Thursday, May 19, 2016

"Life Without Pain Is A Lie"

So proud of my beautiful roses. I'm working with getting the back yard as nice as the front. 5-19-2016 Perryton, Texas.
These beautiful roses belong to my next door neighbor, but a sloping fence separates them from my flower bed, so I claim the roses also. 5-19-201 Perryton, Texas.

We did have more rain last night so I have been shut out of my flower garden again. Everything looks nice and green so I’m not complaining. My body needed some rest anyway. I have been painting on Melania Trump’s portrait this morning. I am anxious to finish it, but since she is so beautiful I don’t want to fail to justify  that beauty by rushing it up. I don’t mind if the rain keeps coming until I finish the portrait. I need badly to keep my concentration. One thing at a time is most important when doing a portrait. Thank God for the rain in more ways than one. I did get a lot done to add a new flower garden in my back yard. I started it a few days before it started raining, and have been able to work a little in between the rain that keeps on coming. I am so happy, and so excited about the blessings I have recently had, and the ones that are coming soon. Faith has paid off, and faith will pay off again. I can hardly keep my feet on the ground. There is nothing greater than being called upon by the Lord to shout  out his victory. We don’t need to go to a party and get drunk. We can be highly overjoyed  in our own home with no one but our self and God. Of course the victory party ends just like the alcohol party ends, but we don’t have to carry around the guilt of substituting God for alcohol. Then there is the bonus prize of staying well, and keeping our bills paid. But the best of all is knowing that our Heavenly Father will never leave, nor forsake us. He gives us more than we ask for if we will turn away from the foolish ways and get serious with Him. It’s not like we have to be perfect. We just have to believe in Him, and love and respect Him, because He is, “The  Way, the Truth, and the Light.”  A lot of the pain we endure is self inflected. I do believe for sure that we reap what we sow, because His Word tells us so. But the good thing about it God will treat our pain just like our earthly fathers did. Our pain is His pain. If we try to blame God at any time for our troubles, we are just pushing Him away. I doubt that He will knock us down so He can talk to us. If we get down the best way up is to repent, and never get carried away with self pity again. We cannot ask God to give us blessings on a silver tray. We must take them on whatever tray He offers them on. If He gives us a promotion on a tin tray, Praise Him, for He loved us enough to offer something whether we deserved it or not. The most overlooked blessings are those that people don’t recognize. They need to quit elevating themselves, and start elevating God. My advise, be strong, and accept those whom you think are below you, and love them for what they are. You never know whether they are in God’s will or not. Probably they are not according to your belief, but don’t forget Judas. Someone had to fulfill the plan of God by betraying Jesus. And don’t tell me Judas went to hell, because the bible does not say that. His guilt caused him to hang himself, but my bible says he repented before he hanged himself. It’s so easy to find fault with others, but who is that perfect one, except Jesus?

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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