay a dear price for it. That is a spiritual thought, not a worldly one. When we have put much time, and effort, into preparing ourselves for great things, then we have the right to ask God to let us prosper accordingly. He will answer if you don’t deny yourself by thinking you are not worthy after you receive it. Yes, we have to be somewhat famous, if God so willingly offers us the chance. “Congratulations, my dear loved one.”

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Saturday, May 21, 2016

Jean's Comment's: "Baby Robins And Grown Lizards"

Jean's Comment's: "Baby Robins And Grown Lizards": Congratulations! Mother Robin. The new born babies were just hatched. This is the Robin that I have been writing about on my blog. She bui...

"Baby Robins And Grown Lizards"

Congratulations! Mother Robin. The new born babies were just hatched. This is the Robin that I have been writing about on my blog. She built a nest in the plum tree just outside my art studio window. I walked by the tree yesterday and there was no egg shell on the ground, but the Robin flew away as I walked by. Now this morning I walk by and I saw this blue egg shell on the ground, then the Robin flew away again. Some little birds are in the nest, but I don't dare climb up and look at them. They are just barely higher than I can tip-tow and see. 5-21-2016 Perryton, Texas.

I am so excited! We have baby Robins at our house. I want to see them, but I’m afraid if I get on a step ladder to look in the mother may abandon them. I was walking by the tree this morning and saw this piece of a blue shell on the ground. About that time the mother jumped out of the nest and flew. I walked by that tree yesterday, but there was no egg shell on the ground. Date of birth May 21,2016.  Place of birth, 1114 Michigan street, Perryton, Texas. I congratulate that mother because she built that nest within five feet on my window. The nest was barely above eye level. I feel sure she knew grandmother would help her protect the eggs. And I have kept an eye on them every day. Chuck even climbed up and looked in the nest before she laid the eggs. Since it was empty we thought she may have already abandoned the nest for some reason. Not so, today we have one or more baby birds. They may not all be hatched yet.

I also jumped a big high when I was watering the flowers this morning. For the first time in years a foot long, white lizard, or something, jumped right in front of me. I first thought it was a snake, but then I saw it was more like a lizard. When I went for my camera it had disappeared without me getting it’s picture. Then again I saw toad frogs all over the yard. I really don’t want to be friends with lizards and toad frogs. However they are part of the make up from the natural habitat of my yard. I am more fearful now of seeing things I don’t want to see. All in all I am satisfied with the small animal life that shares my yard, and soothes my sorrow.

We didn’t have rain last night, but I believe it’s been predicted for the week-end. It’s so nice to have the sun shinning bright, and the wind is cool and comfortable. I have started painting again, so I will not work outside again for a few days. I will be cleaning house and getting ready for company Memorial Day week-end. That is a job I hate, but I must do it once in awhile. I am always happy to have company. I have yet to buy flowers for the graves. I just haven’t been in the mood for shopping, and it depresses me to put flowers on the graves. Somehow I want my husband and little baby boy to come up out of those graves. It takes awhile for me to bounce back after Memorial Day celebration is over. Life can be almost unbearable sometimes. Thank God for His healing touch when we need it so badly. He promised me several years ago to never leave me nor forsake me, and He has always kept that promise. I thank Him every day.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Friday, May 20, 2016

Jean's Comment's: "The Bold And The Reliable"

Jean's Comment's: "The Bold And The Reliable": Mr. Blackbird was eating bugs from the freshly mowed lawn. He saw me with a camera, and I believe he poised for me. 5-20-2016 Perryton, T...

"The Bold And The Reliable"

Mr. Blackbird was eating bugs from the freshly mowed lawn. He saw me with a camera, and I believe he poised for me. 5-20-2016 Perryton, Texas.
The little deer is always posing while I take his picture. He is helping to landscape my newly constructed flower garden. 5-20-2016 Perryton, Texas.

The sun is shinning brightly today, but the ground is still too wet to dig in. I just took a walk through the yard and saw six or seven little toad frogs hopping around. They know how to hide, and blend in with the background they stop in. One little frog jumped through a hole in the fence just when I thought I had a shot at him. The big black birds have been feeding all morning off the many tiny bugs crawling through the grass. When the grass is first cut it makes it easier for the birds to pick them up. I did arouse the Robin from her nest in the plum tree that is so close to my house. I just walked by the tree and she jumped up out of the nest and flew. I had thought she had already hatched the eggs, but this scary moment made me to think otherwise. I would love to see those baby Robins when they hatch, but that will not be possible I’m sure. I left the yard feeling encouraged that the bird life is still very much claiming their rights. The toad frogs claimed their rights also. It seems like only humans are having trouble claiming and keeping their rights. We are now told that we have only one gender. Only one restroom for all from now on. America is one big retarded nation any more.

