Wednesday, May 11, 2016

"Busy Days Brings Much Praise"

I found this little Robin's egg in my alley today. So sorry for her loss. 5-11-2016 Perryton Texas.

I have worked in the yard several hours today. While emptying trash in the dumpster I saw this little Robin’s egg lying on the ground in the alley. . It wasn’t cracked, but it was cold. I had a feeling of sympathy strike me. I looked around for a mother bird, but could not see any sign of one. There was no tree anywhere close, so surely this mother could not make it to her nest before dropping the egg. One of my grand daughters lived with me awhile when she was a little girl. I still have several of her personal things with me. The little basket I used to put the egg in was my grand daughters, and I thought it made a perfect casket for the pretty little Robin egg. As tired as I was I found it smoothing to sympathize with a mother bird.

I got a lot of yard work accomplished today. Did some mowing, and dug  several small flower beds to plant flowers. I will continue my adventure tomorrow. It helps me to stay active with my body. The first day I worked in the yard this year I was extremely tired and suffering with pain, but after a day of rest between I feel stronger and a lot less tired. I’m anxious to get back to my work tomorrow. I have several ideas I plan to create with my flower garden. I must thank God for letting me get over the muscle pain, and fit to move on with my work. “The joy of the Lord is my strength.”

I am expecting company from out of town for Memorial Day. I must hurry and  be through with my flower garden planting in time to prepare for the company. This same friend has visited me every Memorial Day since our husbands passed away. They are buried close together so we attend the yearly Memorial event that is sponsored by some of our Veterans. It is always so nice, and makes us feel close to our loving husbands for a little while. We also get to visit with several people who are there for the same reason that we are. Just to know that we all have said good-bye to some precious loved ones makes us feel connected. The cemetery always looks beautiful, and that makes us feel proud to have our loved ones resting there. We always go somewhere for lunch before going home. Sadly to say every year we visit the cemetery we see several more of our friends and acquaintances grave. It is a sad day, but a day we need to gather and celebrate the memories of our loved ones and dear friends. After a few tears we give thanks to Our lord for loving our precious loved ones as much as we do. He is to be praised forever, and ever, for caring enough to die for our sins. Also He cares enough to help us live on until our time comes. “Thank you Jesus for your love.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

, Texas.

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