Saturday, May 7, 2016

"One Can Run From God But They Cannot Hide"

My next door neighbors have placed an welcome bench under their pecan tree in their yard. Such nice people, I live next too. 5-7-2016 Perryton, Texas.

As everyone can see the results of all the rain we’ve been getting is evident in the green lawns we are now enjoying. Our next-door neighbors even placed a welcome bench under the shade of their pecan tree. I’m sure friendly squirrels will be eating pecans at their feet this fall. An elderly couple live there, and are very nice and friendly. I’m so blessed to have good neighbors all around me. My next-door neighbors on the other side of me keep a nice camper parked on their drive. It is so convenient for them to just hitch their pick-up to the camper, and head to the lake for a week-end get-away. The lake is just 15 miles away, and accommodates, several campers with electricity, water, and sewer disposal. A restaurant, with restroom and showers are also available for non-campers. The lake is most relaxing for the many people who frequently use it. My husband and I enjoyed fishing from a covered deck reaching far out into the lake, for many years.

I guess this is going to be one of my better days. It seems like I have many things coming to mind to be thankful for. I was truly in need of some comfort to my soul. The past two weeks have been filled with bad memories, and I had begun to think I was not going to get relieved from them. God never takes away all bad memories because we need part of them to keep us strong, but He does flood our minds with good memories, and hopes, to help us press on. All we need to do today is turn our televisions on to see how much love, hate, and forgiveness is happening now. Its like a great big pair of balance plates going up and down with never either plate touching the ground. If time keeps working with them they both come to a leveling point. I was impressed with John’s Vision described in chapter 6 of Revelations. When John saw the Lamb open the seals, in the third seal he saw a black horse, and he that sat upon him had a pair of balances in his hands. I painted John’s Vision and published it in my comments, “Jean’s Comments. ” The name of the blog article is “John’s Vision.” Everyone should read the entire chapter of Revelations 6. It fits right in with what is happening today. My blog site is, If you pull up my site and type in John’s Vision it should come up. The bible is unfolding right before our eyes. I use mainly the King James Version of the Holy Bible.

Ancient bible times are, and have put our own America to shame, and I might add shambles. Is there any hope? Not for those who don’t take God’s word seriously. I urge everyone including myself, and all others, to admit that we are blind to God’s word, and need more understanding of it. There is no way we can understand it if we don’t read and study it. I also urge people to stop following someone else’s opinion of the word of God. Seek Him and He will tell you exactly what He wants you to know, not what someone else wants you to know. God, The Holy Spirit, will teach you all things. Any other teaching, except those who teach you to sign up with the teacher, The Holy Spirit,” is totally false teaching. That is what I learned from the Holy Spirit. If this sounds complicated, it is, but it still is the truth. We must abstain from all other teaching but the teaching of the Holy Spirit. Don’t be deceived. The Holy Spirit only teaches those who quality for His school. Yes, one must be accepted by Jesus Christ, and recommended to the Holy Spirit. Let me clarify. We do learn from God’s chosen, and anointed teachers, but unless we are a student of The Holy Spirit, we do not always know which of the so-called prophets are really true. I can assure that there are many more false than are real .

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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