Wednesday, May 25, 2016

"Feed The Hungry And Comfort The Sorrowful"

So sweet to watch the mother Robin finding worms to take up to the nest to feed her babies. 5-25-2016 Perryton, Texas.
This is a closer up of the worm in the Robin's mouth.She is going to feed her babies. 5-25-2016 Perryton, Texas.

For those of you who have been following my blogs the Mother Robin who hatched out three little birds is now picking up worms to feed them. I posted a picture of the little ones in the nest, just hatched out, about four days ago. The mother don’t get very far from them, and this tree where she has the worm in her mouth is just a few feet from the nest where her babies are. I never expected to get a picture of the mother with a worm hanging out her mouth, but it is very plain. I watched her fly back to the nest to feed the babies. A beautiful act of nature. As I walked across the, needed to be cut, grass I jumped, stumbled, and screamed several times because little toad frogs were hopping all around me. I was sure I would crush one under my feet, and I didn’t know but what I might be stepping on a little bird who was out of the nest, but couldn’t fly yet. I will be glad when all the pregnant mothers have their little ones, and they develop enough to take care of themselves. I don’t like my yard being used for a nursery. I stepped in two holes that I believe either baby rabbits were in, or the mother rabbit is fixing to deliver there. Woosh! Get me out of there. She has the hole filled in with grass. I can’t see it, but I know when I have stepped in it. I exited the yard right away.

I must report that the storm we were advised to take notice of last nigh missed us altogether. We didn’t even have any rain. Although I hear we are suppose to have some bad weather this week-end. These threats keep me at home. I am afraid to go anywhere out of town. I will be happier when all signs of bad weather is gone. This week-end is Memorial Day, and I am suppose to be having company from Oklahoma City. A celebration is planned at the cemetery, so I hope it will be nice for that. I am anxious to go out and have my big cry, and get it over with. My heart has been broken so many times till it’s impossible to ever put it back together, but I can bear the pain with the help of my Lord, and friends. We must keep traveling because we are not there yet. The road sign reads, “Heaven straight ahead.” There are no exits. It’s been a long straight road to travel, and I hope it’s not much further. What a great reunion day that will be. I want to thank everyone who has helped me stay on the right road, and everyone who will be helping me when I reach the end. Nothing is more important to me than the love shown me from many. I hope I can be of equal help to others. I had a person who is struggling with life to call me this morning. A guy my son’s age who has had nothing but trouble most of his life. He has done everything in the book to find favor with God, but it seems like all he can expect is just more faith. He keeps forgetting my son’s number, and he calls me to get it. Then he always apologies for bothering me. He always asks how I am doing. He said to me this morning, “Mrs. Sharp if I can ever be of any help to you please let me know.” I made a slight laugh, meaning “thank you, I’m so grateful,” but the young man said, “I know you are laughing, but…. I stopped him quickly saying, “no I’m not laughing dear. I am just letting you know how much I appreciate that. You never know when I might need you, and I will call on you.” Then he said again, Chuck has my number, please call me. I felt like I had almost been horse-whipped by God. I never realized just how terribly bad this guy has suffered from regret, and failure to find favor with God. He has been trying to please God for years. I never knew of anything this fellow has done that is all that bad. I have always thought of him as being a gentleman, and thoughtful of others. He has had a lot of bad things happen to him that I don’t understand, but I truly believe it is Satan’s work of deceit because he found a person of vulnerability. This guy calls my son only to be encouraged by him, and to offer any encouragement he can give Chuck. This gentleman is being punished unfairly, and I plan to make it a high priority on my prayer list, to touch God on his behalf. It broke my heart when he said I know you are laughing at me. I finally realized how forsaken he felt. He feels denied by most everyone including God, yet he still pleads with God daily. This fellow is nice-looking, polite, humble, and a lot more. He is a prisoner of Satan. I ask for your prayers that he might be freed from the guilt the enemy has made him a prisoner of.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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