Sunday, May 29, 2016

"Repent And Show Yourselves Repented"

Dark and threatening clouds have been hanging over Perryton, Texas all day. 5-29-2016 Perryton, Texas.

For the most part of the day dark, and threatening clouds have been hovering over us. We have been under a tornado watch a big part of the day. At 5:30 p.m. we are still under a severe storm warning. So far just a slight rain has happened. I am anxiously awaiting for clear skies, and a report that they will be here for a long time. This bad weather has hung on for several weeks. I have begun to feel like a shut-in. The nice days have been here now and then, but not for very long at a time. Some roads in our area have washed out, and caused some bad accidents. Other places have flooded and have done a lot of damage to owners homes, and recreational areas. I have only minor things to complain about. I truly am thankful. My worst worry is what might happen next. It must be a sign of little faith. I don’t know how many churches cancelled services today, but even those who didn’t I feel had a very small attendance. Even now as I write my computer is acting up. It sounds like someone is hitting it hard enough to make it yelp every little bit. I will have to reset all the clocks before going to bed. My yard has rose peddles all over it. They are too wet, and there’s not enough wind to blow them away.

I don’t know if the weather will permit for the Memorial Day services tomorrow, but I do hope to be able to go. I look forward to this celebration for our veterans, and all our friends and loved ones every year. Many people will be gathered there to join in prayer, and  praise for those who have said good-bye to this old world of sorrow and pain. I can look around and see that I am just one of many who are grieving for lost loved ones. Somehow it seems to make it a little easier. I have loved ones in many cemeteries scattered all around that I cannot visit their graves, but I always think of them all. “What a day that will be when my Jesus I shall see, and all my loved ones there will be, forever in eternity.” This is what makes us all strong enough to keep pressing on. We will be set free by and by. The longer we live the more trials we have to endure, but when our time comes it will have been worth it all. If only we could love each other more, and treat our brothers and sisters like Jesus treats us we all would be less sinful, and more victorious. I long for the day when no one will judge but God. To all those who say they know how God will judge them, I say they are wrong. The word says, “Every man’s ways is right in his own eyes, but the Lord weighs the hearts.”  Proverbs 21:2. Can we all possible agree with this proverb, and leave the judging to God? That does not mean we cannot disagree with those who break the laws of our land, but there also is an earthly judge who will take care of those. We must love our enemies as ourselves, and do not send them to hell in your own words.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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