Sunday, May 22, 2016

"Joy Fills My Heart Today"

I did get a picture of the baby Robins. The mother flew away so I climbed upon a ladder and got their picture. I think there are three. Double click to see them better. 5-22-2016 Perryton, Texas.

I made a hit this morning. The mother Robin flew away from her nest so I got the ladder climbed up and took a picture of her babies. I think there are three of them. I couldn’t see them, but I held the camera over the nest and took the picture. I very hurriedly took the ladder down and tried to act innocent. I am sure that mother was watching me closely. I am excited about getting a picture of her babies before they were hardly dry. I may paint their picture later on. It would make a great “mother nature” painting, since the nest is so large, and so close to the ground, not mentioning that the tree is five feet from my window.

I also slipped upon a small toad frog from behind, and he had no where to go but up the tin sheet that I had under my faucet. Many frogs are hopping around in my back yard, but they always find a place to jump into so I can’t take a picture. What a beautiful day with much natural beauty everywhere. I still have lots of yard work to do mostly finishing the flower garden. I was so happy yesterday to find several sprigs of exotic grass coming up from one plant I have had for several years. This is the first time ever to see little plants that I can dig up and set out. The older plant is so nice to look at. It’s about four feet tall, and spreads out over a wide area. It is now in full head with long silver, very thin blades, waving gently in the wind. I haven’t been able to find another plant like it anywhere. Now I will be able to transplant the new sprigs coming up.

I am reaching for the moon, but I know if I get there I have to keep climbing. It’s sure to happen if I can keep the same spirit I feel today. Our God is all powerful, and can do anything we ask if we will only trust and believe in Him. Some of my family need to be expecting good news, because I am again asking God to bless you. Be prepared to acknowledge that God has given you this blessing, and thank Him for it with all your heart. “Great is the victory that over comes the world.” We all just need to remember it is not by any good thing we did to be worthy of the blessings we receive. It is only because we asked, and believed, that God answered. Let us lift our hands in praise, and ask God what we can do to help others who lack faith to ask God for a blessing. I leave you now with this thought. Nothing in this world is worth having if we didn’t pay a dear price for it. That is a spiritual thought, not a worldly one. When we have put much time, and effort, into preparing ourselves for great things, then we have the right to ask God to let us prosper accordingly. He will answer if you don’t deny yourself by thinking you are not worthy after you receive it. Yes, we have to be somewhat famous, if God so willingly offers us the chance. “Congratulations, my dear loved one.”

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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