Saturday, May 14, 2016

"Work And Pray- Expect The Best"

A daytime moon shinning in another part of the world. As the world turns the moon changes to light. 5-14-2016 Perryton, Texas.
                             A closer view of the daytime moon. 5-14-2016 Perryton, Texas
This beautiful Saturday afternoon is showing us a white moon high in the clear blue sky. It is slightly cool here after a light shower last night. We are amazed at the still cool weather this late into the spring. It was 60 degrees  in my house this morning. We are still having to use the heater some. The cool, wet days gives me a break from yard work. I truly needed the rest, although I had several things I wanted to work with in the flower garden today. I’m so thankful that My Heavenly Father knows what’s best for me. I did the work of a horse yesterday putting in several long hours. My body said, “I’m tired, give me a break.” The rain made it possible. I cooked dinner today instead of having sandwiches again. I also did some laundry, and visited with my son in Houston. I talked with my sister in Oklahoma City, who was just leaving the hospital from having her other hip surgery. She has had a rough three months, but should be in a much better shape within a few weeks. I wish I lived closer to her so I could help, but she does have daughters there to help her. Since tomorrow is Sunday I will be resting again all day. Hopefully by Monday I will be back in the yard doing a lot of things I have on my list to do.

I will now try to connect my message to the above paragraph. No matter how much we try to stay occupied, engage in friendly conversations, rest our bodies and minds, or any other acts of lively hood, we still are victims of discouragement and depression. It not only affects the elderly who know without a doubt that they are nearing the end of life, but it also affects those who are grieving the loss of a loved one, or are having a struggle with pain, financial difficulties, feelings of  rejection by loved ones, feeling defeat from what used to be happy times, and all other issues that comes with life. To put it bluntly, life is hard to bear if one is sincerely trying to do good and treat others right. Inside all humans are that fragment of evil that drove Satan out of heaven. We must, just must fight that evil bit of agnostic nature that is dominant within all. Without the help of God, it is impossible to do that. If we move a little too far from the heart of God, we most definitely will be in trouble. Not one of us is big enough to handle our troubles by ourselves. Let us remember if we want to be able to keep winning our battles, we must make sure God is in command. We cannot tell the Commander-in-Chief what to do. We must follow His command even though we think we know better. Let us all get back in step with God.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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