Thursday, May 26, 2016

"Nature And The Natural Side Of Life"

We had about a 5 minute rain from the clouds surrounding the sun. Very unusual weather. 5-26-2016 Perryton, Texas.
I dare try to predict what these clouds have in store for us. Anything but tornadoes I hope. 5-26-2016 Perryton, Texas.

 I worked in the yard a couple of hours today. The sun was shinning bright, and the ground was pretty dry. I watered everything, and set out some mum plants. I walked outside at 5 0’clock p.m. and saw that it had been raining. The sun was still shinning, but was surrounded by funny-looking clouds. I just hope I can do some more yard work tomorrow, as the grass is getting so tall. My neighbors who have the basement I depend on for storm protection left today with their camper, so I will be hunting for another place to find shelter. This scary weather can’t end too soon for me. My friend from Oklahoma City who was coming this week-end for memorial Day called and cancelled her trip. She didn’t trust the weather. I told her I thought that was a good idea, but that I would miss her. I’m sure she will be coming as soon as the storms let up. I don’t expect to be feeling good for at least another couple of weeks. Memorial Day time is always hard for me even without the stormy weather. I have faith to know that I will get over it, and I can assume my, more interesting, work. The fact that I have friends to share my sorrow with is a wonderful blessing. I fail to thank them enough.

The very good news today is that Donald Trump has clinched the 1,237 delegates needed to win the GOP nomination. Everything is looking better for him, and the United States every day. I have no doubt but that Trump will miraculously end tons of evil, and corrupt, business in our country. I have purchased a ringside ticket to watch the greatest show that’s ever been broadcast on this earth. How nice it is not to be one of the characters. I am a member of the audience who will be laughing with all my heart just seeing the faces of those who have finally been brought to justice. I know that the number of God fearing, and God loving, people is much less than the opposite army, but I also know that the leader of the lesser number is greater than all the larger army put together. We can, and will,  take our country back without all the nonsense that has sounded the loudest for years. Donald Trump has been sent to this nation to rescue the perishing remains. I am so thankful that God let me see that when Mr. Trump made his official announcement for a candidate to the GOP presidency. I have never wavered from that first  feeling that Trump was the one. I will stand with him through thick and thin because I trust my, God-given, wisdom. Not my own, but God’s. I will never try to understand it. I will just accept it, and follow with the daily changes that will eventually “Make America Great Again.” God bless Mr. Trump, and his wonderful family.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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