Thursday, May 5, 2016

"Sunshine On My Path"

                           "Good morning sun. You look beautiful." 5-5-2016 Perryton, Texas.

I was up early enough to welcome a beautiful sunrise this morning. I can already feel blessings coming my way today. “Wait upon the Lord and He shall renew your strength.” A promise I cherish, and believe with all my heart. I am certain that with every battle comes victory. “No battle, no victory.” We were put here on earth to fight a good fight for our Lord. If we will trust Him we shall walk and not grow weary.

I am so thankful for the victory we have won over Donald Trump becoming the presumptive presidential nominee. I have been campaigning for him every since he announced his candidacy. I never wavered because I felt sure he was the one to pull America out of the crisis she is now in. Up to this point God has favored my opinion. Whether Donald gets enough support, and whether he is smart enough to handle the crooked politics involved, to get elected as our president remains to be seen. I truly believe he is God’s choice. And because I believe he is God’s choice he is also my choice. My own understanding would not agree with this, but when one trusts God for wisdom, it stood out in my mind that Donald was the man. I had to ignore every lie that was told on him, even though the human side of me asked, “what if?” I am one to stand upon my first impressions if I have committed my full trust in God. The bible warns us to beware of wolves in sheep’s clothing. Many people are so naïve they can be fooled so quickly, only to find out too late they failed to trust God. Their own judgment was wrong. A sin no matter how you look at it. Consequences must follow. I understand that Donald Trump is only human, and at his own admission has made mistakes. The fact is that every Ruler, since the beginning of time, be it God’s choice or not, has made some mistakes. Even the greatest King on earth, King David. Since King David was God’s choice, the sins of this great king were somehow forgiven, or possible accepted since God always has a plan for his own purpose. After all, the wisest King on earth was King Solomon, King David’s son from a wife he stole from a warrior whom he had killed on the front line of war. Sound terrible? But who are we to argue with God. Trust and obey if at first you feel led to support a person of high level authority. But remember it should not be a choice simply because of the person’s claim of being a prophet, or a person of God’s choice. It is highly unlikely that a person who fits this description is the choice of God.

I cannot say that Donald Trump will be the next United States President, because God does work in mysterious ways, but I can say I feel like God is ready to save America from the deep miry clay for which she has sunken into. I can also say that if it be so Donald Trump is the chosen one to do the job, laying aside all hypocritical entries. Let us plead for the mercies of God.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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