But!!! I just watched Donald Trump finish his speech at the NRA, National Rifle Association, convention. Ten thousand attendees were present to endorse Donald Trump for President. This was an exciting event to say the least. Donald said the second amendment  will never be abolished if he is elected president. This amendment is the right to own and bear firearms. According to Donald’s declaration everything that had made America great will be re-established, and America will be Great Again. I truly believe him, and I believe he is able to make it happen just like he says. America is about to be healed of her forced wicked ways. Only those who forced the evil, God-forbidding ways on the people will be left without mercy. And of course those who agreed with the demotic change. Ignorance is no excuse for people who will plead, “well I thought.” The Judge will find them guilty right along with the promoters of such evil trash. I was taught from a young age that ignorance is no excuse for people’s actions. That says a lot. I have to say I am hoping for Donald Trump to become president, and give everyone what they deserve who had a hand in trying to stop him from becoming president. That includes all of those who claimed to be fit for the commander-in-chief, but had no intentions of changing the things that made us Misfits in the first place. Also those who agreed with such deceivers need to be recognized, and condemned also.  It takes a strong fighter to fight strong evil giants. We have a “Little David,” (strong and brave) in Donald Trump ready to face that evil giant. Give him all you’ve got.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Thursday, May 19, 2016

Jean's Comment's: "Life Without Pain Is A Lie"

Jean's Comment's: "Life Without Pain Is A Lie": So proud of my beautiful roses. I'm working with getting the back yard as nice as the front. 5-19-2016 Perryton, Texas. These beaut...

"Life Without Pain Is A Lie"

So proud of my beautiful roses. I'm working with getting the back yard as nice as the front. 5-19-2016 Perryton, Texas.
These beautiful roses belong to my next door neighbor, but a sloping fence separates them from my flower bed, so I claim the roses also. 5-19-201 Perryton, Texas.

We did have more rain last night so I have been shut out of my flower garden again. Everything looks nice and green so I’m not complaining. My body needed some rest anyway. I have been painting on Melania Trump’s portrait this morning. I am anxious to finish it, but since she is so beautiful I don’t want to fail to justify  that beauty by rushing it up. I don’t mind if the rain keeps coming until I finish the portrait. I need badly to keep my concentration. One thing at a time is most important when doing a portrait. Thank God for the rain in more ways than one. I did get a lot done to add a new flower garden in my back yard. I started it a few days before it started raining, and have been able to work a little in between the rain that keeps on coming. I am so happy, and so excited about the blessings I have recently had, and the ones that are coming soon. Faith has paid off, and faith will pay off again. I can hardly keep my feet on the ground. There is nothing greater than being called upon by the Lord to shout  out his victory. We don’t need to go to a party and get drunk. We can be highly overjoyed  in our own home with no one but our self and God. Of course the victory party ends just like the alcohol party ends, but we don’t have to carry around the guilt of substituting God for alcohol. Then there is the bonus prize of staying well, and keeping our bills paid. But the best of all is knowing that our Heavenly Father will never leave, nor forsake us. He gives us more than we ask for if we will turn away from the foolish ways and get serious with Him. It’s not like we have to be perfect. We just have to believe in Him, and love and respect Him, because He is, “The  Way, the Truth, and the Light.”  A lot of the pain we endure is self inflected. I do believe for sure that we reap what we sow, because His Word tells us so. But the good thing about it God will treat our pain just like our earthly fathers did. Our pain is His pain. If we try to blame God at any time for our troubles, we are just pushing Him away. I doubt that He will knock us down so He can talk to us. If we get down the best way up is to repent, and never get carried away with self pity again. We cannot ask God to give us blessings on a silver tray. We must take them on whatever tray He offers them on. If He gives us a promotion on a tin tray, Praise Him, for He loved us enough to offer something whether we deserved it or not. The most overlooked blessings are those that people don’t recognize. They need to quit elevating themselves, and start elevating God. My advise, be strong, and accept those whom you think are below you, and love them for what they are. You never know whether they are in God’s will or not. Probably they are not according to your belief, but don’t forget Judas. Someone had to fulfill the plan of God by betraying Jesus. And don’t tell me Judas went to hell, because the bible does not say that. His guilt caused him to hang himself, but my bible says he repented before he hanged himself. It’s so easy to find fault with others, but who is that perfect one, except Jesus?

