Monday, May 23, 2016

"Age Is No Excuse To Neglect God"

      Moon shinning through my bedroom window at 1:00 this morning. 5-23-2016 Perryton, Texas.

We had a rough evening, and night here in Perryton, Texas last night. We were under a tornado alert for about three hours. Tornado’s were threatening us from every direction. One was spotted right over Perryton, but the whistle never did go off. I finally went to bed at 11:00 p.m. I awoke at 1:00 a.m. to see this bright moon shinning through my bedroom window. I could not believe this after so many hours of dark clouds, and threatening  tornados. I had to get up and take a picture. I missed seeing the bright red Mars that was suppose to be in full view last night. My last time to look for it was at 11 o’clock just before I went to bed. The sky was still jet black with large clouds. Today the sun is shinning bright, and everything looks well watered. I’m thankful for being protected again by our loving God. Also it’s nice to have our yards watered generously, and keeping our water bills low. I’ll be waiting a few more days now to get back to doing my garden work. The weeds are growing faster than I can keep them chopped out. However, I am gaining on it little by little.

I must start checking off some things on my, “to do list” today. So far I haven’t done one thing that was posted. Wash dishes, go to grocery store, go to bank, do laundry, and get a lot more done on my painting. I just don’t have the self-push, that I used to have. I really like being my own boss even though I don’t get as much done. I claim this, life of freedom, a gift of God, although I know He still makes demands. He gave us all the “Ten Commandants” to live by before, and after, retirement. It is a life long commitment He requires of us. The “Ten Commandants” was given by God to Moses to give His people so they would always be blessed if they lived by them. I think it would help if we all would stick a copy of them on our refrigerator door. Right now I can only think of seven of them. Every one of those commandants are important. It’s bad business for our courts, and schools, to have had to remove them from their walls. America is no longer a nation of Christian belief. It is a Godless nation tempting God every day we exist. As much as I hate to rebuke some of my best friends, family, and loved ones, there is no other way but to remind them of their duty to read, and obey the Word of God, “The Holy Bible.” To follow the latest trend in music, dress, idol worship, and all other condemned acts of God, is to sit one’s self up for a great fall. The evil power of this world has captured many, and they need to realize it, and seek deliverance every day. I am convinced by reading God’s Word, that few will ever escape the trap that was set for them. They who are lovers of evil more than lovers of God will perish with the evil. A wake-up call is in order.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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