Monday, May 9, 2016

"A Heavenly Reminder"

More flowers are beginning to open up. Not too visible in this pic, but double click and they show up better. 5-9-2016 Perryton, Texas.
Blackberries are blooming nicely. Spring is so real, and so welcomed around here. 5-9-2016 Perryton, Texas.

It seems like it’s been a long time since last spring, but I am bouncing back to normal, and I believe it’s going to be one of the best I’ve ever had. I am noticing flowers blooming in places where they have never been before. The seeds must have scattered all over the yard. I am starting to expand my flower garden. More work, but more beauty also. Somehow flowers make me feel closer to heaven. God has a way of sharing with us. The birds were singing this morning darting in and out of every tree and bush. They wouldn’t even be still long enough for me to take a picture. The robin nest is still in tack just above my eye level tightly fastened to the limbs of a plum tree. I can’t tell if there is eggs there or not. I don’t want to molest the nest for fear the mother bird will abandon it. This is such an unusual sight. I have to wonder what that mother bird was thinking. When I first noticed it Chuck and I moved some branches to take a picture. He even climbed up enough to see that there were no eggs. But now we’re wondering if the mother decided to abandon it for she probably knew something had been going on. The nest is hidden so well till one has to be looking closely for plums before they notice it. I hope we didn’t scare the pretty mother robin away from her hard work where she  planned to give birth  to her babies.

I have several things on my list to do today. So far I have just finished one. I made banana nut bread, and am  now writing my blog. I must hurry if I finish all the other things. Like go to post office, call my sister, wash some dishes, and spend several hours on my painting. These are have to do things, and I want to do a few more other things. Now that Mother’s Day is over I have to admit that I am still a person with duties, and must move on. However, it was nice to gloat all day about my children, and have them tell me how much they loved me. I do thank God for all four of them, and for what He made each one to produce. These four children represent a multitude of differences, but I love each one for their own natural ways. They all loved their dad and mom, and nothing else matters. I know this may sound boastful, but I think God gave me four of the best He had. He has always helped me take care of them, and when they were sick He healed them. Now my grand children are being taken care of also. Some are more influential than others, but all know that God is with them, and for them. We all stick together through thick or thin. We will make it to heaven by and by.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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