Monday, May 2, 2016

"Sunshine After Rain"

Yah! The sun is shinning this morning after 48 hours of rain. Happy, happy. 5-2-2016 Perryton Texas

What a gorgeous sunshine this morning. After forty-eight hours of rain it is now fixing to make things start growing like crazy. The bright sun is telling me so. No more dark clouds for awhile. I love that feeling, and plan to get  out of my recliner to start working. I started a painting awhile back of Melania Trump. I will now finish it while the sun shines. She is a joy to paint since I believe she will be our next First Lady. She is one beautiful and classy lady. The painting I am doing of her has her sitting in a Royal-like chair. She is dressed in a floor length blue formal. Her legs are showing from the knees down. Her hair is long and pulled to one side. A very dramatic shot of her. It will be a large picture when I mount it in the lovely frame. I have already painted her husband, Donald Trump, just after he announced his candidacy for president. His painting hung at the Senior Citizen’s Center for several months. An artist puts hundreds of hours of almost excruciating pain into every painting they complete. The satisfaction they feel when the subject is finished is worth every minute of their time. The problem is I never want to stop working with my painting to let the paint dry so I can continue with it. I loose my extreme emotion, and have to start all over again. I understand it is good for an artist to change their mind from time to time. After pondering with the subject something may become more important than first thought. My passion is art, and I am thankful that I can keep occupied for hours with it.

I mentioned on my blog yesterday that my mother would be 102 on the 4th of this month, (May). I must say that my dad would be 117 on the 16th of this month. Both parents have  stayed alive in my heart. It’s like they almost still live with me. I loved them dearly, and will always regret that I didn’t tell them that more often. Somehow I thought actions spoke louder than words, and I know both of my parents knew by my actions to them that I loved them. I used to think when one dies and leaves this earth they will never remember anything about the life they lived while here. However, I do believe we will be read our earthly deeds and we will remember them. Thereafter I don’t know what to expect since the Word tells us that, “we are not to know the mysteries of God.” I will never try to tell God the way I want things to be when I get to heaven. I have His promises that all will be much better than this earthly life. I look forward to being there. Fear never leaves us until after the last breath, but the Word also tells us “death is our last enemy.” Everyone must face it. Peace is for us if we trust God.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp
n, Texas.

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