Friday, May 27, 2016

"More Bird Talk"

Mr. Robin is very upset with me. I am getting to close to his babies. 5-27-2016 Perryton, Texas
When I didn't leave at his first notice he ruffled up his feathers and started kicking at the fence post. 5-27-2016 Perryton, Texas.

A few days ago I posted a picture of a Robin’s nest with three little birds in it. They had just hatched out. A few days later I posted a picture of a Robin standing on the ground close to the nest. This Robin had a worm hanging out of it’s mouth. I thought it was the mother bird fixing to feed her babies, but my son, Chuck, told me it is the father bird that provides food and takes it to the mother who doesn’t leave the nest. She then feeds the babies. Today I am even more sure the bird with the worm in it’s mouth was the father. As I sat in a lawn chair this morning immediately a Robin landed on a line right above me and the nest. I didn’t move so the bird flew to the tree where the nest is. I think it was the father bird warning the mother that I was close. A few minutes later I was suddenly attracted to a bird kicking around on a fence post close to where I was setting. I took it’s picture. It is the first one I posted. Then the Robin ruffled his feathers and looked so angry that there was no doubt but this was the father trying to make me leave. The second picture I posted is the angry Robin. It is about time for the little birds to be put out of the nest. I am sure both father and mother are involved in that transaction of the little ones lives. I found this very interesting.

I took time out to mow the front yard because it looked like it might rain soon. It really tires me greatly, and I have to admit I’m not as young as I used to be. I do realize though how blessed I am to do the work I do. I can hardly remember when I didn’t work in the field or help my mom do laundry. L helped my dad do carpenter work also. You would be surprised at how good I am still at sawing, and hammering boards. It’s more of a hobby than work to me. I need to get away from time to time for some play and recreation, but I am of the opinion that everyone needs to do that. A good balance of work and play is good for the soul. I am always happy to join friends to take a short pleasure trip, or go out to eat. I welcome company in my home anytime. I’m not as involved in church activity as I used to be, but that is an issue that is bigger than I. I fear for the radical, and insincerity worship of the modern-day churches. I long for the person who will spring up and make our churches great again. My faith holds onto that hope. I have to blame myself as much as anyone else, because without a fight in anything that is worth having, it’s gone already. I never liked to fight. It was easier for me to leave than engage in a religious war. However, I’m not sure God would have it be that way. I hope I have not failed Him.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp 

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