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Jean's Comment's: "Toil And Pray For Tomorrow We May Be Gone"

Jean's Comment's: "Toil And Pray For Tomorrow We May Be Gone": I have worked in the yard three hours today. Have made a lot of progress, but still lots to do. 5-18-2016 Perryton, Texas.    Too shady ...

"Toil And Pray For Tomorrow We May Be Gone"

I have worked in the yard three hours today. Have made a lot of progress, but still lots to do. 5-18-2016 Perryton, Texas.
   Too shady to show the flowers, but will take another one later. 5-18-2016 Perryton, Texas.

The ground was still wet today, but I did a lot of garden work anyway. After three hours of digging, raking, and planting in the new flower garden I am very tired. I loved every minute of the time I worked fixing hangers from scratch with only a few odd and ends to work with. I have spent almost nothing on stuff for the flower garden except a little on plants. I hunted through all the storage and found things I didn’t remember I had. Most everything I used had to be repaired or painted, I even designed a chain hanger for some. I didn’t know I was so good with a hack-saw, and a pair of big pliers. I found an old gourd bird house that I bought at a family reunion auction paying $20.00 for it. Jerry Cope, you better remember this. You bid against me laughing all the time. You raised the gourd, and painted it red then made me pay a 20 dollar bill for it. After ten years all the paint had faded away, so I gave it a new face lift. I will be watching for a bird to claim it now. I planted a lot of seed today. Hopefully some of them will come up through the ground, but again I found them in storage and they may not be active. I was not ready to quit my work outside today as I kept getting ideas, but my tired body made me come inside. If it doesn’t rain tonight I will be back tomorrow chopping out the rest of weeds and grass tomorrow. 

I will spend the evening watching television. I am deeply involved in getting Donald Trump elected to the Presidency. I feel sure he is the one who can really make our country great again. He has been meeting with some very high-up individuals who have been against him, but are now trying to patch things up. They are having to admit they were wrong. That is so hard for some people to do. But those who have any respect for proven understanding, and  successful people usually will back off when they see they can’t compare. It’s those whom will never admit to being wrong that always comes to naught. Never even realizing what made them so dumb. It’s all a matter of thinking too highly of ones self.  Not smart at all. Suffer they must, because without repentance the trend goes on. A person out of touch with God, even though they claim to be holding His hand. Their God must not be the God of the universe. People’s God was tested many times in ancient bible history. The real God always came out victor. Still those same people would not let go of their faith in a failing God. We see the same thing happening today. People keep holding onto the way they want to believe, not the way God is asking them to believe. The difference is, live a victorious life, or a life of constant defeat.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Jean's Comment's: "The Real The Unreal And The Also Real"

Jean's Comment's: "The Real The Unreal And The Also Real":         Poor little squirrel in a striped tree looking to eat the flowers. 5-17-2016 Perryton, Texas.                               Ano...

"The Real The Unreal And The Also Real"

        Poor little squirrel in a striped tree looking to eat the flowers. 5-17-2016 Perryton, Texas.
                              Another one of my hanging planters. 5-17-2016 Perryton, Texas.

The rain just keeps coming in Perryton, Texas. I haven’t been able to work in my flower garden in 3 or 4 days. I had just started it so I really need to get back to working with it. I am thankful for the rain, and I know there is plenty of time for me to set out the rest of the plants, and plant some more seeds. I get over anxious sometimes. I really like to see that sun, but will wait until it decides to take over. We were under a tornado alert last night, and possible will be again tonight. I have to be thankful for nothing but a little rain happened here.

While I was shut in today I did some baking. I made a cherry cobbler, and made a lot of bierox. I can freeze these foods and not have to cook every day while I am working in the yard. If it stays rainy tomorrow I will get back to my painting. With the several jobs I have going I can always keep busy no matter what the weather is like outside. I do have to admit I hate quitting one project just when I’m passionately involved and going to another. I prefer painting above all else, but I do have to keep the yards mowed, and the flower beds cared for. That does take a lot of time. I do enjoy writing and reading a lot also. I usually do that when I am resting from other jobs. The computer is the greatest blessing I have ever been privileged to. I can keep up with worldly news, and stay in touch with a lot of family and friends. I can also share my blessings with them. The only thing the computer can’t do is take away my pain. Older bodies needs lubricating often, and not expected to operate like new. Other than that, I get along just fine with my low speed motor.

