Thursday, May 12, 2016

"Broadening My Flower Garden World"

A sneak-peek at my newly created flower garden. 5-12-2016 Perryton, Texas.

Yesterday was the first day of creating a larger flower garden for my pleasure. It took most of the day to prepare the ground. I did set out a few plants, but have done a lot more today. I arranged some stone disks around the small bed of plants I put out yesterday. I scraped the ground to clear it of anything growing. I made another trip to the nursery store to get some Powder Puff Dahlia bulbs. That is some of my most favorite flowers. I set my eyes on a few more gorgeous plants that are rather expensive, but beautiful. I need to find out if they come back each year. If so I will buy them. Tomorrow I will be lining the borders with mint. It definitely comes back every year, with a lot of extra than the year before. It does look nice, and gives off a minty smell. I am in the process of collecting rocks, mostly flat so I can walk through the garden without getting muddy. My next door neighbor has several bricks he is giving me. Chuck is also on the look-out.

I was surprised this morning to see a baby bird out of the nest and trying to hide because it couldn’t fly yet. I think it was a Robin. I thought it was too early for hatching. Especially for the birds to be old enough to leave the nest. I also took a picture of a small bull frog hopping around in my front yard flower bed. I am not looking for a baby snake, but I probably will see one as I have several times in the past. They are not part of my welcome guest. Chuck so carefully picks them up and gently takes them to the alley so I won’t kill them. He said he always tells them not to come back. I guess he thinks that will satisfy me. He calls them, “garden snakes,“ but I call them evil intruders. Somehow I’ve never seen their parents. If I did I think I would quickly put my house up for sale.

I enjoyed a long visit with my youngest sister today. She lives in Oklahoma City, and always lifts my spirits when I talk with her. She has had more than her share of hard times, but it seems to never get her down. She is one of those who will be happy with whatever they have to deal with, and never ask for more than they normally get. I don’t wish to be that way, but I do enjoy her positive attitude even though things look bad for her sometimes. As far as humbleness, I think she could almost compare with Jesus Christ. She has told me she has no fear of tomorrow. She just lives for today. I truly believe her. I am so grateful for her love and understanding as she lays all   jealously and envy aside. I will always see her as an happy, suffering, humble, and loving person that I cry about nightly. My God is her god, and He keeps her in his care. “Thank you Lord.”

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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