I spoke with several family members today and a few friends. That is also a great blessing to me. It’s so nice to have unlimited phone calls anymore with low fees. I make good use of that offer. I am older, but wiser, and a lot more privileged than when I was much younger. I hope I can say I complain a lot less. I still have very unusual things to happen to me far, and in between, but when it happens I an left with a huge mysterious feeling. I sometimes think a divine revelation has visited me, and I am made to stand much taller than before. It hinges between mystery, surprise, and wonder. It often makes me feel unsure of what I was thinking to be positive. I will submit it all to God, and know for sure He is in control. The life-like experience will probably never be forgotten, but again I say God is in control,

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Monday, May 16, 2016

Jean's Comment's: "What Can I Do For You"

Jean's Comment's: "What Can I Do For You": I am making some progress with my extended flower garden. Just won't stop raining so I can dig. 5-16-2016 Perryton, Texas. We have h...

"What Can I Do For You"

I am making some progress with my extended flower garden. Just won't stop raining so I can dig. 5-16-2016 Perryton, Texas.

We have had rain every day since I started work on my extended flower garden. The ground is just too wet to dig and set out plants. I am patiently waiting hoping to get more involved shortly. Chuck just called and said we are under a tornado watch. I trust we don’t get hit, and the sun will come out and dry things up for awhile. I have been working this morning filling some planters, and I cut down two small trees that were growing in the berry patch. I stripped one of the trees and stationed it in the ground to hold small animal and bird figures. I will also put a bird feeder in it. I just keep getting ideas, and it drives me crazy because I can’t  carry out those fun things fast enough. Anyway I have a full time summer job keeping it all going. When I get tired of working I just sat down in a lawn chair and enjoy the fruits of my labor. The birds, the frogs, the bees, even the rabbits are there to keep me company. The rabbits jump up and run if I get too close to them, but they do share my yard. They give birth to their babies in a nest they dig under the grass. I have to be careful not to push the lawn mower over them. I usually search out the Rabbit’s nests before I start mowing. When I raised strawberries I had to spread pet repellant around the edges of the bed. Rabbits love strawberries.

My thought for today is that I am one day closer to heaven than I was yesterday. I try hard not to become too eager, because I know that would not be pleasing to God. He told us to occupy till He comes, but after all the loved ones, and close friends I have lost recently, it’s hard to overcome deep sorrow. Nothing seems to take their place. In a few words much encouragement that I nourished from these loved ones have left me now feeling  malnourished. A certain amount of strength they supplied me is no longer available. I think I can truly say that all of those I had known over many years, and are now gone, left me with some kind of happy memory. Even those whom maybe didn’t even know they meant anything to me at all. My prayer each day includes this, “Lord never let me shut out anyone who may be needing something from me, but I knew nothing about it. The poor, the rich, the kind, the unkind, the educated, the uneducated, the sick, the well, the clean, the bug infested, the hopeful, the depressed, and all other types of humanity who are still living, but are all trying to make it to heaven.” I am strong enough with your help to hold up the weak and undone even though I may not enjoy it. “Make me a blessing to someone today, I pray.”

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Saturday, May 14, 2016

Jean's Comment's: "Work And Pray- Expect The Best"

Jean's Comment's: "Work And Pray- Expect The Best": A daytime moon shinning in another part of the world. As the world turns the moon changes to light. 5-14-2016 Perryton, Texas.          ...

"Work And Pray- Expect The Best"

A daytime moon shinning in another part of the world. As the world turns the moon changes to light. 5-14-2016 Perryton, Texas.
                             A closer view of the daytime moon. 5-14-2016 Perryton, Texas
This beautiful Saturday afternoon is showing us a white moon high in the clear blue sky. It is slightly cool here after a light shower last night. We are amazed at the still cool weather this late into the spring. It was 60 degrees  in my house this morning. We are still having to use the heater some. The cool, wet days gives me a break from yard work. I truly needed the rest, although I had several things I wanted to work with in the flower garden today. I’m so thankful that My Heavenly Father knows what’s best for me. I did the work of a horse yesterday putting in several long hours. My body said, “I’m tired, give me a break.” The rain made it possible. I cooked dinner today instead of having sandwiches again. I also did some laundry, and visited with my son in Houston. I talked with my sister in Oklahoma City, who was just leaving the hospital from having her other hip surgery. She has had a rough three months, but should be in a much better shape within a few weeks. I wish I lived closer to her so I could help, but she does have daughters there to help her. Since tomorrow is Sunday I will be resting again all day. Hopefully by Monday I will be back in the yard doing a lot of things I have on my list to do.

I will now try to connect my message to the above paragraph. No matter how much we try to stay occupied, engage in friendly conversations, rest our bodies and minds, or any other acts of lively hood, we still are victims of discouragement and depression. It not only affects the elderly who know without a doubt that they are nearing the end of life, but it also affects those who are grieving the loss of a loved one, or are having a struggle with pain, financial difficulties, feelings of  rejection by loved ones, feeling defeat from what used to be happy times, and all other issues that comes with life. To put it bluntly, life is hard to bear if one is sincerely trying to do good and treat others right. Inside all humans are that fragment of evil that drove Satan out of heaven. We must, just must fight that evil bit of agnostic nature that is dominant within all. Without the help of God, it is impossible to do that. If we move a little too far from the heart of God, we most definitely will be in trouble. Not one of us is big enough to handle our troubles by ourselves. Let us remember if we want to be able to keep winning our battles, we must make sure God is in command. We cannot tell the Commander-in-Chief what to do. We must follow His command even though we think we know better. Let us all get back in step with God.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Thursday, May 12, 2016

Jean's Comment's: "Broadening My Flower Garden World"

Jean's Comment's: "Broadening My Flower Garden World": A sneak-peek at my newly created flower garden. 5-12-2016 Perryton, Texas. Yesterday was the first day of creating a larger flower garde...

"Broadening My Flower Garden World"

A sneak-peek at my newly created flower garden. 5-12-2016 Perryton, Texas.

Yesterday was the first day of creating a larger flower garden for my pleasure. It took most of the day to prepare the ground. I did set out a few plants, but have done a lot more today. I arranged some stone disks around the small bed of plants I put out yesterday. I scraped the ground to clear it of anything growing. I made another trip to the nursery store to get some Powder Puff Dahlia bulbs. That is some of my most favorite flowers. I set my eyes on a few more gorgeous plants that are rather expensive, but beautiful. I need to find out if they come back each year. If so I will buy them. Tomorrow I will be lining the borders with mint. It definitely comes back every year, with a lot of extra than the year before. It does look nice, and gives off a minty smell. I am in the process of collecting rocks, mostly flat so I can walk through the garden without getting muddy. My next door neighbor has several bricks he is giving me. Chuck is also on the look-out.

I was surprised this morning to see a baby bird out of the nest and trying to hide because it couldn’t fly yet. I think it was a Robin. I thought it was too early for hatching. Especially for the birds to be old enough to leave the nest. I also took a picture of a small bull frog hopping around in my front yard flower bed. I am not looking for a baby snake, but I probably will see one as I have several times in the past. They are not part of my welcome guest. Chuck so carefully picks them up and gently takes them to the alley so I won’t kill them. He said he always tells them not to come back. I guess he thinks that will satisfy me. He calls them, “garden snakes,“ but I call them evil intruders. Somehow I’ve never seen their parents. If I did I think I would quickly put my house up for sale.

I enjoyed a long visit with my youngest sister today. She lives in Oklahoma City, and always lifts my spirits when I talk with her. She has had more than her share of hard times, but it seems to never get her down. She is one of those who will be happy with whatever they have to deal with, and never ask for more than they normally get. I don’t wish to be that way, but I do enjoy her positive attitude even though things look bad for her sometimes. As far as humbleness, I think she could almost compare with Jesus Christ. She has told me she has no fear of tomorrow. She just lives for today. I truly believe her. I am so grateful for her love and understanding as she lays all   jealously and envy aside. I will always see her as an happy, suffering, humble, and loving person that I cry about nightly. My God is her god, and He keeps her in his care. “Thank you Lord.”

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

                 A sneak-peek at my newly created flower garden. 5-12-2016 perryton, Texas.

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Jean's Comment's: "Busy Days Brings Much Praise"

Jean's Comment's: "Busy Days Brings Much Praise": I found this little Robin's egg in my alley today. So sorry for her loss. 5-11-2016 Perryton Texas. I have worked in the yard severa...

"Busy Days Brings Much Praise"

I found this little Robin's egg in my alley today. So sorry for her loss. 5-11-2016 Perryton Texas.

I have worked in the yard several hours today. While emptying trash in the dumpster I saw this little Robin’s egg lying on the ground in the alley. . It wasn’t cracked, but it was cold. I had a feeling of sympathy strike me. I looked around for a mother bird, but could not see any sign of one. There was no tree anywhere close, so surely this mother could not make it to her nest before dropping the egg. One of my grand daughters lived with me awhile when she was a little girl. I still have several of her personal things with me. The little basket I used to put the egg in was my grand daughters, and I thought it made a perfect casket for the pretty little Robin egg. As tired as I was I found it smoothing to sympathize with a mother bird.

I got a lot of yard work accomplished today. Did some mowing, and dug  several small flower beds to plant flowers. I will continue my adventure tomorrow. It helps me to stay active with my body. The first day I worked in the yard this year I was extremely tired and suffering with pain, but after a day of rest between I feel stronger and a lot less tired. I’m anxious to get back to my work tomorrow. I have several ideas I plan to create with my flower garden. I must thank God for letting me get over the muscle pain, and fit to move on with my work. “The joy of the Lord is my strength.”

I am expecting company from out of town for Memorial Day. I must hurry and  be through with my flower garden planting in time to prepare for the company. This same friend has visited me every Memorial Day since our husbands passed away. They are buried close together so we attend the yearly Memorial event that is sponsored by some of our Veterans. It is always so nice, and makes us feel close to our loving husbands for a little while. We also get to visit with several people who are there for the same reason that we are. Just to know that we all have said good-bye to some precious loved ones makes us feel connected. The cemetery always looks beautiful, and that makes us feel proud to have our loved ones resting there. We always go somewhere for lunch before going home. Sadly to say every year we visit the cemetery we see several more of our friends and acquaintances grave. It is a sad day, but a day we need to gather and celebrate the memories of our loved ones and dear friends. After a few tears we give thanks to Our lord for loving our precious loved ones as much as we do. He is to be praised forever, and ever, for caring enough to die for our sins. Also He cares enough to help us live on until our time comes. “Thank you Jesus for your love.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

, Texas.

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Jean's Comment's: "More Flowers For The Soul"

Jean's Comment's: "More Flowers For The Soul": Hibiscus is my joy all summer. Found this one today, and grabbed it quickly. A lot to pay for a flower plant, but they are worth it. 5-10-...

"More Flowers For The Soul"

Hibiscus is my joy all summer. Found this one today, and grabbed it quickly. A lot to pay for a flower plant, but they are worth it. 5-10-2016 Perryton, Texas.

How lucky I was to find this lovely full-blooming Hibiscus plant this morning. I buy one every summer, but this one is the biggest, and most beautiful I’ve ever bought. I like them because a new bloom opens up every day. The big flower the plant produces is just gorgeous for a few hours, then drops off, but another opens up as soon as the old one falls off. There are usually three to four flowers open at the same time. I did a lot of yard work today. I set out several flower plants, and hung two hanging baskets over my porch. I need to fill the humming bird feeder with nectar because I’m ready to watch those tiny birds flutter while they eat. I just hope they don’t forget to come this summer. As soon as I got the blooming flowers in the planters I saw several tiny bees trying to land on them. Nature is one huge, interesting, enjoyable, gift from heaven. I never get tired of it. Tomorrow I will be back out working again to finish planting all the flower plants. I am excited, and didn’t want to stop, but my old worn-out body just lets me do so much in one day. I can rest while enjoying the beauty of what I have already done, with the help of the birds. They seemed to be enjoying themselves as much as I. They would often land on a flower pole, and of course I never had my camera handy because I was working. 

I have a creative idea with my vegetable garden. I no longer raise vegetables so I’m turning that whole space into a flower garden.  With God’s help I know I can do it. Chuck is also helping me as he loves flowers as much as I do. He brought over a load of round cement disks that he molded several years ago. I wanted to use them to step on when the ground is wet, and I need to tend to the flowers. I know this sounds like a lot of work, but I think I can manage it. I couldn’t see letting that big garden space grow up with grass. It has served us as a vegetable garden for many years. I have canned many jars of vegetables from it, and gave a lot of them away. Everyone loved those yummy pickles, and pickled okra and beets,  but it was too much work for me to do alone. I think the flowers will replace my love for fresh vegetables. I still have my asparagus garden since it grows voluntarily every spring. It has served us several meals of delicious asparagus already this year. I have rhubarb, and fruit trees which require little attention. Chuck will furnish me with fresh tomatoes, and several other things he will be growing. If anyone needs some mint plants I have boo-koos of it. I can’t keep it pulled up fast enough. It gives off a strong mint smell, and the plant is nice and green. I have been fighting it for many years, but have never been able to completely destroy it. It is real, genuine mint and makes the ice tea taste good. I think I’m going to use a lot of it for a cover to my flower garden, since I have so much space. Happy summer days to all.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Monday, May 9, 2016

Jean's Comment's: "A Heavenly Reminder"

Jean's Comment's: "A Heavenly Reminder": More flowers are beginning to open up. Not too visible in this pic, but double click and they show up better. 5-9-2016 Perryton, Texas. ...

"A Heavenly Reminder"

More flowers are beginning to open up. Not too visible in this pic, but double click and they show up better. 5-9-2016 Perryton, Texas.
Blackberries are blooming nicely. Spring is so real, and so welcomed around here. 5-9-2016 Perryton, Texas.

It seems like it’s been a long time since last spring, but I am bouncing back to normal, and I believe it’s going to be one of the best I’ve ever had. I am noticing flowers blooming in places where they have never been before. The seeds must have scattered all over the yard. I am starting to expand my flower garden. More work, but more beauty also. Somehow flowers make me feel closer to heaven. God has a way of sharing with us. The birds were singing this morning darting in and out of every tree and bush. They wouldn’t even be still long enough for me to take a picture. The robin nest is still in tack just above my eye level tightly fastened to the limbs of a plum tree. I can’t tell if there is eggs there or not. I don’t want to molest the nest for fear the mother bird will abandon it. This is such an unusual sight. I have to wonder what that mother bird was thinking. When I first noticed it Chuck and I moved some branches to take a picture. He even climbed up enough to see that there were no eggs. But now we’re wondering if the mother decided to abandon it for she probably knew something had been going on. The nest is hidden so well till one has to be looking closely for plums before they notice it. I hope we didn’t scare the pretty mother robin away from her hard work where she  planned to give birth  to her babies.

I have several things on my list to do today. So far I have just finished one. I made banana nut bread, and am  now writing my blog. I must hurry if I finish all the other things. Like go to post office, call my sister, wash some dishes, and spend several hours on my painting. These are have to do things, and I want to do a few more other things. Now that Mother’s Day is over I have to admit that I am still a person with duties, and must move on. However, it was nice to gloat all day about my children, and have them tell me how much they loved me. I do thank God for all four of them, and for what He made each one to produce. These four children represent a multitude of differences, but I love each one for their own natural ways. They all loved their dad and mom, and nothing else matters. I know this may sound boastful, but I think God gave me four of the best He had. He has always helped me take care of them, and when they were sick He healed them. Now my grand children are being taken care of also. Some are more influential than others, but all know that God is with them, and for them. We all stick together through thick or thin. We will make it to heaven by and by.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Sunday, May 8, 2016

Jean's Comment's: "I Am A Happy Mother Today"

Jean's Comment's: "I Am A Happy Mother Today": Myself, Myrtle Jean Sharp, and friend, Bonnie Schafe, at the Citizen's Center Mother's Day Dinner. 5'8'2016 Perryton, Texa...

"I Am A Happy Mother Today"

Myself, Myrtle Jean Sharp, and friend, Bonnie Schafe, at the Citizen's Center Mother's Day Dinner. 5'8'2016 Perryton, Texas.
A great day at the Citizen's Center Mother's Day dinner. Very good food and fellowship. 5-8-2016 Perryton, Texas.

How nice it was to honored today at the Citizen’s Center Mother’s Day Dinner. A nice crowd filled the beautifully decorated tables, and many mothers were honored with their children by their side. The food was wonderful, and everyone enjoyed a super nice short visit with friends. I did not hear one word about politics except from me. That was just to tell a friend that I was so glad to hear something being said other than Donald Trump. I am a very, much involved, supported of Donald, but I can’t turn my television on without seeing, or hearing something about Donald Trump. it’s a long time until November so I am going to need to attend a lot more of these Mother’s Day dinners or such like to keep me sane.

While I did not have the privilege of having any of my family with me for Mother’s Day, I did get cards, and calls, from them all. I even had a Mr. “dear friend” pay for my dinner today at the center. God is so good to us, and we thank Him always. The picture I posted today is with a good friend whom I sit with for lunch every time I eat at the center. She is a retired teacher from Oklahoma City. She and I have a lot of things in common. Mostly we are both supporting Donald Trump. She had several members of her family with her today, and she has much to be proud of. I congratulate her. Even with all the love and support surrounding me I still feel like a marble going around and around in a round dishpan. It just won’t come to a stop. If I have to I will spin till I die, but I will never give up my faith in God. He is using me for something I know nothing about, and I will gladly approve His pick for my job. I know He will pay me well, and even give me bonuses.

While I wait upon the Lord to stop the spinning, I will continue to paint my heart out. I am making some very important people look very good. This is my way of saying, “I am proud of you.” Yes, I put a little of my heart into the picture. My love, my pride, my passion all go into the painting of my assignment. I just need to devote more time into my art work. I will be giving everyone a definite time that I will post the painting of Melania Trump on the network. I still like some finishing details before It is completed, but it shouldn’t be much longer. By the way, she is much prettier than her husband, but I did get the compliment that my painting of Donald was prettier than he really is, although he is definitely recognizable. I have had some to ask me to do a painting of them if I could make them look better than what’s natural. Somewhat a challenge. Who knows who or what?

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Saturday, May 7, 2016

Jean's Comment's: "One Can Run From God But They Cannot Hide"

Jean's Comment's: "One Can Run From God But They Cannot Hide": My next door neighbors have placed an welcome bench under their pecan tree in their yard. Such nice people, I live next too. 5-7-2016 Perr...

"One Can Run From God But They Cannot Hide"

My next door neighbors have placed an welcome bench under their pecan tree in their yard. Such nice people, I live next too. 5-7-2016 Perryton, Texas.

As everyone can see the results of all the rain we’ve been getting is evident in the green lawns we are now enjoying. Our next-door neighbors even placed a welcome bench under the shade of their pecan tree. I’m sure friendly squirrels will be eating pecans at their feet this fall. An elderly couple live there, and are very nice and friendly. I’m so blessed to have good neighbors all around me. My next-door neighbors on the other side of me keep a nice camper parked on their drive. It is so convenient for them to just hitch their pick-up to the camper, and head to the lake for a week-end get-away. The lake is just 15 miles away, and accommodates, several campers with electricity, water, and sewer disposal. A restaurant, with restroom and showers are also available for non-campers. The lake is most relaxing for the many people who frequently use it. My husband and I enjoyed fishing from a covered deck reaching far out into the lake, for many years.

I guess this is going to be one of my better days. It seems like I have many things coming to mind to be thankful for. I was truly in need of some comfort to my soul. The past two weeks have been filled with bad memories, and I had begun to think I was not going to get relieved from them. God never takes away all bad memories because we need part of them to keep us strong, but He does flood our minds with good memories, and hopes, to help us press on. All we need to do today is turn our televisions on to see how much love, hate, and forgiveness is happening now. Its like a great big pair of balance plates going up and down with never either plate touching the ground. If time keeps working with them they both come to a leveling point. I was impressed with John’s Vision described in chapter 6 of Revelations. When John saw the Lamb open the seals, in the third seal he saw a black horse, and he that sat upon him had a pair of balances in his hands. I painted John’s Vision and published it in my comments, “Jean’s Comments. ” The name of the blog article is “John’s Vision.” Everyone should read the entire chapter of Revelations 6. It fits right in with what is happening today. My blog site is,  jeansharp50.blogspot.com If you pull up my site and type in John’s Vision it should come up. The bible is unfolding right before our eyes. I use mainly the King James Version of the Holy Bible.

Ancient bible times are, and have put our own America to shame, and I might add shambles. Is there any hope? Not for those who don’t take God’s word seriously. I urge everyone including myself, and all others, to admit that we are blind to God’s word, and need more understanding of it. There is no way we can understand it if we don’t read and study it. I also urge people to stop following someone else’s opinion of the word of God. Seek Him and He will tell you exactly what He wants you to know, not what someone else wants you to know. God, The Holy Spirit, will teach you all things. Any other teaching, except those who teach you to sign up with the teacher, The Holy Spirit,” is totally false teaching. That is what I learned from the Holy Spirit. If this sounds complicated, it is, but it still is the truth. We must abstain from all other teaching but the teaching of the Holy Spirit. Don’t be deceived. The Holy Spirit only teaches those who quality for His school. Yes, one must be accepted by Jesus Christ, and recommended to the Holy Spirit. Let me clarify. We do learn from God’s chosen, and anointed teachers, but unless we are a student of The Holy Spirit, we do not always know which of the so-called prophets are really true. I can assure that there are many more false than are real .

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp